
果果英语网 2023-08-16

雅思口语最新题库?同学您好:雅思口语题库:雅思口语高频话题汇总 口语对于大多数考生来说可能是一块心病,我们害怕和考官面对面的交流,习惯了“哑巴英语”的我们,总是在口语考试中触礁。但是雅思口语考试时有迹可循的,那么,雅思口语最新题库?一起来了解一下吧。








雅思口语第一部分高频话题,经常围绕考生的Personal Infor?mation 展开,包括

家乡背景类介绍,如can you say something different about your hometown。

学习工作类,如what is your opinion about your job/major 。

兴趣爱好类,如What do you usually do in your free time 。

经常针对这一类考题所涉及到的话题,最常见的围绕于music, reading, TV, film, sport, Internet…





2014雅思指前基口语新题part one


总的来说2014第一季度的part one没有太多意外,90%的话题还是走以往的路线,除了一些老题目的变体












Part2&3 话题


Part One

1.Name 名字

What is your name?

Does your name have any special meanings?

What are some common names in your culture?

Are there any rules to give names to the children in China?

2.Hometown 家乡

Where are you from?

What do you like the best in your hometown?

What do you dislike about it?

Will you live there long?

3.Accommodation 住宿

Who do you live with?

Where do you live?

How long does it take you to get to school/work?

Do you cook by yourself or eat in the canteen?

Where would like to live?

4.Work/study 工作/学习

Are you working or studying?

What is your major?

Do you like your major?

What training have you received for your job?

Will you continue doing your job in the future?

5.Sunny days 晴天

Do you like sunny days?

Do you like the sunshine?

What do you do on sunny days?

How do you feel about the sunshine?

What are the problems about sunny days?

Do you want to live in a place with plenty of sunshine?

6. Rainy days 下雨天

Do you like rainy days?

What do you do on rainy days?

Do you prefer an umbrella or a raincoat when it rains?

What place rains a lot in your country?


What is your favourite transportation?

How did you come here today?

Do you often take the bus?

Is it convenient to take the bus in your hometown?


How oldwere you when you started school?

Wheredid you go to school?

How didyou go to school each day?

Did you like your school?

Haveyou ever visited your school after graduation?

9.Outdoor activities

Do youlike outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities do you like to do?

How often do you do outdoor activities?

Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?


Do you remember your dream when you wake up?

Do you like hearing others' dreams?

Do you think dream will affect life?

Do you want to learn more about dreams?

Will you wake up every morning thinking about your dream?


Do you usually send messages or make phone calls?

Which do you prefer if there’s something important?

When will you prefer messages?

Do you think messages can convey the information well?

12.Mobile phones

Do you have a mobile phone?

What do you use it for?

How do you think mobile phones will develop in the future?


Do you prefer writing or typing?

How often do you write by hand?

Do you think computer typing will replace handwriting?

How can children improve their handwriting?


How often do you use a dictionary?

Do you prefer a paper dictionary or an electronic one?

Would you like to receive a dictionary as a gift?


Can you drive?

Does your family have a car?

What advice would you give people about safe driving?


Do you like travelling?

What is your favourite transportation when you are travelling?

Have you travelled alone?

What place in China do you recommend foreigners to visit?


Do you think people should work on weekends?

Should people be paid extra money for working on weekends?

What do you do on weekends?


Do you like walking?

Where do you usually walk?

Who do you walk with?

When do you walk?


Do you like watching TV?

What kind of TV programmes are popular in your country?

Are children spending much time in watching TV?


Do you like reading?

What do you like to read?

Where do you usually read?


Do you like to take photos?

In what situations do you take photos?

What kind of photos do you like to take?

Do you prefer to take photos of people or scenery?

How do you keep your photos?

Is photography a popular hobby in China?


Are parents stricter than before?

What do your family do together?

How much time do you spend with your family?

Which is more important, family or friend?


What doyou do when you’re with your friends?

How doyou make friends?

Do youhave many friends?

Do youchat with your friends on line?

Do youkeep in touch with your friends from childhood?

24.Animals and Pets

Do you like animals?

What is your favourite animal?

What kind of animals do people keep as pets in your country?


How long do you sleep every day?

How long do you think an adult should sleep every day?

Is it good to take a nap after lunch?

Do you have any habits before sleeping?


