
果果英语网 2023-07-28

七下人教版英语?人教版七年级下册英语课本单词表:Unit1 1、 guitar [gɪ'tɑː] n..吉他 2、 join [dʒɒɪn] v.参加;加入 3、 dance [dɑːns] v.跳舞;舞蹈 4、那么,七下人教版英语?一起来了解一下吧。





Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

Unit 3 How do you get to school?

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

Unit 6 I’m watching TV.

Unit 7 It’s raining!

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?

Unit 9 What does he look like?

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.

Unit 11 How was your school trip?

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?



人教版七年级下册英语单词:Unit2 What time do you go to school

up adv 向上

get up 起床;站起

dress v.穿衣服闹做好 n.连衣裙

get dressed 穿上衣服

brush v.刷刷净 n.刷子

tooth n.(pl. teeth)牙齿

shower n.v淋浴;淋浴器(间)

take a shower 洗淋浴

usually adv.通常地;一般地

forty num.四十

Wow intery.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀

never adv从不;绝不

early adv. adj早(的)

fifty num.五十

job n.工作;职业

work n.& v.工作

station n.电视台;车站

radio station 广播电台

o'clock adv.(表示整点)…点钟

night n.晚上;夜晚

funny adj奇胡大怪的;滑稽好笑的

exercise v.n锻炼;练习

on weekends. (在)周末

best adj.& adv.最好的(地)

half n.一半,半数

past prep.晚于;过(时间)adj.过去的

quarter n.一刻钟;四分之一

homework n.家庭作业

do (one’s) homework 做作业

run v 跑;奔

clean v打扫;弄干净;adj干净的

walk n.&v.行走;步行

take a walk 散步走一走

quickly adv很快地

either adv或者;也(用在否定词组后)

Either…or ……要么……要么……;或者……或者……

lot pron. 大量;许多

lots of 大量;许多

sometimes adv.有时

taste v.有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味

Life n.生活,生命

Rick 里克(男名)

Jim 吉姆(男名)

Scott 斯科特(男名)

Tony 托尼(男名)


panda n. 熊猫

zoo n.动物园

tiger n.老虎

elephant n.大象

koala n. 树袋熊

lion n.狮子

giraffe n. 长颈鹿

animal n .动物

cute adj.可爱的;机灵的

lazy adj.懒散的;懒惰的

smart adj 聪明的

beautiful adj 美丽的;美好的

scary adj吓人的;恐怖的

kind n 种类

kind of 稍微;有点儿

Australia n. 澳大利亚

south adj 南方的n 南;南方

Africa n.非洲

South Africa 南非

pet n. 宠物

leg n. 腿

cat n. 猫

sleep n睡觉

friendly adj .友好的

shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的

save v .救;救助

symbol n.象征

flag n. 旗;旗帜

forget v.忘记;遗忘

get lost 迷路

place n .地点;位置

water n.水

danger n. 危险

be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中

cut v .砍;切

down adv.(坐、躺、倒)下 prep.向下;沿着

cut down 砍倒

tree n. 树

kill v.杀死;弄死

ivory n.象牙

over prep .超过;多于;在… 上方

(be) made of 由……制成的

Julie 朱莉(女名)

Becky 贝姬(女名)

Thailand n.泰国

Thai n.泰国(人的);泰语(的)


post n.邮政

office n. 办公室

post office 邮局

police n.警察

police station警察局

hotel n.旅店;酒店

restaurant n.餐馆

bank n.银行

hospital n.医院

street n.大街

pay v.付费

pay phone付费电话

near prep.在……附近

acros adv.过;穿过

across from在……对面

front n.前面

in front of在……前面

behind prep.在……后面

town n.镇;市镇

around adv.&prep.到处;大约

north n.北;北方adj.北方的

along prep.沿着

go along沿着(这条街)走

turn v.转向;翻

right adv.向右边;n.右边

left adv.向左边n.左边

rurn right |/left向右、左转

crossing n.十字路口

neighborhood n.街区;街坊

spend v.花(时间、钱等)

spend time花时间

climb v.爬

road n.路

often adv.时常;常常

air n.空气

sunshine n.阳光

free adj免费的

enjoy v.享受;喜爱

enjoy reading喜欢阅读

easily adv.容易地

money n.钱

七年级下册英语书 电子书



Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.

Section A (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:

noodles, mutton, beef, cabbage, potato, special, would, would like, order, bowl, size, tofu


① —What would you like?

② —I'm not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles? ③ May I take your order?

