
果果英语网 2023-07-28

五年级英语下册练习题?一、 根据汉语,翻译下列词组。① a 堆雪人 ② a kite 放风筝 ③ trees 植树 ④ climb 爬山 ⑤ sports 做运动 ⑥ a picnic 野餐 ⑦ up 醒来 ⑧ go 去远足 二、 选择,那么,五年级英语下册练习题?一起来了解一下吧。


没有时间吃早饭了。There's____ ____ _____breakfast.


It's time to have breakfast.(同义缺败友句)





I see he _____(do)his homework.






( )1 A、spring B、summer C、fall

( )2 A、March B、May C、April

( )3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner

( )4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30

( )5 A、drinking B、eating C、having

( )6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman

( )7 A、nice B、sweet C、good

( )8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing

( )9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work

( )10 A、first B、second C、空握兆third


1、Look, what is my mother doing?

She’s ________________

2、Chen Jie and Amy are ____________________.

3、Hello _____________ , Can I speak to ChenJie, please ?

4、Her grandpa is _____________________

5、When is your birthday?______________________.




( )1. We go ___ north and we can play ___ the snow.

A. up, in B. on, with C. to, on

( )2. What ___ you like to do? A. are B. would C. am

( )3. In ___, the leaves are yellow in Beijing. A. spring B. winter C. fall

( )4. Winter is ___ windy and cold. A. not B. always C. often

( )5. Come ___, please! A. about B. at C. on

( )6. When is the ___ time to go to Beijing? A. good B. best C. better

( )7. When it’s winter is China, it’s ___ in Australia.

A. summer B. fall C. winter

( )8. – Why do you like spring best? -- ___.

A. Because I can fly kites. B. Because it’s hot. C. Because I can skate.

( )9. –山此指 Which festival(节日) isn’t in winter in China. -- ___.

A. New Year’s Day B. Mother’s Day C. Christmas

( )10. It’s ___ in summer in China.

A. hot and cold B. sunny and hot C. sunny and cold


【What do you like to do? Can you make a snowman now? Is it windy and cold? What’s the weather like? What would you like to do? When do you eat breakfast?

Can I make a snowman?】

1. A: ___ ___ __________ ___ ? B: I would like to go swimming.

2. A: ___ ___ ______________ ? B: No, I can’t.

3. A: ___ _____________ ___ ? B: I eat breakfast at 7:15 a.m..

4. A: ___ ___ ________ ? B: It’s warm and sunny.

5. A: ___ ___ ___ _ ? B: No, it isn’t.



(羡正)1.-----when__________you eat breakfast?


( )2.Let’s_____________together

A. watches TVB. watches TVC. watching TV D. to watch TV

() 3.---What’s the weather like in summer? -------

A. It’s sunny and hotB. It’s too coldC. It’s coolD. It’s windy

() 4. why do you like summer best?

A.I can go hiking B.I can go swimmingC.I can go shopping

() 5. Does she have a computer?_________________

A.Yes, she do B.No ,she does C.No, she doesn’t

() 6. ----Do they like __________ketes?---------Yes, they do .

A.flyB.flying C.flys D.flying

() 7.Jack is __________to his good friends.

A.writing B.writeC.writesD.writeing

() 8.Betty:Are they flying kites?Amy:_________________

A.Yes, they aren’tB.No, they areC.No, they aren’tD.OK

() 9.Sarah: _____________________Amy: He is countinginsects

A.what are you doing ? B.what is DaMing doing ?

C.what are they doing ? D.what is kate doing ?

() 10.----when is Teachers’ Day? ------------

A.It’笑胡s September 10th B.It’s October 1st

C.It’兄升悔s June 1st D.It’s November 20th

外研版五年级英语下册Module 4 Unit 1练习题


五 选择合适的字母,使单词完整。(5分)

( ) 1. f ght A.a B.e C. I

( ) 2. sdyA.duB.tuC. ta

( ) 3.heyA.unB.ouC. on

( ) 4.sson A.ee B.eaC. ae

( ) 5.evingA.anB. en C. in

六 根据所提示的信息完成下列各题(肆念谨5分)

1. she__________ a teacher (be)

2.lucy and john are____________(野餐)

3.-----What are you doing ,zoom?

------I_______,The fish is biting.(fish)

4.Thank you for________me about your day (tell)

5.ZhangPeng is __________________(下象棋)

6.This is ________book (she)


1.cook________2.watch________3.collect__________4.read ______5.write_______

7.eat________7.run_________8.swim___________9.take________10.play_______ )

九 选择题(20分)

()1.-----when__________you eat breakfast?


( )2.Let’s_____________together

A. watches TVB. watches TVC. watching TV D. to watch TV

() 3.---What’s the weather like in summer? -------

A. It’s sunny and hotB. It’s too coldC. It’s coolD. It’s windy

() 4. why do you like summer best?

A.I can go hiking B.I can go swimmingC.I can go shopping

() 5. Does she have a computer?_________________

A.Yes, she do B.No ,she does C.No, she doesn’t

() 6. ----Do they like __________ketes?---------Yes, they do .

A.flyB.flying C.flys D.flying

() 7.Jack is __________to his good friends.

A.writing B.writeC.writesD.writeing

() 8.Betty:Are they flying kites?Amy:_________________

A.Yes, they aren’tB.No, they areC.No, they aren’高基tD.OK

() 9.Sarah: _____________________Amy: He is countinginsects

A.what are you doing ? B.what is DaMing doing ?

C.what are they doing ? D.what is kate doing ?

() 10.----when is Teachers’ Day? ------------

A.It’s September 10th B.It’s October 1st

C.It’s June 1st D.It’s November 20th

十 选词填空(5分)

whywhich whatwhenwhere

1.__________is your favourite season?Summber.

2.__________do you like winter?Because I can play with snow.

3.__________season does Amy like best? Spring

4.__________does your father go home? At 5;30

5.__________is my pen ?It’s in my pencil-case.

十一 从B栏中找出A栏句子的答语,并将字母代号添入括号内。

以上就是五年级英语下册练习题的全部内容,一、 将你听到的单词序号填入题前的括号内10分( )1 A speak B spread C read( )2 A end B send C sand( )3 A off B of C over( )4 A place B space C croos( )5 A your B yours C yes二、。

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