Have you been to a concert before?

Are concerts ever held in your hometown?

Would you like to go to a concert in the future?

Would you prefer to watch a concert on TV or to attend a live concert?

27.Parks and Gardens

Do you often go to a park or garden?

What do people do in parks/gardens?

What are the functions of parks/gardens?


Do youlike to give gifts?

Do youprefer giving gifts or receiving them?

Whatare some popular gifts in China?

Who didyou give the last gift to?


Where can you see advertisements?

What are some common advertisements?

What do you think about the ads in buildings?

What do you think about the ads popped up when you surf the Internet?


Who do you have meals with?

What do you usually have for meals?

Are there any changes in the eating habits of Chinese people?

31.Time management

What do you like doing in the morning?

What is your busiest time?

How much time do you spend at home?

Are you punctual?

What do you usually do in your daily time?

What is your favourite part of the day?

Are your weekday and weekend routines different?

What isyour worst part of the day?

Do you prefer to study in the morning or at afternoon? Why?


How did you celebrate your birthday in your childhood?

What do you like doing on your birthdays?

Are birthdays important to you?

What are some important birthdays in Chinese culture?

What are the differences between the ways you celebrated your birthdays in the past and you do it at present?


Do you know your neighbours?

Do you often communicate with or help each other?

Do you prefer younger or older neighbours?


Do you often read newspapers or magazines?

Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?

How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?

Do you think it’s important to read newspapers?


What kind of jewellery do you like to buy?

How often do you wear jewellery?

What’s your attitude towards jewellery?


What kind of fruit do you like? Why?

Did you like to eat fruit when you were a child?

Is it important to eat fruit?

37.Pop star

Do you have a favourite pop star?

Would you want to be a pop star?

Do you often go to concerts?

Would you like to go to a concert in the future?


What types of news do you like?

How important is it for you to get the news every day?

How do you usually find the news?

Do you often read newspapers?

What influence do you think newspapers have on society?


Do you like history?

Who’s you favourite historic figure?

Do you like watching historic movies?

Which historic site do you want to visit?


Do youlike to spend time with teenagers?

What dothey like?

Whatare the best things of being a teenager?

How doteenagers entertain themselves?


What do you do on weekends?

When do you get up on weekends?

Are weekends important?


Have you taken a boat? What kind of boat is it?

Where did you take the boat?

Do you like taking a boat?


Do you like shopping?

Where do you usually go shopping?

What do people in your country like to buy?

What are the differences between a street market and a supermarket?

44.High school

Can you describe one of the schools you have been to?

What were the good things about that school? [Why?]

Which school did you like the most? [Why?]

What was the first day like when you went to school?

Do you miss being a student?


Who taught you to be polite when you were a child?

How do people show politeness (towards others) in your country?

What is the most important point to be polite?

Is politeness expressed differently in different cultures?

Arethere any changes in politeness in your culture?

When dopeople use polite words?

46.Computer/the Internet

How often do you use a computer?

What do you usually do with the Internet?

Why is the Internet becoming increasingly popular?

Do you think that life is better with the Internet?

What’s the influence of the Internet on you?

47.Indoor activity

Do you prefer staying at home or going out?

What do you do at home?

What are some popular indoor games?


What kind of music do you like?

Where do you go to listen to the music?

Do you prefer concerts or recorded music?


Do you write many letters or e-mails?

Which do you write more often, e-mails or letters?

How often do you write an e-mail or a letter?

What do you usually write about?

Who do you usually write to?


How often do you go on holidays?

What do you do in your holidays?

Who do you usually spend holiday with?

Why are holidays important to you?




考官(Part3): What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with friends?

考生:Well, one of the obvious benefits to living with friends is that you're rarely lonely. You always have someone around to talk to. It's good to share your worries or problems with other people. And also, I think living with friends also helps you learn to compromise, share things, and make an effort to talk to them even when you don't feel like socialising. However, you should be willing to make a few sacrifices. For one, you may have to adapt your lifestyle in certain ways. Then there's the matter of privacy. This is particularly true when your friend has their friends round - of whom you may not be such a fan - and they're using the common areas of the flat. This can become a real problem when it's exam season.


rarely 很少/不常

have someone around to talk to 总有人聊天简李

share worries or problems 分担烦恼和问题

compromise 妥协

make an effort to 努力去...

socialise 交际返嫌/社交

be willing to 愿意

make sacrifices 做出牺牲

adapt your lifestyle 调整生活方式

the matter of privacy 隐私的问题

be a fan of 喜欢

exam season 考试季


Describe a person that you like to spend time with

? Who is this person

? How do you know this person

? What you like to do together

? and explain why you like to spend time with this person


? There are many people in my family whom I am close to, such as my father, my grandfather and my maternal uncle and aunt

? But, here I would like to talk about my mother.