④ —Can we have two bowls of beef soup then?

—Sure. What size would you like?

—Medium, please.

2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词would的用法;


2. 情感态度价值观目标:




Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?


be from= come from 来自...

pen pal=pen friend 笔友

like and dislike好恶;爱憎

live in….在...居住

speak English讲英语

play sports做体育运动

a little French一些法语

go to the movies 去看电影

an action movie 一部动作片

on weekends 在周蚂困纳末

Excuse me对不起,打扰

get to 到达、抵达

beginning of 在...开始的时候

at the end of 在...结束的时候

arrive at /


(1)、Where主 +be+主语+from?


(2)、Where do/does+主语+live?

主语+live/lives in…

(3)、What language do/does +主语+speak?




1-Where is your pen pal from?

-He’s from China.

2-Where does she live?

--She lives in Tokyo.

3-Does she speak English?

-Yes,she does/No,she dosen’t.

4-Is that your new pen pal?

-Yes,he is /No,he isn’t.

5-What language does she speak?

-She speaks English.

Unit 2 Where’s the post office


post office 邮局

pay phone 投币式公用电话

next to 在...隔壁

across from 在...对面尺尘

in front of 在...前面

between…and… 在...和...之间

on a street在街上

in the neighborhood 在附近

on the right/left在右边/在左边

on one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边

turn right/left 向右/左转

take a walk 散步

have fun 玩得开心

the way to …去...的路

take a taxi 打的/乘出租车

go down(along)…沿着...走

go through...穿过...

have a good trip旅途愉快


(1)、Is there a bank near here?

Yes,there is .It’s on Centre Street.

No,there isn’t.

(2)、Where’s the sumpermarket?

It’s next to the library.

(3)、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.

(4)、I hope you have a good trip.

(5)、If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant.

(6)、Talk a walk though the park..


Do you enoy(=like) your work?

Do you enjoy(=like) living in the city?


(1)、Is there a ….?句型Eg:

-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood.

-Yes, there is. No.there isn’t

(2)、Where is …?句型Eg:

-Where is the park,please?

-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)

-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)

(3)、Which is the way to +地点? 句型.例如:

- Which is the way to the library.

(4)、How can I get to+地点?句型.例如:

-How can I get to the restaurant?

(5)、Can you tell me the way to +地点?句型.例

- Can you tell me the way to the post office?

(6)、Let me tell you the way to my house.

(7)、Just go straight and turn left.

Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?


want to do sth .想要做某事

want sb to do sth 想要某做某事

want sth 想要某物

Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

kind of 有几分\种类

a kind of 一种…

…years old …年龄 如:ten years old 十岁

like to do sth 喜欢做某事

like doing sth

play with … 与...一起玩

be quiet 安静

during the day 在白天

at night 在夜间

have a look at.. 看...

one…the other一个...另一个...


(1)、-why do you like pandas?

-Because they’re very cure.

(2)、-Why dose he like koalas?

-Because they are kind of interesting.

(3)、-Where are lions from?

-Lions are from South Africa.

(4)、-What animals do you like?

-I like elephants.


(1)、-Let’s see the lions.

(2)-Why do you want to see the lions?

-Becase they are very cute.

(3)-Do you like giraffes?

Yes,I do./ No,I don’t

(4)-What other animal do you like?

_I like dogs.too

other+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围

the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.

(5)-Why are you looking at me?

-Because you are very cute.

(6)-Let us play games. –Great!

Let me see.

Unit 4 I want to be an actor.


want to be+职业想要成为。




Unit 7 It's raining!

