
果果英语网 2023-07-26

英语考题?They ___ (help) Granny Li ___ (clean) her house tomorrow afternoon.做英语时态考题的常犯错误:一、那么,英语考题?一起来了解一下吧。













时态(tense)是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。它是表示行为、动作、状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式,下面告诉你初中英语时态练习,大家一起来看看吧!初中英语时态练习:初一英语动词时态练习题之一般将来时,用所给词的适当形式填空,完成句子。1. It ___________________ (be) my birthday next Thursday.2. All the young people in the town are glad __________ (hear) that a famous musician _____ (give) a concert this Saturday evening.3. I _____________ (wirte) to you as soon as I get to Guangzhou.4. They ________________ (not have) an English Evening this week. They ____________ (have) it next week.5. She ___________ (do) her homework now, but she ___________ (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.6. John is always busy. He ____________ (sleep) only six hours every night.7. They ____________ (plant) trees on the hill next week.8. Jane ________________ (not finish) the work if you don't help her.9. They ______________ (help) Granny Li _____________ (clean) her house tomorrow afternoon.做英语时态考题的常犯错误:一、未理解进行时态表将来意义而出错1. The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers ______. (2012山东卷)A. will leave B. are leaving C. have left D. were leaving.分析:根据句意,空格处可用过去将来时或过去完成时,分别表示员工将要离开或已经离开让经理很担心,但句中既没有过去将来时也没有过去完成时,所以许多考生不知道如何选择。


【 #小学英语#导语】做题是学生在学习过程中的一种输出,是检验学生对知识是否掌握的一种手段,同时也特别容易暴露学生存在的问题。所以教师在考试时一定要是有序的、台阶式的,这样可使学生的学习任务变得容易,要让他们有成就感,避免其产生畏难和厌烦情绪。以下是整理的《小学四年级英语月考题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



1.from, a , my,is ,it , postcard , cousin (.)

2.holiday, you, have, did, nice ,a (?)

3. Sam , on ,didn’t, computer, play(.)

4.will , I, on , my, take, ball , Saturday (.)

5.be, will, it,cloudy, Beijing, in(?)

二. 选择.(圈出正确的中文意思)。

1. brother A. 兄弟 B. 姐妹 C. 爷爷

2. thanks A. 谢谢 B. 茶壶 C. 郊游

3. monkey A. 老虎 B. 猴子 C. 大象

4. bread A. 饺子 B. 果酱 C. 面包

5. small A. 大的 B. 左边的 C. 小的


一. 根据左右句子的内扒岁埋容, 连线组成完整的对话。


Part 1 作文

Part 2 快速阅读 共10题

Part 3 听力 第一部分是对话 第二部分是文章 第三部分是填空

Part 4 阅读理解 共三篇 第一篇是方框选词 后两篇是选择题

Part 5 选词填空 共20题

Part 6 翻译句子 共5句





1.重庆A卷Don’t worry. Bill will help you look after your dog when you ________ away on business.

A. are B. were C. will be D. have been

2. 山东烟台 Yesterday the teacher told us the earth ______ the sun.

A.goes around B. went around C. is going around D. would go around

3.湖南长沙 ---I think I’ll take a bus to the meeting.

----The bus ? If you ______, you will be late.

A.do B.have done C.will do

4.四川宜宾 We don’t know if our friend _____. If he _____, we’ll let you know.

A.comes, comes B.comes, will come C.will come, comes

5.甘肃武威If we ______take environmental problems seriously, the earth ______worse and worse.

A.don’t, won’t be B.won’t isn’t C.won’t, is D.don’t will be

6.河北 Grandpa _______ glasses when he reads.

A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was wearing

7.甘肃张掖If we _____ take environmental problems seriously, the earth _____worse and worse.

A.don’t , won’t be B.won’t, isn’t C.won’t, is D.don’t , will be

8.黑龙江龙东We each ______WeChat nowadays,even the old people.

A.play B.plays C.playing

9.辽宁丹东Our geography teacher told us that the earth _____the sun.

A.went around B.goes around C.is going around D.was going around


1.山东泰安 ----Have you ever climbed Mount Tai , Carol ?

----Yes, I ______ in Taian for a week last year and reached the top of it twice.

A. had stayed B. stay C. stayed D. have stayed

2.湖南长沙 ----Your coat fits you well.

----Thank you. I _______ it when I was on a vacation.

A.have bought B.buy C.bought

3.湖南株洲 He ______in Zhuzhou since seven years ago.

A.works B.worked C.has worked

4.浙江温州I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ____ me to Disneyland at weekends

A.takes B.took C.will take D.has taken

5.山东菏泽----Oh no, I can’t find my mobile phone.

-----Well, where _____ you last put it ?

A.have B.do C.did

6.四川绵阳----Don’t see the sign” No Parking!” on the right?

---Sorry, I _____. But now I know parking here is not right.

A.don’t B.didn’t C.hadn’t D.doesn’t

7.江苏连云港---Did Billy and Anna find a way out at last ?

----Yes, they _____ a plan and did it.

A.were working out B.worked out C.are working out D.have worked out

8.江苏无锡My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ____ half of it.

A.missed B.was missing C.will miss D.would miss

9.湖北鄂州--- I remember there _____ a lot of fish in Yanglan Lake. Now it has been polluted.

--What a pity! I think we should play a role in protecting the environment.

A. are used to have B. are used to be

C. used to have D. used to be

10.上海Last week Vivian _____a dress for her mother with her first salary.

A.buy B.bought C.will buy D.would buy

11.内蒙呼和浩特---I have to be off right now.

---What a pity! I _____ you could stay a little loner with us.

A.thought B.am thinking C.think D.was thinking

12.北京 ---Where did you go last weekend?

---I to the Great Wall.

A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone

13.河南---There is someone knocking at the door.

----It must be the computer repairman. I _____him to come to fix my computer.

A.call B.have called C.called D.will call

14.黑龙江齐齐哈尔The pair of trousers _____me. I’ll take it.

A.fit B.fits C.will fit

15.河北 Oh, no! I _______ the book in the lab.

A. leave B. left C. will leaveD. was leaving

16.湖北武汉---Who is that lady?

---She’s Miss Green. She_______us music,and she is so good .

A.taught B. teaches C.will teach D. is teaching

17.辽宁丹东----I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland II (爱丽丝梦游仙境II)。


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