? She is the best mother in the world. She is the one I am most close to.

? Her name is ……………….

? She is ……… years old.

? She is not very tall but very beautiful.

? Her hair has started graying but she doesn’t colour or dye her hair.

? She believes in the three Gs – go grey gracefully

? She generally wears traditional Punjabi suits.

? We all, my parents, my sibling and I live in Hargobind Nagar.

? She has done a lot for me.

? I remember how she sat beside me for the whole night when I had fever.

? She does everything she can to make our life comfortable.

? She has excellent culinary skills.

? I have also learnt a lot of kitchen work from her.

? I am impressed by her because she is not just my mother – she is my friend also.

? We go for shopping together, watch TV together and go for walks together. ? I can share all my secrets with her.

? She is very friendly with my friends also.

? That is why my friends also love her.

? She knows very well when to be strict and when to give us some room.

? That is why I admire her a lot.

? She has always kept an eye on us even when she appears to be busy.

? All our relatives and neighbours respect and adore her.

? She looks after my grandparents also very nicely.

? She is very soft-spoken and I have never heard her speak harsh words to anyone.

? She has a good sense of humour.

? She can lighten up any tense situation by cracking some jokes.

? Normally she makes me do some household chores but whenever I have exams she never disturbs me.

? So, my mother is the person I am the most close to.


1. How do you usually spend your spare time?

I usually spend my free time by watching TV, listening to music, helping my mother in household chores and hanging out with friends.

2. Why do some young people dislike living with old people?

Young people dislike living with old people because old people keep nagging them for their modern ways of life. Young people don’t like any interference in their life.

3. What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends? Sometimes, we go shopping and sometimes we just walk in a park. Sometimes we go for a movie and sometimes we just sit and watch TV together.

4. Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?

I usually like to be with my friends and family. I enjoy more in the company of others.

雅思口语范例答案:part2 花最多时间呆在一起的家人

Describe a family member you spend most of time with

The person I want to introduce is my mother, who is a kindergarten teacher.

She looks quite thin with medium-height and penetrating eyes.

She is a really patient and considerate person, who spent most of time with me after work.

When we stay together, my mother devotes herself into taking care of me including cooking each meal, washing clothes and doing housework, whom I depend much on.

In addition, entertainment is really abundant between my mother and me. To illustrate, not only does my mother watch tv and listen to music with me during spare time, but also I am taken by my mother to travel in holidays frequently, which really enrich my life.

Besides, what impresses me most is that my mother tries her best to educate me. For instance, she always helps me with my homework when I have problems or she can even teach me some extra academic knowledge. Most importantly, it is she who teaches me some necessary and essential qualities such as being honest, being polite and so on, who has a positive influence on me.

In conclusion, my mother is the person who I spend most time with.



Describe someone you would like to study or work with.

You should say:

Who this person is

How long you have known this person

What you have done together

And explain why you would like to work/study with this person

Part 3:

What kinds of person do you like to work with?

Which one is more important to you at work, development in work related skills or the recognition from your supervisors?

Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?


1. 雅思英语口语Part 3易忽视的3个细节

2. 雅思口语Part2&3预测之范文和解题思路:想去地方

3. 雅思口语的16篇满分口语考试范文!

4. 雅思写作范文:20170708雅思大作文解析和范文

5. 雅思英语口语范文:手工艺品

6. 雅思口语考试怎么准备?

7. 雅思口语真题思路及范文:一个影响你的老师

8. 雅思口语范文:An educational visit

9. 雅思口语关于Weekends的范文

以上就是雅思口语最新题库的全部内容,但实际上Part3的问题往往很抽象又难回答,更不可能像雅思口语Part 2一样有一份具体的题库,如果是毫无准备的情况下被问到,经常是卡壳而没有条理地胡说一通,前面的精心准备也大打了折扣。

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