
果果英语网 2023-09-13

英语演讲稿励志?英语演讲不同于平时说话,英语演讲更强调能用语言打动听众,感染听众的情绪,因此,英语演讲的技巧也包括适当的语气语调以及标准的发音。以下是我为大家整理的英语 励志演讲 讲话稿5篇,感谢您的欣赏。那么,英语演讲稿励志?一起来了解一下吧。





Good morning teachers y I’m very happy to make a speech here name is Lenglinxuan I’m 12. I come from Class 1 Grade 6 of Henglu Primary School. Now I’ll start my speech my dream. Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be doctors. Others hope to be writes. But my dream is to become a teacher. Because I admire teachers hers can not teach us many things at school,but they do their best to teach us how to learn. Thanks to them,we learn knowledge. And at the same time,we learn how to live a happy life. They spend most time on their students. They are great in my heart. I know it is not easy to make my dream come true. Zhang haidi aunt once said:

"everyone's life is a boat,and ideal is the boat sails." If,say,ideal is a boat to successful,so,I'll take good rudder. From now on I decide to study harder. I’m sure my dream will come true. My speech is over k you for listening.


You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your acceptance givesyou to move forward.

This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedomof not having to fight against it.

There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and feel theenergy that will enable you to rise above them.

Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing judgements onit,see the real,positive value that’s already yours. You cannot change whereyour past priorities and choices have brought you. Yet you can make use of thewisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasureddreams.

Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been,what you’ve done,what youhave and where you are. For you can now transform it all into what you most wishto be.


Efforts toward the success of the process, at first glance, like a black tunnel, sight of the head, such as Middle School graduating class of students, there are endless day of work, on the go, feel not enough sleep, many people every day, "the first cantilever cone piercing, to burn the midnight oil", a day in the "two line" between the hard work ... ... every day life is like a copier in print, everything is repeated.

Do not forget, the sun is new!

New, is a beautiful state of mind!

The new sun, Is this not a hope?

Every day see it, is like night and see the light of the black population, is it not a happiness?

Yes, the weight of our heavy burden almost collapsed, too high expectations, we are firmly nailed to the ground, but perhaps the greatest burden is also a symbol of life enriched.

Nietzsche said that people do not suffer the power of pessimism, so we do not have to smile toward victory, but the face of temporary difficulties, we have to smile, but also to heart smile.


I am a rich girl, because I have a lot of treasure.

Friends are my treasures. Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart. They show me how amazing the friendship is.

Families are also my treasures. Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side. They tell me how wonderful to be loved by people you love.

Experience is my treasure. Whatever good or bad situation I have to face, it would show me the right way. It helps me to know more about life.

I believe I will be richer in the future., because the way of life is just like a journey of finding treasure .You never know when and where you can find them. You just keep going and they will be found in some time at some place. I will cherish what I have had and keep finding with my curiosity and passion . I fall in love with reading, because I can get the treasure of knowledge .

I take part in activities, because I can find the treasure of cooperation.

I enjoy music, because I can find out the treasure of beauty.


We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim tellsx me .

It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther''s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad .

Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her life may not be changed .When we xfaced with the difficulty x,avoidingx is not a good way for us. It can not solve the problems.What we need to do is that analying the cause and trying to changed our place .So we should be brave and face the trap directly. The film also teachs us to love others.Precious is someone who may exit near us .If precious own a good family and some friends,she may not fell so despaired. In spite of the development of our world ,there still many people suject misfortune.love and help can make them fell better ,so we should not scant our love .



会说第二语言的孩子通常比只说一种语言的孩子有更好的记忆力,以下是我整理的关于励志英文 演讲稿 范文五篇,悉档希望大家喜欢!


catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles w ithin your heart.

take advantage of precious opportunities while they still s sparkle before you. always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, rem ember that your destiny is hiding behind them.

accept the fact that not ev eryone is going to approve of the choices you've made. have faith in your judgment. catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you t o your destiny's path.

follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to yo ur dreams. understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them di scourage you.

value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. the greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.

find the star that twinkles in your heart?for you alone are capable of ma-ki-ng your brightest dreams come true. give your hopes everything you've got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.





