
果果英语网 2023-08-16



box 包厢

exit 出口

cinema 电影院

gallery 顶层楼座

opera house 歌剧院

audience, spectators 观众

aisle (座位中的)走道

programme 节目单

theatre 剧院

opera glasses 看戏望远镜

house full, full house 客满,满座

auditorium 礼堂

upper circle 楼厅(二楼)后座

dress circle 楼厅(二楼)前座

open-air theatre, amphitheatre 露天剧场

puppet show theatre 木偶剧场

usher 男引座员

usherette 女引座员

row 排

day show matinée 日场


balcony 三层楼座

box-office, ticket office 售票处

refreshments room 小吃部

lobby, foyer 休息室

evening show 夜场

cloakroom 衣帽间

concert hall 音乐厅

morning show 早场

pit 正厅后座

stalls 正厅前座

seat 座位

to book seats, to book tickets 订票

to queue up for tickets 排队买票

tragedy 悲剧

one-act play 独幕剧

opera 歌剧

farce 滑稽戏,趣剧

(stage) play 话剧

Beijing opera 京剧

historical play 历史剧

puppet show 木偶戏

(a play) in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场(剧)

comedy 喜剧

operetta 小歌剧

pantomime 哑剧

playwright 编剧,剧作家

dress rehearsal 彩排

traditional theatrical pieces 传统剧目蠢指丛

director 导演

climax 高潮

libretto 歌剧脚本

intermezzo 间奏曲

part, role 角色

title role 剧名角色

rehearsal 排演

plot 情节

episode 情节带樱中的插曲

character 人物

stage version 上演本

(one's) lines 台词

prologue 序幕

leading role (character) 主角

chief actress 女主角

chief actor 男主角

to present on the stage 搬上舞台

to rehearse 排演

to play the role of... 扮演(某一角色)

to put on a play 演出,上演

announcer, master of ceremonies 报幕员

repertoire 保留节目(总称)

scenery, decor 布景

scene-painter 布景画家

setting designer 布景设计人

scene-man 布景员

properties, props 道具

property man 道具管理员

top light 顶灯

costume 服装

farewell performance 告别演出

back stage 后台

applause 喝采

make-up 化装

make-up man 化装师

dressing room 化装室

foot light 脚灯

synopsis 剧情简介

company, troupe 剧团

spotlight 聚光灯

curtain 幕

first performance, premiere 首次演出

prompter 提词人

prompters' box 提词厢

stage 舞台

stage manager 舞逗茄台监督

stage effect 舞台效果

stage illumination, lighting 舞台照明

interval, intermission 休息

revolving stage 旋转舞台

mobile troupe 巡回演出队

art director 艺术指导

sound effect 音响效果

possible encore 预备节目

orchestra pit 乐池

to applaud 喝彩

The curtain falls. 幕落

The curtain rises. 幕启

to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to... 献花

to answer a curtain call; to respond to a curtain call 谢幕

Encore! 再来一次。


问题一:澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院用英语怎么说Sydney Opera House

问题颂知棚二:悉尼歌剧院英文是Sydney. Opera

问题三:悉尼歌剧院用英语怎么说。Sydney Opera House



This is famous Sydney Opera House.


I've seen the Opera House many times in pictures and on television.


It's world famous.

问题四:悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚的著名建筑 用英语怎么说Sydney Ope伐a house is a famous building in Australia.

问题五:悉尼歌剧院 英语怎么野则猛培说?Sydney Opera House



问题六:悉尼歌剧院的英文怎么说Sydney Opera House

问题七:悉尼歌剧院的英文介绍Sydney Opera House must be one of the most recognisable images of the modern world - up there with the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building - and one of the most photographed.

Not only is it recognisable, it has e to represent 'Australia'.

Although only having been open since 1973, it is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt and the Colosseum of Rome.

The Opera House is situated on Bennelong Point, which reaches out into the harbour. The skyline of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Opera House, viewed from a ferry or from the air, is dramatic and unforgettable.

