
果果英语网 2023-10-03












排名源自US News & World Report公布禅亏的美国综合院校排名 (2023年),雅思分数由英国大使馆文化教育处提供,数据更新于2023年5月。统计显示,排名前144的150所美国院校当中, 136所院校的研究生课程接受雅思成绩的申请,占90%。


排名院校名称网址雅思分数要求(研究生课程)1Massachusetts Institute of Technologywww.mit.eduSchool of Engineering麻省理工学院* Aeronautics and Astronautics: 7.0* Chemical Engineering: 7.0* Civil and Environmental Engineering: 7.0* Computation for Design and Optimization: 7.0 (IELTS strongly preferred)* Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 7.5* Engineering Systems Division: 7.5* Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: 7.0 (IELTS strongly preferred)* Master of Engineering in Manufacturing: Contact program for score (IELTS preferred)* Materials Science and Engineering: 6.0 (IELTS preferred)* Mechanical Engineering: 7.0* Nuclear Science & Engineering: 7.0 (IELTS preferred)2Stanford Universitywww.stanford.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校斯坦福大学3University of California—Berkeleywww.berkeley.edu7加州大学伯克利分校4Georgia Institute of Technologywww.gatech.edu乔治蔽旦亚理工学院暂无认可信息,请咨询学校5California Institute of Technologywww.caltech.edu7加州理工学院5University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaignwww.uic.edu6.5 (no subscore below 6.0)伊宏袭扰利诺大学香槟分校7Carnegie Mellon Universitywww.cmu.edu*Civil& Environmental Engineering: 7.0卡内基梅隆大学*Department of Chemical Engineering: 7.08University of Michigan--Ann Arborwww.utexas.edu6.5密西根大学安娜堡分校8University of Texas—Austinwww.umich.edu6.5德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校10Cornell Universitywww.cornell.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校康奈尔大学10Purdue University--West Lafayettewww.purdue.edu6.5普渡大学西拉法叶校区12Texas A&M University--College Stationwww.tamu.edu6德克萨斯农工大学12University of Southern Californiawww.usc.eduIterbi School of Engineering, M.S. Engineering Programs: 6.5南加州大学14University of California--San Diegowww.ucsd.edu7加州大学圣地亚哥分校15Columbia Universitywww.columbia.eduFu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: Contact school for score哥伦比亚大学16University of California--Los Angeleswww.ucla.edu7加州大学洛杉机分校17University of Wisconsin—Madisonwww.wisc.edu7.0 (ESL required: 6.0)威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校18University of Maryland--College Parkwww.umuc.edu7.0 (ESL required: 6.5)马里兰大学帕克分校19Harvard Universitywww.harvard.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校哈佛大学19Northwestern Universitywww.northwestcollege.edu7西北大学21Princeton Universitywww.princeton.edu7普林斯顿大学21University of California--Santa Barbarawww.ucsb.edu7加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校23University of Pennsylvaniawww.upenn.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校宾夕法尼亚大学24Virginia Techwww.vt.edu6弗吉尼亚理工学院25Pennsylvania State University--University Parkwww.psu.edu6.5宾州州立大学26Johns Hopkins Universitywww.jhu.edu7约翰霍普金斯大学26University of Washingtonwww.washington.edu7.0 (ESL required: 6.0)华盛顿大学28Duke Universitywww.duke.edu7杜克大学28University of Minnesota--Twin Citieswww.umn.edu6.5明尼苏达大学30Ohio State Universitywww.osu.edu* Civil Engineering: 7.0俄亥俄州立大学* Chemical Engineering: 8.0* Biomedical Engineering: 7.0* Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering: 7.0* Electrical and Computer Engineering: 7.5* Agricultural and Biological Engineering: 7.0* Mechanical Engineering: 7.5* Materials Science and Engineering: 7.031North Carolina State Universitywww.ncsu.edu6.5北卡罗来纳州立大学31Rice Universitywww.rice.edu7莱斯大学31University of California—Daviswww.ucdavis.edu7加州大学戴维斯分校34Yale Universitywww.yale.edu7耶鲁大学35University of Colorado—Boulderwww.colorado.edu6科罗拉多大学波尔得分校35University of Floridawww.ufl.edu6佛罗里达大学35Vanderbilt Universitywww.vanderbilt.edu6范德堡大学38Boston Universitywww.bu.edu6.5波士顿大学39University of California—Irvinewww.uci.edu7.0 (no subscore below 6)加州大学欧文分校39University of Virginiawww.virginia.edu7弗吉尼亚大学41University of Rochesterwww.rochester.edu7罗彻斯特大学42Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutewww.rpi.edu* Biomedical Engineering: 7.5伦斯勒理工学院* Chemical Engineering: 6.5* Civil & Environmental Engineering: 6.5* Electrical, Computer & System Engineering: 6.5* Industrial Engineering: 6.5* Material Engineering: 7.0* Mechanical, Aerospace & Nuclear Engineering: 7.043Arizona State Universitywww.asu.edu6.5亚利桑那州立大学43Iowa State Universitywww.iastate.edu* Chemical Engineering: 7.0爱荷华州立大学* Aerospace Engineering: 6.5* Agricultural Engineering: 6.5* Electrical & Computer Engineering: 6.5* Civil Engineering: 6.5* Industrial Engineering: 6.5* Materials Science and Engineering: 6.5* Mechanical Engineering: 6.543Lehigh Universitywww.lehigh.