
果果英语网 2023-09-06

英语四六级范文?建议信范文 假定你是李华你的澳大利亚好友Jim 所居住的地区最近出现了新冠病毒患者,他感到很害怕,向你征求意见。请你给他提出建议,要点如下1.你的建议和理由 。2、表达祝愿,注意:1词数 80左右。那么,英语四六级范文?一起来了解一下吧。


【 #四六级考试#导语】不管你的梦想是什么,做好当前的事情,终将会如愿以偿。对于英语四级考试而言,同样需要不断地积累神御,坚持学习。下巧瞎李面是整理的2021年12月大学英语四级经典写作范文,希望孝迟对你们有帮助!


My View on Self-reliance

From my point of view, self-reliance means doing whatever we can by ourselves, and when facing difficulties, we try our best to deal with the problems rather than rely on others.

Self-reliance is vital to everybody in that we can not depend on others all the time.

Besides, it is also a sign of growing-up, which means that we can take the responsibilities for the family and the society.

Then how can we become self-reliant?

Firstly, we should get out of the bad habit of being looked after by our parents.

Secondly, we should not ask for help from others easily when we are involved in some troubling situation.

Moreover, self-confidence is a precondition of self-reliance, for only when we trust in ourselves, we can be self-reliant.

"Trust thyself", so says American author and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson in his famous essay "Self-reliance".

Self-reliance is important to everybody and is one of the key factors that make us successful in life.


My View on Freeters

Nowadays, the emergence and rise of freeters in China has caught public attention.

Freeters are those who do not have any stable jobs and only earn money hen they are in need of it.

When they have adequate money, they usually do things at their pleasure.

The phenomenon of freeters shows that people can enjoy a flexible schedule nd live a desirable life.

However, there are some potential problems for them.

For one thing, they are always moving and changing jobs; as a result, their welfare can not be guaranteed.

For another, they are less likely to have a long-term career development because of too frequent change of jobs.

Last but not least, they are possibly not aware that what they do is kind of irresponsibility for their family and the society.

To my mind, the rise of freeters manifests social progress.

However,the scale of freeters should be controlled; otherwise it will cause problems.

adequate ['ædikwit] adj. 足够的,适当的,能胜任的

phenomenon [fi'nɔminən] n. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件

frequent ['fri:kwənt] adj. 经常的,频繁的

scale [skeil] n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围

controlled [kən'trəuld] adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

flexible ['fleksəbl] adj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的

social ['səuʃəl] adj. 社会的,社交的

stable ['steibl] adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的

potential [pə'tenʃəl] adj. 可能的,潜在的



Write a composition entitled Getting to Know the World outside the Campus. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.


2.了解社会的途径(如: 大众媒介、社会服务等);


Getting to Know the World outside the Campus


It is necessary for college students to know the world outside the campus. For one thing, it can make students know themselves better so that they will be highly motivated in studies. For another, it will lay a solid foundation for their future career. Finally, they can practice their abilities in management, organization and so on.






A. Title:What Will Happen If China Enters WTO?

B. Word Limit: about 200 words

C. Your composition should be based on

the Outline given in Chinese below:

激橘敬1. 每个中国明慎人都盼望中国加入世界贸易组织。

2. a. 加入世贸组织,国家和人民都将大大受益; b. 加入世贸组织,也会带来一些不利影响,如国有企业将面临更大的挑战。

3. 对中国加入世贸组织感到欣喜之余,我们也应看到随之而来的一些挑战。

例文: What Will Happen If China Enters WTO?

Every Chinese is looking forward to China's entry into WTO, widely seen as a blessing and a promise of prosperity. It seems to be so at first sight, however, on reflection, we're convinced that it's just another coin with two sides.

On the one hand, both the nation and people will benefit greatly from China's entry into WTO. Shut out of WTO, China Dused to be deprived of equal trade opportunities and was placed at a distinct disadvantage in world trade. This situation will change if China enters WTO. In addition, foreign companies will stream into China and offer great job opportunities, which, in a sense, will relieve the unemployment problem.

On the other hand, the entry will impose some negative effects on China. State-owned enterprises in China are undergoing great difficulties, which will be more acute with the flow of foreign competitors into China.

In short, excited about the advantages caused by the entry, we should not lose sight of the severe challenges posed by it.



A. Title: Fast Food

B. Word Limit: about 200 words

C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese blew:

1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映。


今天给大家逗源总结10篇范文 。



My View on Fake Commodities

Nowadays fake commodities have flooded almost every inch of the market. Wherever you are, whatever you do, it seems that you can hardly have fallen prey to them. In other words, it is highly probable that you have bought some of those fake goods or products of inferior quality。

羡肆 Needless to say, fake commodities have already done great harm to our society. On the one hand, they will ruin the good reputation of genuine products and disturb the balance of the market. On the other hand, the prevalence of such products has hindered interpersonal relationship and resulted in the decline of public morality. As a consequence, they have wasted exhaustible resources, endangered people’s precious life and health, and in the long run eroded public trust。





Hi! My name is (姓名). I come from (学校), majoring in (专业). I like English very much and have made great progress, but I do think there’s still a long way to go. So I won’t give up my English study, and I’ll keep improving my listening and speaking skills. Thank you!


Hi!I am (姓名), a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior from (学校). I’m majoring in (专业), which looks at the field of (学科领域). As (理想的工作) is the ideal job for me, I am working extremely hard to realize it. When I get tired, I usually take a walk to relax. Thank you.


Hi, I’m (姓名), a (年龄)-year-old freshman/sophomore/junior/senior from (学校). My major is (专业) and I have a passion for dealing with difficult matters. I used to be afraid of public speaking, but after three years’ striving, I have overcome that fear. Thank you.


Hi! My name is (姓名). I come from (学校), majoring in (专业). Generally speaking, I’m a hard-working person especially when doing what I’m interested in. I will try my best to manage it no matter how difficult it is, both in study and work. Thank you!


Hello, I’m (姓名), from (学校). My hometown is (家乡), a very beautiful city. In my spare time, I often borrow and buy books on (专业) and read them through as carefully as I can. I believe, with my solid foundation in this field and my determination to further my study, I will widen my horizons and stride forward in my academic career. Thank you!






假定你是李华你的澳大利亚好友Jim所居住的地区最近出现了新冠病毒患者,他感到派乎很害怕,向你征求意见。请你给他提出建议,要点如下1.你的建议和理由 。2、表达祝愿,

注意:1词数80左右。 2.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。



(具体尘瞎悉建议及理由) Firstofall,mysuggestionisthatyoustayathomeandavoidgoingoutunlessnece-ssary,whichisbeneficialtoyourselfandothers.Futthermore,dowearaprotectivemaskoutdoorsandwashhandsfrequently.What'smore,strengthenyourimmunesystemandexerciseregularly,thus enablingyoutostayawayfromanyinfections.


Ihopemyadvicewill_beofsomehelp toyou.

神昌 Yours,



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