Ironic, perhaps, that this Australian icon - the Opera House with a roof evocative of a ship at full sail - was designed by renowned Danish architect - J?rn Utzon.

In the late 1950s the NSW Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House, and conducted a petition for its design.

Utzon's design was chosen. The irony was that his design was, arguably, beyond the capabilities of engineering of the time. Utzon spent a couple of years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature - the 'sails' of the roof.

Sydney Opera House from the harbour, photo courtesy of Andrew Watts

The venture experienced cost blow-outs and there were occasions when the NSW Government was tempted to call a halt. In......>>

问题八:一些著名建筑用英语怎么说(比如说白宫,悉尼歌剧院等等)英国:国会大厦(The Capitol),大本钟(Big Ben),伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),伦敦断桥(London Bridge),圣保罗大教堂(Sallo Paulo cathedral),大英博物馆(British Museum),白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace),西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)

法国:埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower),星形广场(Star Plaza),凯旋门(法语为the Arc de Triomphe),卢浮宫(The Louvre),巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame de Paris),凡尔赛宫(Versailles Palace),枫丹白露宫(fontainebleau Palace)

德国:科隆大教堂(The Cathedral of Cologne),勃兰登堡门(Brandenburg Gate),亚琛大教堂(Aachen Cathedral)

意大利:圣马可广场(St. Mark's Square),米开朗基罗广场(Piazzale Michelangelo),比萨斜塔(Leaning Tower of Pisa),花之圣母大教堂(Basilic哗 di Santa Maria del Fiore Firenze),古罗马斗兽场(Rome Colosseum)

西班牙:马德里皇宫(el palacio real),邮政宫殿(casa de correo),太阳门广场(la puerta Sol),大布拉多博物馆(museo de Prado),索非亚王后博物馆(Museo de la reina Sofía),科龙广场(plaza colón),胜利门(arco de triunfo),Agbar塔(Torre Agbar )

奥地利:维也纳国家歌剧院(State Opera Theatre of Vienna),萨尔茨堡(Salzburg),舍恩布龙宫又译美泉宫(Schonbrunn Castle)

捷克:布拉格城堡(Prague Castle),圣维特主教座堂(St. Vitus Cathedral),圣乔治修女院(Romanesque St. George′s Basilica),白塔(White Tower),查理大桥(Charles Bridge),圣尼古拉教堂(St. Nicholas Church),圣多马教堂(Church of st Thomas),金斯基宫(Goltz-Kinsky Palace),圣彼得和圣保罗教堂(The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul)

俄罗斯:红场(Red Square),克里姆林宫(Moscow Kremlin),圣母升天大教堂(Assumption Cathedral)

美国:大都市艺术博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art),自由女神像(Statue of Liberty),时代广场(Times Square),》》》》白宫(The White House)《《《《,五角大楼 (The Pentagon)

加拿大:圣安妮大教堂(Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre Basilica),蒙特贝娄城堡(Le Chateau Montebello),议会大厦(Parliament Building),CN塔(CN Tower),加拿大广场(Canada Place)



悉尼歌剧院(英语:Sydney Opera House),位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州悉尼市区北部悉尼港的便利朗角(Bennelong Point),1959年3月动工建造,1973年10月20日正式投入使用,是澳大利携高亚地标式建筑。




1957年,国际评审野运团决定由丹麦建筑师约恩·乌松(Jorn Utzon)设计悉尼歌剧院项目。


Chinese Opera House



Opera House, Concert Hall and Theatre.




1、The acoustics of this concert hall are excellent.


2、There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.


3、She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera.




n. (名词)



以上就是歌剧院用英语怎么说的全部内容,opera house 歌剧院 audience, spectators 观众 aisle (座位中的)走道 programme 节目单 theatre 剧院 opera glasses 看戏望远镜 house full, full house 客满,内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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