
果果英语网 2023-07-27

我的学校生活英语?My school life 我的学校生活 My name is Sally Maxwell, and I'm 15.我的名字是萨利、马克斯韦尔,今年15岁。I've been at Park School, London since I was 11.从我11岁起,我就在伦敦的帕克学校读书。那么,我的学校生活英语?一起来了解一下吧。


my school life英语作文带翻译,出手即有。下面是我给大家整理的my school life英语作文带翻译的相关知识,供大家参阅!

my school life英语作文带翻译篇1

I’m Tom. I’m a student in Grade 7. My school life is interesting. I like it very much. I have 5 classes in the morning and 3 classes in the afternoon. I study English, Chinese, math and some other subjects. I like English best because it’s easy and interesting. I don’t like math because I always meet difficulties in studing math. I try hard but it doesn't work at all. After class, I often play basketball with my classmates. I go to the school library for some reading twice a week. I like my school life. What about yours? Can you tell me something about it?


我的校园生活 My School Life英语作文



How time flies! It has been three years since I came to the school. My school is beautiful and there are many beautiful flowers and trees. The teachers are so kind though there is always too much homework. My classmates are all very friendly to each other. We always help each other.

I have learned a lot from them and made a lot of friends. I enjoy my school life. However, I don't do well in math. I'll try my best to study math during the summer holidays. Now I'm going to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates. I'll miss my school life.



12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。


It's a pleasure to be here.

My topic today is school life.

My school is my life.

My life is my school.

My life revolves around school.

I've been in school for many years.

I've been studying a long time.

Let me tell you about my school life.

First,school life is a challenge.

It's continous competition.

It's full of pressure and lots tests.

The competition is intense.

The pressure is heavy.

The testing never ends.

It used to drive me crazy.

Now,I handle it OK.

Now,I just focus on doing my best.

Second,school is a great learning experience.

I welcome this chance to discover.

I understand that knowledge is power.

Some days are unforgettable.

Some classes are incredible.

Some teachers inspire me so much.

Before,I thought school was boring.

Before,I complained it was torture.

Now,I know it's a privilege to be valued.

Third,my school is like a family.

We're like a close-knit community.

We're like members of a special club.

We stick together like a team.

We share and care about each other.

We all learn and grow together.

I cherish classmates and teachers.

They understand and encourage me.

Their friendship and support mean a lot.

Fourth,school life is about participation.

It's about trying new things.

It's about joining clubs and getting involved.

I like to interact with others.

I learn to open my mind.

I discover who I am and what I like.

I create fond memories.

I make friends for life.

I realize that school life is really great.

Right now,school dominates my life.

It's my first big challenge.

It's my best opportunity to improve.

I treasure the happy days.

I tolerate the tough days.

I never take one day for granted.

I thank you for listening.

I hope your school life is great.

Remember to be grateful for school.


my school life英语作文

My school life(我的校园生活)

I have spent a significant part of my life in school, and it has been a very formative and memorable experience for me. My school life has been full of both challenges and opportunities, but overall, it has been a positive and enriching experience.

During my early years in school, I had to adjust to being away from home and being around a lot of other children. This was difficult at first, but I eventually made friends and started to enjoy being in school. As I progressed through the grades, the work became more challenging, but I also had the opportunity to learn about many different subjects and explore my interests.

One of the things I enjoyed most about my school life was being part of various extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and clubs. These activities allowed me to pursue my passions and develop new skills, while also making new friends and building a sense of community.

Overall, my school life has been a time of growth, discovery, and fun. I have learned a lot about myself and the world around me, and I am grateful for the many experiences and opportunities that I have had.



My School Life

I have spent a significant part of my life in school, where I have gained a lot of knowledge and made some lifelong friends. My school life has been memorable and exciting, filled with both happy and challenging moments.

Every day, I wake up early to catch the bus to school. I attend classes and complete homework assignments, participate in extracurricular activities, and learn from my teachers and classmates. Along the way, I encounter obstacles and face challenges. However, I never give up and always strive to do my best.

One thing that has made my school life enjoyable is the friendships I have made. The best part about school is being able to make memories with classmates who come from different backgrounds and share common interests. We study together, explore new hobbies together, and help each other grow.

My school life has also taught me valuable life lessons. I learned the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I also learned to be patient, kind, and understanding towards others. These are traits that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

In conclusion, my school life has been an amazing journey filled with learning experiences and treasured memories. I am grateful for everything that I have learned and all the wonderful people that I have met along the way.



以上就是我的学校生活英语的全部内容,写作思路:根据题目要求,围绕学校生活展开描写。I like going to school very much, because I am very happy in school.我很喜欢去学校,因为在学校我很开心。

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