
果果英语网 2023-07-28

英语儿童口语?1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好!3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。那么,英语儿童口语?一起来了解一下吧。




1. Hi/Hello! 您好! Good morning 早上好!

2. Hello,nice to meet you !Nice to see you ! 您好!见到你很高兴。

3. How are you ? I am fine. Thang you! 您好吗?我很好,谢谢!

4. Please say bye—bye to your mammy/daddy.请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。

5. Come in ,piease 请进! Come in /come here, please.请过来。

6. You are beautiful 你真漂亮! You are clever. 你真聪明!

7. You are good. 你真棒! Great/ Good/ OK 好!

8. Very nice! 非常好! Happy New year! 新年快乐!

9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! Wonderful ! 太棒了!

10. I am the winner 我是胜利者1 .I am the first.我是第一名!

11. You are beautiful!你真漂亮! You are welcome! 欢迎你!

12. How beautiful! 多美呀! How funny! 多有趣档衫毕呀!

13. Wow ! It’s so nice 哇行芹!它太好了 I love you ! 我爱你!

14. I like fish /beef / lomb 我喜欢鱼肉/牛肉/羊肉

15. I am hungry 我饿了 I am full 我吃饱了

16. Have an apple 有一个苹果

17. I want to go to the toilet 我想上厕所

18. Can I go to toilet.我能上厕所吗? Here you are 给你

19. Close your eyes/ mouth 闭上你的'眼睛/和上你的嘴

20. Open your eyes/ mouth 睁开你的眼睛/张开你的嘴巴

21. Close the door 关门 Open the door 开门

22. Return to your seat.回到你的座位上。



Good morning, mom. 早晨好

Did the alarm clock go off?

Did the alarm clock buzz?

Did the alarm clock ring?


It's time to get up! 该起床了!

I don't want to get up. 我真不想起。

It's time to get ready.

Get up soon.


I don't want to. 我真不想起。

Are you awake? 你醒了吗?

I am now. 我刚醒。

Are you feeling sick? 你不舒服吗?

No, I'm just tired. 没有,只是有点儿累

Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗?

Yes, I slept very well. 嗯,睡得挺好。

No, I couldn't fall asleep.哪儿几乎没睡着

Would you turn off the alarm clock?

Please turn off the alarm clock.


You finally got up. 你终于起来了。





1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!

2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好!

3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。

4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。

5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。

6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。

7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。

8. Excuse me! 打扰虚蔽一下!

9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。

10. Good-bye 再见。

11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什麽名字?

12. See you next week. 下周见。


Good morning/afternoon/evening/night早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安

Good morning,mom.早晨好,妈妈。

Nice to meet you. Glad to see you.见到你很高兴。

--How are you?你好吗? --I’m fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。

--May I come in?我能进来吗?--Come in please.请进。

It's time to get up!/It's time to get out of bed.该起床了!

I don't wanna get up.我真不想起。

It's time to have breakfast.该吃早饭了。升颂

Let’s go out.让我们一起出去玩吧。

Don't forget to take out the garbage.可别忘了扔垃圾!

What’s yourname, please? 你的名字是什么?

Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?

Myname is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫…

ust call me Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧。


小学生常用世洞伏的口语是:搜携Hello,颤租goodmorning,good afternoon,byebye,how are you……。

以上就是英语儿童口语的全部内容,儿童英语口语常用表达一 Reception入园接待 1. Hi! / Hello! 你好!2. Good morning. 早上好。3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. 你好,见到你真高兴。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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