
果果英语网 2023-09-06



1. 你认为英语重要吗为什么英语作文带翻译

More than a decade ago, the munity has been circulating such a sentence: the next few years the human must master the three skills are English, driving, puter. English is not only a language and munication tool, but it is also a necessary skill. Why is it necessary and important to learn English?The social life of information and economic globalization, the importance of English has bee increasingly prominent. English, as one of the most important information carriers, has bee the most widely used language in every field of human life. Many countries in the basic education development strategy, the English education as an important part of the quality education of citizens, and its place in a prominent position. With China gradually into the internationalization, the use of English is also more and more extensive, and now many places in the daily life are used to get english. World general English, and a Chinese to speak mandarin.In China, English is also a major course, tied with Chinese mathematics, is a course for scholars to never be separated from the need to learn. And university study, English language requirements must pass CET-4 and CET-6, college entrance examination in English for the score is very high, PubMed, Cobb is also inseparable from the English exam, the TOEFL and IELTS to go abroad to study English exam is to help you to the international important exam. If the students can have the pletion of the ability of a foreign language, you help him open the door to another world to study to, finally reached a multiple learning and the value goal.English is now the world's largest use of a language, many countries are learning English and use English, so, learn English, go out not afraid of munication is not convenient.Most professional practitioners to further develop and improve the level, title examinations are inseparable from the English learning, whether what line to reach a certain height or integration with the rest of the world, English is close friends certainly is no doubt.China is not the origin of English countries, but also the lack of language environment, parents know and professor of English at the proportion of bottom, cram school bound children's thinking and time, but also leads to low self-study ability, poor results, is not suitable for the individual education and highlight the education. So I asked the Chinese children in their own good Chinese, early some contact and learn English, autonomous learning, multiple forms of learning and practicing, full of interest to learn from schooling, because English is a language, language must rely on the accumulation and use. English encourages children to be brave and sing, help to cultivate a good character.To understand English, you can understand more wonderful music, read more international film, know more of the world human and reward to read more books in the world, knowledge of the industry to a deeper and wider, meet more international friends and so on, to learn English is more useful!Language is a tool of munication, and English is the most important tool in the world. English is the ladder of progress, but also you know more about the world, learning the necessary tools of knowledge at home and abroad. To learn English at a higher level, life is more abundant, the world is more exciting, more open vision, it can be no exaggeration to say: to learn English, to travel around the world! Only know how to really integrate into the world of english!。


摘 要:写作是英语学习基本技能之一,是语言综合运用能力的表现,然而却是很多学生英语学习中的障碍。本文主要阐述写好英语作文的具体方法。 关键词:英语写作 措词 炼句





写作前先列提纲,要拟好文章的段落和中心思想,构思充足的证据和典型的例子阐述主题。以作文题“Air Pollution”为例,提纲可能是:what is air pollution、air pollution in China and its’ impact、how to reduce air pollution。列提纲可以缩短写作时间,还可避免写作离题。




1. 关于手写重要性的英语作文

THE IMPORTANCE OF HANDWRITING We live in a world dominated by puters which enable us to get away from the seemingly time-consuming handwriting. However, as people type faster and faster, we cannot deny the fact that more people attach too little importance on handwriting and their handwriting gets poorer and poorer as a result, especially among our youth. Actually, handwriting is still necessary and important nowadays not only in that we need it in our everyday life but also because handwriting can affect the impression we make on other people.First, our life cannot go without handwriting. In despite of the prevailing advantages of typing, un。


The Importance ofEnglish Reading and Writing

In today’s modern world, learning spoken English has many advantages.English is fast becoming the international language of many fields, including politics, business and education. Not only is English used between native speakers and non-native speakers, but itis also used increasingly as a common language in interactions between non-native speakers.

Having a good grasp of spoken English helps you to improve your chances ofemployment. These days, thereare many foreign companies operating in China, and many Chinese-owned companies have trade links with foreign partners. These companies require speakers

of English with sufficient language skills to ensure smooth business transactions (交易, 办理, 处理, 事务 ).

Spoken English also provides the chances for youto communicate socially with people from many other countries. It gives you a window into other cultures, and other perspectives of the world. It also gives you access to foreign films, TV programs, music and news.

Therefore, spoken English is an important and fundamental tool in today’s global village.











以上就是写作的重要性英语作文的全部内容,4. 学习英语的重要性 英语作文 1、I think it is important for everyone to learn English well. 我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 。 2、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

下一篇: 宗旨英语,防滑英文怎么写
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