
果果英语网 2023-09-21

英语代词练习题?1. Scientists have given a warning to reduce the amount of lead in paint, especially used on children's toys and furniture.你的认为是对的,lead主语是被使用,所以这里不用that,直接用过去分词used 引导定语。那么,英语代词练习题?一起来了解一下吧。


1. Scientists have given a warning to reduce the amount of lead in paint, especially used on children's toys and furniture.

你的认为是对的,lead主语是被使用,所以这里不用that,直接用过去分词used 引导定语。

2. In Betty's eyes, her teacher was just her best friend, most trusted person or (one) she would turn to in time of trouble.

你是想用whom引导定语从句吧,可定语从句的先行词呢?衫睁悉her teacher 为主语,was谓语,后面her best friend, most trusted person or one she would turn to in time of trouble.都是宾语,one引导的同位语从句作宾语。

3.I‘d like something to read during the journey, and (anything) will do.



英语的人称代词(Personal Pronoun)有三种不同的人称形式:第蠢弊一人称(First Person)指说话人自己;第二人称(Second Person)指说话的对象;第三人称(Third Person)指说话人谈论的对象。三种人称碰册又各有单、复数形式,第三人称单数还带吵族有阳性、阴性、中性的区别。

代词习题练习 (各位,麻烦快点啊,马上就要交了,谁最快答出来,多加5~10财富值,快快快快快快快快快快快)


1.I don’t like this coat,could you please show me ______?

A. other B. another C. the other D. others

2.There are many people in the park,some are playing cards,弊巧some aredancing,and ____are taking a walk in it.

A. other peoples B. the others C. others D. the other people

3.I have two uncles,one is a doctor and _____ is a teacher.

A. the other B. another C. other D. another one

4.Some students hope to enter the best universities while _____ simply wants to learn skills.

A. the others B. others C. another D. the other

5.“Do you like these pants sir?” “No,please show me ______.”

A. another B. some ones C. some others D. the other

6.I have two TV set,but _____ of them is in good condition.

A. both B. none C. neither D. every

7.Walking along the streets,you can see many beautiful flowers on _____ side of the street.

A. every B. all C. both D. either

8._____ of my parents is poor-educated,they both left school when they were 13.

A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither

9._____of us answered the phone,for we were all in the yard.

A. Either B. Neither C. All D. None

10.——How many monkeys are there in the cage left?枯卜模 —— _____.

A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. not some

11.Some students hope to enter the best universities while _____ simply want to learn skills.

A. the others B. others C. another D. the other


12.I invited Joe and Linda to dinner,but _____of them came. (2004北京)

A. neither B. either C. none D. both

13.I had to buy ____these books because I didn‘t know which one was the best.

A. both B. none C. neither D. all (2004上海)

14.I have done much of the work. Could you please finish ____in two days?

A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others

15.Both teams were in hard training;没缓 _____was willing to lose the game. (2001上海)

A. either B. neither C. another D. the other


1-5. B C A B C 6-10. C D C D A 11-15. B A D A (work不可数) B







用ones代指上文提到的一类事物(复数),因为repair shop 不止一间,因此用 ones而不用 the one


see to it that固定搭配, “确保,务使”


你知道/了解/认识他们(5个友州)当中的一个吗?疑问句用any 不用 some

我一个也不认识 none 是指三个或三个以上都不




1.—Who is the boy over there?

—It’s ______ brother.

A. mine B. me C .myD.I

2.The lovely girl is from Class6. ____ name is Alice.

A. HerB. His C. Your D. Its

3.—Is this new book, Shirley?

—No, it isn’t. Maybe it’s .

A. your; hisB. your; himC. yours; hisD. yours; him

4.It is a good habit of ______ to read a few lines before going to bed.

A. IB. me C. myD. mine

5.This is______ English book, and______ is on the desk.

A. my; youB. my; yoursC. mine; yoursD. I; your

6.Miss Gao is our English teacher. She gives ____ a lot of help.

A. we B. us C. ourD. ours

7.---I took lots of photos in Hainan.

---Really? Could you show ______ to me?

A. itB. theirC. they D. them

8.My father is teacher. He loves________ students very much.

A. hisB. himC. their D. them

9.–I like English best. What about _______?

–He thinks science is very interesting. His favorite subject is science.