英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。以下是我精心锋吵收集整理的简单励志英语 演讲稿 5篇,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。


everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beautyand wonders,only after you have

experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become aperson of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by withoutyour attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always toolate.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the nearfuture,or the situation may be opposite .

having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they allmade full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,tothe whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later

generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time ofyoung,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though notfor the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful whenblooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we areenthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting olderand older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leavingnothing of significance.





no young man believes he shall ever die. it was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. there is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. to be young is to be as one of the immortal gods. one half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countletreasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. we make the coming age our own-

the vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.

death. old age. are words without a meaning. that paby us like the idea air which we regard not. others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-

bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

and see no end to the landscape, new objects presenting themselves as we advance; so, in the commencement of life, we set no bounds to our inclinations. nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them. we have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag; and it seems that we can go on so forever. we look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseleprogress; and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave. it is the simplicity, and as it were abstractedneof our feelings in youth, that (so to speak) identifies us with nature, and (our experience being slight and our passions strong) deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it. our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. as infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects prearound us, filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them, so that we have no room for the thoughts of death.


honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon!

recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.

as college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. i believe in all my fellow classmates. though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. i believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. we are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. i believein our future.


Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart.

Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still s sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. Though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, rem ember that your destiny is hiding behind them.

Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices you've made. Have faith in your judgment. Catch the star that twinkles in your heart and it will lead you to your destiny's path.

Follow that pathway and uncover the sweet sunrises that await you. Take pride in your accomplishments, as they are stepping stones to your dreams. Understand that you may make mistakes, but don't let them discourage you.

Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination.

Find the star that twinkles in your heart?for you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true. Give your hopes everything you've got and you will catch the star that holds your destiny.


hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you!

I am glad that you can spend this precious time having this class in this afternoon.

Now please allow me to introduce myself to you .My name is Wangjia and I majored in traffic engineering .Baoji is my hometown it is very beautiful. and the people are very friendly.

As we all known thinking is easy acting is difficult and to put one's thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world.

So if we want to learn English well ,we must practice reading English everyday ,actually practicing repeatedly is the best way to succeed.When you speak ,don't care how poorly or how well you speak just care about catching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget your face because the more you speak the better your English will become,never afraid of making mistakes because the more mistakes you make the more progress you will make.As a man living in the world ,we must try our best to make each day our masterpiece and don't let our parents down ,don't ever let our country down ,most importantly don't let ourselves down.

Yesterday is a memory tomorrow is a dream so live for today just do it right now.I believe if you can dream it you can make it ,if you do you will win if you don't you won't.Believe in yourself trust yourself try your best. don't give up ,never give in, never lose hope , never say impossible .The success is coming !

Thank you !


Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems……

Everyone has his own understanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.

The time of young is limited,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

Having a view on these great men in the history of human being,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these great man did ,though not for the whole word,just for yourself,for those around!

The young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,most people think they are ugly.

And so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.

So we must treasure it ,don't let the limited time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.















Dream,with each one of us.

Dream is beautiful,it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations,so the dream also become our long—held beliefs.

Dream is the sun,it makes people from impetuous to solid,from the hesitation to the firm,and on the road to success.

Dream is powerful,it is the life source of forward momentum;Lofty dreams can inspire a life all potential.

Because of this we will go to dream,to grasp the dream,the pursuit of dreams.

And because of country's dream is the one people's little dream,is not affected by big dream small dreams,but just because one little dream realization and achievement of the establishment of the great dream,why not?

My dream,our dream,to improve the Chinese dream.

To you the day of my dreams to realize,is standing at the time of China.


Dear teachers and classmates:

I am glad to stand here to give a speech.My topic is I love English English is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on the Internet. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.

There,I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I found the beauty of the language,and began my colorful dream in the English world. Every day,I read English after the tapes. Sometimes,I watch English cartoons.

On the weekend,I often go to the English corner. By talking with others there,I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.

I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit White House. Of course,I want to go to London too . If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university,I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I'll introduce China to them,such as the Great Wall,the Forbidden City and Shouxian. I know,Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study,one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved,you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English,it will love me too. When I was seven,my mother ask me to have English lessons.


Dear teachers and classmates:

We live in the world every day. We eat food,drink water,wear clothes,watch TV,use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.

Generally speaking,there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste,organic waste,inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now,we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.

Material waste:it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. For example,people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one,so the old metal waste accumulates. At last,they become waste. For example,when people finish reading newspaper,the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken,it also becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses. Once it is broken,it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they are convenient. When they get home,they throw the plastics way,paying no attention to the environment.

The more convenience plastics brings to us,the more plastic waste is produced. This is called “white pollution” as most plastics are white. Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber,just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However,it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem.




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