
果果英语网 2023-07-27

小升初英语题?1.B(因为是一个人,所以用is)2.B(the表示特指,这里的意思是Jim的橡皮,需要定冠词the)3.A(water不可数,视为单数,用is,They应是There )4.B(apple trees中apple名词作形容词,因为短语不是单数就是复数,那么,小升初英语题?一起来了解一下吧。




( )1. A. big B. sixC. nice D. miss

( )2. A. workB. wall C. whoseD. watch

( )3. A. sorry B. brotherC. some D. does

( )4. A. yesterday B. familyC. day D. Monday

( )5. A. hearB. pear C. ear D. near

( )6. A. map B. stampC. faceD. cat

( )7. A. three B. thoseC. their D. these

( )8. A. foodB. foot C. bookD. good

( )9. A. not B. no C. ink D. ant

( )10.A. names B. apples C. faces D. balls



1. shoes(单数)__________

2. bus(复数)__________

3. don't(完全形式)__________

4. me(主格) __________

5. too(同音词)__________

6. he(物主代词) __________

7. 努力工作(译成英语) __________

8. let us(缩写形式) __________

9. short(反义词)__________

10. over there(汉语意思)__________


1. 二瓶果汁___________

2. 到这来___________

3. 在树下___________

4. 双胞胎巧茄兄弟___________

5. how much ___________

6. thanks a lot ___________

7. look after ___________

8. put on ___________

9. 在天空中___________

10. 穿红衣服的女孩 ___________






There are four people in the twins' family .They are the twins, their father and their mother.

迟桥The twins' names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the same class in the NO.1 Middle School. They are very good students. They not only work very hard but also sing very well. They want to join the music club. Lucy wants to play the piano. Lily can play the guitar.

Their father, Mr. King, is a teacher. He teaches English in a school near his home. Their mother, Mrs. King, is a teacher ,too .She teaches Chinese . Mr. and Mrs. King are in different schools. But they have the same hobby-play the guitar(吉他).




( ) 1. Whose bag is bigger, ______or______?

A. your, IB. yours, my C. yours, mine

( ) 2. The cap isn' t mine. It' s______, I think.

A. Mary'sB. MaryC. Marys

( ) 3. ______your kite high in the sky

A. Put B. LetC. Fly

( ) 4. How many______can you see in the picture ?

A. man B. child

C. people D. woman

( )5. A: ______the weather______in Nanjing?

B: It' s very hot in summer.

A. What' s, like B. What, like

C. What' s, is D. What' s,/

( )6. ______it often______in winter ?

A. Do, snow B. Does, snows

C. Do, snows D. Does, snow

( )7. A: ______season in Beijing______you like best?

B: I like autumn best. It' s cool and sunny.

A. What, does B. Which, are

C. Which, do D. What, are

( )8. A: What______you______do today, Nancy?

大逗B: I' m going to see a movie with my family.

A. do, going to B. are, going to

C. do, toD. are, want

( )9. A: Where' s the shopping center? B: It' s______Zhongshan Road.

A. atB. on

C. inD. of

( ) 10. ______ ______like to join us ?

A. Can youB. You would

C. Do you D. Would you

( )11. All the students are very______.

A. excitedB. exciting

C. exciteD.excites

( )12. Su Hai wants to______some photos.

A. takingB. take

C. talk D. talking

中竖( )13. It______here now.

A. wasn' t B. weren't

C. isn't D. aren't

卖仿大( )14.They______there just now.

A. were B. are

C. was D. is

( )15. Mrs Arthur can______piano.

A. played the B. played

C. plays the D. play the






一、 听句子银猛选出句中所包含的`单词:5分

( )1. A.wash B.washed C.washing D.washed

( )2. A. happy B.excited C. tired D.angry

( )3. A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter

( )4. A.go B.went C.want D.goes

( )5. A.big B.biger C.bigger D.strong

二、 听问句选答语:5分

( ) 1. A.I’m fine. B.I’m nine. C.I’m 50kg.

( ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat.

( ) 3. A.I’m angry B.I have a headache. C. I feel sick.

( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No,I did.

( ) 5. A.It’s black. B.It’s a clock. C.It’s four o’clock.

三、 听短文判断正误:10分

( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend.

( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday.

( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes.

( ) 4. Father cooked supper.

( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper.


Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, we took some________. We were__________.


一、 按要求写词语:10分

one (序数词) longer (反义词) thin (比较级)

tooth (复数) I (同音词) swim (现在分词)

have (第三人称单数) read (过去式) buy(过去式)

锋配桥doesn’t (完全形式)

二、 选择:15分

( ) 1. What_____Amy_____last weekend ?

A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do

( ) 2. Mike _____his clothes everyday.

A. wash B.washes C.washed

( ) 3. We ______have a football match tomorrow.

A. are going B.are go to C. are going to

( ) 4. I failed my English test. I am ______.

A. happy B.sad C.excited.

( ) 5. How____you feeling?