A. himB. her C. me D. them

10.The iPod isn’t . It belongs to me .

A .mineB.his C.him

11.---Whose book is this? There is no name on it.

---Let me see. Oh, it’s. I lost it a few days ago.

A. his B. hers C. yoursD. mine

12.— Is this your MP3, Kathy?

— No. ______ is in the bag.

A. My B. MineC. Your D. Yours

13.— Where is my pen ?Have you seen ____?

— Oh, sorry.I have taken ____ by mistake.

A. it; yours B. them; his C. it; mine D. them; hers

14.—卜橡Excuse ______. Is this ______ book?—Yes, thanks.

A. me; my B. I; your C. me; your D. I; my

15. Bill is not _______brother. He is __________brother.

A. my, she B. she, hisC. my, he D. his, her

16.The lovely girl is from Class 6.name is Alice.

A. HerB. His C. Your D. Its

17.This isn’t _____book. ________is on the desk.

A. she; Her B. her; Hers C. hers; Her D. she; Hers

18.—Is this your baseball?

—No, it’s Bob’s. Baseball is _________ favorite.

A. myB. yourC. hisD. her

19. ---Is this your ruler?

---No, it isn’t. It’s ________.

A. he’s B. her C. hisD. she

20.— Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.

— It doesn’t matter, You can have______

A. we B. usC. our D. ours.

21.The girl is ten years old(岁).name is Cindy.

A. YourB. My C. HisD. Her

22.—Whose is the T-shirt?—It’s.

A. herB. my C. his D. your

23.----Who’s ____________favourite singer?

-----Jay Chou.

A. me B. they C .you D. their

24.—You look so happy. What happened?

—I have just got an “A” in P.E. test.

A. yourB. herC. his D. my

25.This is_______ mother, and ________name is Mary.

A. her; hisB. my; herC .your; hisD. his, his

26.This is a girl. ____name is Lily.

A. His B. She C. Her D. Its

27.This is my sister. name is Linda.

A. MyB. HisC.she’s D. Her

28.It`s notcap .is here .

A.my , MineB. mine , MyC. I , My D. I , Mine

29.This isn’t your bag. It’s ____. Yours is at home.

A. myB. mineC. me D. I

30. _____ name’s Linda.

A. It’sB. What’s C. Her D. His

31.This is _______ pen.

A. me B. mine C. ID. my

32.classroom is cleaner than

A. Our; their B. Our; theirs C. Their; our D. Theirs; ours.

33.My hair is long but is short.

A. yourB. sheC. herD. hers

34.________ classroom is very big and clean.

A. They B. ThereC. TheirD. Them

35.— Alice, is this your pen? I need one to write down the name of the book.

— No, it isn’t .________ is over there on the desk.

A. IB. me C. my D. mine

36.—What’re _____ favorite animals?

—My favorite animals are dogs.

A. my B. yourC. his D. her

37.This is ______ pencil box.

A. myB. I C. mineD. me

38.Lin Shuhao is hero. He plays basketball really well.

A. IB. me C. my D. mime

39.--The pet dog in your hand is very nice. Is it ?

--Yes, but I'll give it to my friend, Lucy, as birthday present.

A. you; her B. yours; hersC. yours; her D. you; hers

40.________ name is Tony.

A.His B.She C.Her D.He’s

41.–Is this your pen? —No, it isn’t. It’s pen.

A. my B. her C. heD. him

42. This is a boy .I don’t know name.

A .it’s B. his C. he’s D. his’s

43.I have a pet cat. I often put ______arms around it.

A. mine B. yourC. my D. yours

44.--I can't find my dictionary. May I use ______?

--Sure. Here you are.

A. you B. yourC. yours D. yourself

45.To ______ surprise, I got an A in my English test.

A. IB. me C. my D. mine

46.Mum gives me a dog for my holiday. _______ name is Lucky.

A. It'sB. ItsC. ItD. Hers

47.—Is thispen, Tim?

—No. It's Mary's.

A. youB. your C. yoursD. yourself

48.— My dress is blue. What about ________?

— Red.

A. youB. yourC. yours

49.--What’s your brother’s name?

--_____ name is Dave.

A.Her B.He C.His D.He’s

50.–Wow, your new bicycle looks the same _________.

– Really ?

A. like meB. as meC. like mineD. as mine





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