
果果英语网 2023-09-09

五年级下册英语期中考试卷?B.Father 5.Tom comes down with ___.A.one bird B.no bird 五年级下册期中考试卷(B卷)英语试题参考答案 听力材料 一、那么,五年级下册英语期中考试卷?一起来了解一下吧。


【 #小学英语#导语】学习英语可以让我们更好地认识仿唯汉语。这句话听上去似乎有点矛盾,但学习一门外语确实能够增加我们对母语的理解。这是因此在学习外语的过程中我们会不断将其与母语比较,从而能够以一个新的角度来审视自己的母语。以下是 考 网整理的《小学五年级英语期中测试题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


A Hungry Thief Jo Adams is the manager of 'Estes Park Sweet Shop', which is in Colorado, USA. One morning, she arrived early to open the shop. When she looked at the floor, she knew something was wrong. There were lots of empty sweet papers and empty packets of biscuits there. Jo was angry because lots of her sweets and biscuits were gone. Who was the thief? Jo wanted to know. The shop had a video camera which filmed all night. She switched it on to see the thief but when she saw the film, she laughed. The video showed a young, black bear in the shop. The bear got into the shop through the front door, which had a broken lock. Jo watched the hungry bear eating chocolates, biscuits and sweets. Then he looked around the shop. He was very quiet and didn't break anything. After 20 minutes a car drove past the shop. This frightened the bear and he escaped. He ran quickly down the road and never went back. Jo never saw the bear again. Lots of people now visit Jo's shop because they have heard about the thief. The shop is open every day. Jo has made a new biscuit to sell called 'The Cookie Bear'.

For full marks in questions 1-3 you must answer in complete sentences. 请用伏大携完整的句子回答 1-3 题。



1. 高烧_________

2. 一位有趣的乎蠢察老师________

3. 这个学期________

4. 从周一到周五________

5. 寻找________

6. 觉得病了档森________

7. 给花浇水________

8. 每天________

9. 跑得快________

10. 忙碌的一天________

11. walk carefully________

12. do housework________

13.surf the Internet________

14. make a telephone call________

15.look after your son________

16. listen carefully________

17. have an English lesson________

18. the same hobby________

19. in the computer room________

20. play on the swings________


( ) 1. ______ lesson of the new term is a Chinese lesson.

A. The two B. First C. The second

( ) 2. I usually ______ some magazines after supper, my brother usually ______ TV.

A. read, watches B. am reading, is watching C. reads, watch

( ) 3. Do they ______?

A. like reading B. liking reading C. likes read?

( ) 4. Look at him. He doesn’t feel well. ______.

A. He like dancing B. He is not hungry C. He has got a headache

( ) 5. Sorry! I can’t hear, please ______.

A. dance beautifully B. jump high C. speak loudly

( ) 6. We go to school ______ Monday ______ Friday.

A. to…to B. from…and C. from…to

( ) 7. We have four English lessons ______ a week. www .Xkb1 .coM

A. in B. on C. /

岁茄( ) 8. What’s thirteen ______ six? It’s seven.

A. plus B. minus C. times

( ) 9. Are you take ______ medicine?

A. some B. any C. many

( ) 10. May I speak to Jane? Yes, ______.

A. I’m Jane B. This is Jane C. this is Jane speaking

( ) 11. ______ Ben and Tom the same age?

A. Do B. Have C. Are

( ) 12. My hobby is ______ basketball.

A. play B. plays C. playing

( ) 13. Uncle Wang usually ______ to work on foot.

A. go B. goes C. is going

( ) 14. Let’s go and ______.

A. play basketball B. playing basketball C. to play basketball.

( ) 15. I want to fly a kite. Do you want to ______ me?

A. fly B. enjoy C. join


1. Her hobby is _______ (go) shopping.

2. I love _______ (they) very much.

3. Mike usually _______ (play ) football after class. Now he _______ ( play) it over there.

4. The _______ (girl) name is Mary.

5. My father _______ food at home on Sundays. He likes _______. ( cook )

6. That young woman is _______. She can dance _______. (beautiful)

7. Sometimes she doesn’t play with _______ (I)。



班级_________ 姓名___________成绩_____________


一、 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

() 1. A. MrB. Mrs C. Miss

() 2. A. sunny B. Sunday C. funny

() 3. A.date B. today C.day

() 4. A. week B. walkC. work

() 5. A. fruitB. footC. food

() 6. A. shirtB. skirtC. girl

() 7. A. 8:15B. 8:50C. 8:30

()8.A. first B. thirdC. fourth

() 9.A.winterB. windowC. windy

()10.A. skateB.play C. plane


三. 听录音,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并轿哗段将其字母编号填在括号里(10分)

() 1. A. Cats .B. Blue. C. Winter .

() 2. A. It’s March 8th.B. It’s June 1st. C. It’s October 1st.

() 3. A. Because I can skate.B. Because I can plant trees.

C. Because I can swim.

() 4. A.Yes, I can. B. Yes, I are. C. Yes, I am.

() 5. A. We have P.E. B. They have fish .C. We have fish.










) 1. Spring Festival is a Chinese festival.


) 2. Spring in Beijing is from September to November.


) 3. I often swim all day long.


) 4. Her birthday is on June 18th.


) 5. John is making a birthday chart.



­­­____­­­­­­­­__________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____ you get up?

2. Let's

­­­_______­­­­­­­­____­­­­­­­­_______ next weekend.


­­­________­­­­­­­­___­_____ do you like ­仿或手­_________?

4. I

­­­_________ winter because I can ­­­_________ a long time.

5. We

­­­_______________­­­­­­­­_________ everyday.






综合检测60分钟 100分


一、Listen and match.听录音,连线。(10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

running walking swinging drinking water sleeping

climbing swimming fighting flying Jumping

6. 7.8. 9. 10.

二、Listen and judge.听录音,判断正(√)误(消昌×)。(10分)

1.I can't see the elephants near the river.

2.The two lions are eating a deer.

3.The ducks are playing on the grass.

4.The cats are good climbers.

5.The monkey is hungry.It’s eating peaches.

三、Listen and answer.听录音,回答问题。(10分)

1.What's the weather like?

2.Who goes to the park with Jim and David?

3.What are the boys and girls doing?

4.What do they see in the zoo?

5.What are the monkeys doing?


四、Read and find.找出与所弯孙给单词划线部分发音相同的一项。


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