rain [re?n] 下雨;雨水

windy ['w?nd?] 多风的

cloudy ['kla?d?] 多云的

sunny ['s?n?] 晴朗的

snow [sn??]下雪;雪

Snow weather ['we??] 天气

cook [k?k] 做饭

bad [b?d] 坏的;糟的

park [pɑ?k] 公园

message ['mes?d?]信息;消息

take a message捎个口信;传话


could[k?d] 能;可以

back [b?k] 回来;回原处


problem ['pr?bl?m] 困难;难题

again [?'gen; ?'ge?n] 再一次;又一次

dry [dra?]干燥的

cold [k??ld] 寒冷的;冷的

hot [h?t] 热的

warm [w??m] 温暖的

visit ['v?z?t] 拜访;参观

Canada ['k?n?d?]加拿大

summer ['s?m?] 夏天;夏季

sit [s?t] 坐

juice [d?u?s] 果汁;饮料

soon [su?n] 不久;很快

vacation [v?'ke??(?)n] 假期

on (a) vacation 度假

hard [hɑ?d]努力地;困难的

Europe ['j?r?p] 欧洲

mountain ['ma?nt?n] 高山

country ['k?ntr?] 国;国家

skate [ske?t] 滑冰

snowy ['sn???] 下雪的

winter ['w?nt?] 冬天;冬季

Russian ['r??(?)n]俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语

snowman ['sn??m?n]雪人

rainy ['re?n?] 阴雨的;多雨的

Joe [d???] 乔

Jeff [d?ef] 杰夫

Moscow ['m?sk??] 莫斯科

Toronto [t?'rɑnto] n. 多伦多

Boston ['b?st?n] 波士顿


Unit 8 Is there a post office n.ear here?

post [p??st] 邮政

office['?f?s] 办公室

post office邮局

police [p?'li?s] 警察

police station ['ste???n] 警察局

hotel [h??'tel] 旅店;酒店

restaurant ['restr?nt] 餐馆

bank [b??k] 银行

hospital ['h?sp?t(?)l]医院

street [stri?t] 大街

pay [pe?] 付费

payphone ['peif?un] 付费电话

near[n??] 在……附近

across [?'kr?s] 过;穿过

across from在……对面

front [fr?nt] 前面

in front of在……前面

behind [b?'ha?nd] 在……后面

town [ta?n]镇;市镇

around [?'ra?nd] 到处;大约

north [n??θ] 北;北方;北方的

along [?'l??] 沿着

go along沿着(这条街)走

turn [t??n]转向;翻

right [ra?t] 向右边;右边

left [left] 向左边;左边

rurn right向右、左转

crossing ['kr?s??] 十字路口

neighborhood ['ne?b?,h?d] 街区;街坊

spend [spend] 花物雹(时间、钱等)

spend time花时间

climb [kla?m]爬

road [r??d] 路

often ['?f(t?)n] 时常;常常

air [e?] 空气

sun shine阳光

free [fri?]免费的

enjoy [?n'd???] 享受;喜爱

enjoy reading['ri?d??] 喜欢阅读

easily ['i?z?l?] 容易地

money ['m?n?] 钱


Unit 9 What does he look like?

curly ['k??l?]卷曲的

straight [stre?t] 直的

tall [t??l] 高的

medium ['mi?d??m] 中等的

height [ha?t] 身高;高度

of medium height中等身高

thin [θ?n] 瘦的

heavy ['hev?] 重的

build [b?ld] 身材

of medium build中等身材

tonight [t?'na?t] 今夜

little ['l?t(?)l] 小的

a little一点,少量

cinema['s?n?m?] 电影院

glasses ['glɑ?s?z] 眼镜

later ['le?t?] 以后

handsome ['h?ns(?)m] 英俊的

actor ['?kt?] 演员

actress['?ktr?s] 女演员

person ['p??s(?)n]