----- I’m feeling better.

A. am B. are C. do

( ) 6. It’卖迟s raining outside. Tom______bored.

A. feel B. does C. feels

( ) 7. What did you do yesterday?

----- I _____skiing.

A. go B.goed C.went

( ) 8. How _____are you ?

----- I’m 160 cm tall.

A. old B.tall C.heavy

( ) 9. My nose______.

A. hurt B. hurts C. is hurting

( ) 10. ______is it ?

-----It’s Tuesday.

A. What day B. What colour C. What

( ) 11. Look, they are_____the insects carefully.

A. watch B.watching C.watched

( ) 12. He is an _____, he draws pictures.

A. actor B.cleaner C.artist

( ) 13. I played ____piano.

A. B.the C.a

( ) 14. I get up ___7:oo___the morning.

A. at at B. at in C.in in

( ) 15. I like to go ____on Sundays.

A. fishing B. to fish C.fish


1. likes he listening music to

2. did you there how go

3. do you when Beijing to go

4. have I throat sore a

5. two years I’m than you younger

四、 连线:10分

1. What did you do yesterday ? A.I feel sick.

2. How do you feel ? B.I climbed a mountain.

3. What’s the date ? C.October 1st.

4. Where did you go ? D.Yes , I did.

5. Did you learn English ? E.I went to Xinjiang.

五、 情景交际:5分

1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:( )

A.Let's go fishing this weekend. B.Let's go hiking this weekend.

C.Let's go ice-skating this weekend.

2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:( )

A.OK,here you are. B.Fine. C.I don't think so.

3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以问:( )

A.Not at all. B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.You're welcome.

4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:( )

A.I' m sorry. B.Hi. C.Excuse me.

5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( )

A.You too. B.The same. C.Thank you.

六、 阅读短文,选择正确答案:10分

Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but Jonh likes drawing pictures. They often help each other.

1. What are they good at ?( )

A. English B. Math C. Chinese D. Science

2. What do they like to do in their holiday ? ( )

A. Play ping-pong and run.

B. Swim and ride bikes.

C. Swim and play basketball.

D. Play ping-pong and ride bikes.

3. Where do they fly kites ? ( )

A. Near the lake. B. In the park.

C. On the beach. D. Near the river.

4.Who likes playing football ? ( )

A. Jack B. John C.Jack and John

5. Do they often help each other ? ( )

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

C. Yes, they do. D. No, they doesn’t.


1、介绍自己上周末的活动:What did you do last weekend ?

2、写一写你自己(内容可以是你; 你的家庭;你的朋友)

Write about youself (you, your family, your friend???)






The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday.

He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意) it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet. “It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away and smiled, thinking he was happier.

( )1.Tom passed the shop______.

A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike D.in a car

( )2.Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted______.

A.to buy the shoes B.to look at the shoes he liked

C.to look at the shoes in the shop window

D.to look at the shoes on the front row

( )3.The pair of shoes he liked was ______.

A.too expensive B.quite cheap C.not there D.not sold yet

( )4.Tom went into the park because he______.

A.was thinking how to tell his mother about it B.wanted to see the boy

C.didn't want to make his mother worried D.he felt sad

( )5.From the story we can know that Tom______.

A.liked new shoes very much B.loved his mother best

C.didn't want to go to school D.didn't want to stay at home


I am a schoolboy. I have lessons from Monday to Friday. On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face and then go out to do morning exercises. It is about nine o'clock. After I eat my breakfast. I often go to the park with my parents. The park is not far (远) from our home, so we go there by bike. It takes us about ten minutes to get there by bike. There are many people in the park. They are men and women, old and young. Parents must look after their children. There is a big lake in the middle of the park. Some children are swimming, some are boating with their parents. I like boating very much. I want to boat, too. My parents buy three tickets. We have a good time there. How happy we are!

( )1、I have lessons ______days a week.

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

( )2、I often ______ on Sundays.

A.go to school B.get up early C.get up late D.go to bed late

( )3、On Sundays, there are _______ people in the park.

A.much B.very much C.a little D.lots of

( )4、I like ______ very much.

A.playing basketball B.boats C.swimming D.boating

( )5、I'm boating in the park with my ______.

A.good friends B.father and mother C.classmates D.teachers


Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. she know a little Chinese. She isn't free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday.

Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the girl in the shop asks her in Chinese. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese, “A quilt (被子), please.” Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks.

Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup.

( ) 1. What's Mary?

A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher

( ) 2. What does Mary often do on Saturday?

A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school

( ) 3. How does Mary go to the shop?

A. by bus B. by train C. by car

( ) 4. What does Mary think of her Chinese?

A. very good B. very bad C. very poor

( ) 5. What does the girl think Mary need?

A. a cup B. a quilt C. books






以上就是小升初英语题的全部内容,http://wenku.baidu.com/view/cb59b3eaaeaad1f346933f8b.html 小升初精品试题1 一、 找出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的单词。

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