人nose [n??z] 鼻子

blonde [bl?nd] adj. 金黄色的

mouth [ma?θ] 嘴

round [ra?nd]圆形的

face [fe?s] 脸

eye [a?] 眼睛

singer ['s???(r)] 歌手

artist ['ɑ?t?st] 艺术家

crime [kra?m] 犯罪活动

criminal ['kr?m?n(?)l] 犯罪

put [p?t] 放

each [i?t?] 每个,各自

way [we?] 方式,路线

describe [d?'skra?b] 描述

differently ['d?f?r?ntl?] 不同的

another[?'n???] 另一,又一

end [end] 结尾,尽头

in the end最后

real [ri?l] 真正的

jeans [d?inz] 牛仔裤

Johnny ['d??n?] 约翰尼

Dean [din] 迪安

Tina ['tin?]蒂娜

Jackson ['d??ksn] 杰克逊


Unit 10 I'd like some noodles

noodle ['nu?d(?)l] 面条

mutton ['m?t(?)n] 羊肉

beef [bi?f] 牛肉

cabbage [?k?b?d?] 卷心菜;洋白菜

potato [p?'te?t??] 土豆;马铃薯

special ['spe?(?)l] 特色菜;特价品;特别的;特殊的

would [w?d; w?d] (表示意愿)愿意

would like愿意;喜欢



order ['??d?] 点菜;命令

take one's order点菜

size [sa?z] 大小;尺码

bowl[b??l] 碗

one(large)bowl of一(大)碗

tofu ['t??fu?] 豆腐

meat [mi?t] (可食用的)肉

dumpling ['d?mpl??] 饺子

porridge ['p?r?d?] 粥;面糊

onion ['?nj?n] 洋葱

fish [f??] 鱼;鱼肉

pancake ['p?nke?k]烙饼;薄饼

world [w??ld] 世界

around [?'ra?nd] the world世界各地

answer ['ɑ?ns?] 答案;回答

different ['d?f(?)r(?)nt]不同的

cake [ke?k] 蛋糕

candle ['k?nd(?)l] 蜡烛

age [e?d?] 年龄

make a wish [w??] 许愿

blow [bl??] 吹

blow out吹灭


will [w?l] 会

the UK(等于the United Kingdom)英国

candy ['k?nd?] 糖果



get popular受欢迎;流行

cut up切碎

idea [a?'d??] 想法;主意

bring good luck[l?k] to…给……带来好运


Unit11 How was your school trip?

milk [m?lk] 挤奶

cow[ka?] n. 奶牛,母牛

milk a cow给奶牛挤奶

horse [h??s] 马

ride [ra?d] a horse骑马

feed [fi?d] 喂养;饲养

feed chickens ['t??k?ns] 喂鸡

farmer ['fɑ?m?] 农民;农场主

quite [kwa?t] 相当;安全

quite a lot(of…) 许多

anything ['en?θ??] (常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物

grow [gr??] 种植;生长;发育

farm [fɑ?m] 农场;务农;种田

pick [p?k] 采;摘

excellent ['eks(?)l(?)nt] 极好的;优秀的

countryside ['k?ntr?sa?d] 乡村;农村

in the countryside在乡下;在农村

yesterday ['jest?de?; -d?] 昨天

flower ['fla??] 花

worry ['w?r?] 担心;担忧

luckily ['l?k?l?] 幸运地;好运地

sun [s?n] 太阳

museum [mju?'z??m] 博物馆

fire ['fa??] 火灾

fire station ['ste??(?)n] 消防站

painting ['pe?nt??] 油画;绘画

exciting [?k'sa?t??; ek-] 使人兴奋的;令人激动的

lovely ['l?vl?] 可爱的

expensive [?k'spens?v; ek-] 昂贵的

cheap[t?i?p] 廉价的;便宜的

slow [sl??] 缓慢的;迟缓的

fast [fɑ?st] 快地(的)

robot ['r??b?t] 机器人

guide [ga?d] 导游;向导

gift [g?ft] 礼物;赠品

all in all总的说来

everything ['evr?θ??] 一切;所有事物

interested ['?nt(?)r?st?d] 感兴趣的

be interested in对……感兴趣

dark [dɑ?k] 黑暗的;昏暗的

hear(heard) [h??] 听到;听见

Carol ['k?r(?)l] 卡罗尔


Unit12 What did you do last weekend?

camp [k?mp]扎营

lake [le?k] 湖,湖泊

beach [bi?t?] 海滩,沙滩

badminton ['b?dm?nt(?)n] 羽毛球运动

sheep [?i?p] 羊,绵羊

as [?z; ?z] 作为,当做n

atural['n?t?(?)r(?)l] adj. 自然的


tired [ta??d] 疲倦的

stay [ste?] 停留

stay up late深夜不留

away [?'we?] 离开

run away跑开

mouse [ma?s] 老鼠

baby ['be?b?] 幼小的

shout [?a?t] 呼叫,喊叫

shout at…冲……大声叫嚷

woof [w?f] (狗叫声)汪汪

language ['l??gw?d?] 语言

fly [fla?] 飞

kite [ka?t] 风筝

fly a kite放风筝

high [ha?] 高的(地)

high school中学

ago [?'g??] 以前

India ['?nd??] 印度

tent [tent] 帐篷

put up搭起,举起


surprise [s?'pra?z] 惊奇,惊讶

get a surpris吃惊s

nake [sne?k] 蛇

scared [ske?d] 惊慌的

move [mu?v] 移动

shout to…对……大声喊叫

start [stɑ?t]开始,着手

jump [d??mp] 跳跃

up and down上上下下

wake [we?k] 弄醒,醒i

nto ['?nt?; '?nt?] 到……里面

forest ['f?r?st] 森林

ear [??] 耳朵

Lucy ['lusi] 露西










★人教版七年级下册英语unit 1-4知识点汇总



下一篇: 介绍北京英语作文,旅游北京英语作文
上一篇: 造型师英语,艺术造型师英文