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校里海大学46Brown Universitywww.brown.edu7布朗大学47Case Western Reserve Universitywww.case.edu6.5凯斯西储大学47University of Pittsburghwww.pitt.edu6.5匹兹堡大学49Michigan State Universitywww.msu.edu6.5密歇根州立大学49Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswickwww.nbp.rutgers.edu7新泽西州立罗格斯大学新伯朗士威分校49University of Arizonawww.arizona.edu7.0 (no subscore below 6.0)亚利桑那大学49University of Notre Damewww.nd.edu7圣母大学49Washington University in St. Louiswww.wustl.edu7圣路易斯华盛顿大学54University at Buffalo—SUNYwww.buffalo.edu6.5 (no subscore below 6.0)纽约州立大学水牛城分校54University of Utahwww.utah.edu6犹他大学56SUNY--Stony Brookwww.sunysb.edu7纽约州立大学石溪分校56University of Delawarewww.udel.edu已认可,无具体分数要求德拉华大学56University of Iowawww.uiowa.edu7爱荷华大学56University of Massachusetts—Amherstwww.umass.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校马萨诸塞大学60Dartmouth Collegewww.dartmouth.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校达特茅斯学院60University of Daytonwww.udayton.edu6.5 (ESL required: 6.0)戴顿大学62Northeastern Universitywww.northeastern.edu6.5东北大学63Colorado School of Mineswww.mines.edu6.5科罗拉多矿业大学64University of California—Riversidewww.ucr.edu7加州大学河滨分校64University of Connecticutwww.uconn.edu6.5康涅狄格大学64University of Illinois--Chicago伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校www.uic.edu6.5 (no subscore below 6.0)67Auburn Universitywww.auburn.edu6.5奥本大学67Colorado State Universitywww.colostate.edu6.5科罗拉多州立大学67Drexel Universitywww.drexel.edu6.5德雷塞尔大学67Polytechnic Institute of New York Universitywww.poly.edu6.5纽约大学科技学院67University of Tennessee—Knoxvillewww.utk.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校72Illinois Institute of Technologywww.iit.edu6.5伊利诺理工学院72University of Central Floridawww.ucf.edu6.5中佛罗里达大学74Stevens Institute of Technologywww.stevens.edu7斯蒂文斯理工学院74Syracuse Universitywww.syr.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校雪城大学74Tufts Universitywww.tufts.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校塔夫茨大学77Clemson Universitywww.clemson.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校克莱姆森大学77University of Houstonwww.uh.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校休斯顿大学77University of Texas—Dallaswww.utdallas.edu6.5德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校80University of Cincinnatiwww.uc.edu6.5辛辛那提大学80University of Missouriwww.missouri.edu6.0 (no subscore below 5.0)密苏里大学82Mississippi State Universitywww.msstate.edu6.5密西西比州立大学82Missouri University of Science & Technologywww.mst.edu6.5密苏里州立科技大学82Oregon State Universitywww.oregonstate.edu6.5俄勒冈州立大学82University of North Carolina--Chapel Hillwww.unc.edu7北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校82Washington State Universitywww.wsu.edu7华盛顿州立大学87University of California--Santa Cruzwww.ucsc.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校加州大学圣克鲁兹分校88Michigan Technological Universitywww.mtu.edu6.5 (minimum 6.0 on speaking and writing)密歇根理工大学88Rochester Institute of Technologywww.rit.edu7罗彻斯特理工学院88University of Alabama—Huntsvillewww.uah.edu5.5阿拉巴马大学汉茨维尔校区88University of New Mexicowww.unm.edu7新墨西哥大学88University of Texas--Arlington得克萨斯大学阿灵顿校区www.uta.edu* Civil Engineering: 7.0* Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering: 6.5* Masters Science and Engineering: 6.593George Washington University乔治华盛顿大学www.gwu.eduSchool of Engineering and Applied Science: 6.0 (no subscore below 5.0)* The Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering:7.0 (no subscore below 6.0)93Kansas State Universitywww.k-state.edu* Computer & Information Science: 6.5堪萨斯州立大学93Louisiana State University--Baton Rougewww.lsu.edu* Civil Environmental Engineering: 6.5路易斯安那州立大学* Chemical Engineering: 6.593New Jersey Institute of Technologywww.njit.edu6.5 (no subscore below 6.0)新泽西理工大学93Texas Tech Universitywww.ttu.edu6.5德州科技大学93University of Nebraska—Lincolnwww.unl.edu7.0 (ESL: 6.0)内布拉斯加大学林肯分校93University of South Carolinawww.sc.edu6.5南卡罗来纳大学93Worcester Polytechnic Institutewww.wpi.edu6.5伍斯特理工大学101University of Kansaswww.ku.edu6.5堪萨斯大学102Florida A&M University/Florida State Universitywww.fsu.eduFlorida A&M University: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校佛罗里达农工大学/佛罗里达州立大学Florida State University: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校102Indiana University-Purdue University—Indianapoliswww.iupui.edu6印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波里斯联合分校102Tulane Universitywww.tulane.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校杜兰大学102University of Kentuckywww.uky.edu6.5肯塔基大学102University of Oklahomawww.ou.edu6.5俄克拉荷马大学102West Virginia Universitywww.westga.edu6.5西弗吉尼亚大学102Wichita State Universitywww.wichita.edu6.5卫奇塔州立大学109CUNY--City Collegewww.cuny.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校纽约市立大学109Oklahoma State Universityosu.okstate.edu*Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Program: 6.5俄克拉荷马州立大学109University of Alabamawww.uab.edu5.5阿拉巴马大学109University of Arkansas—Fayettevillewww.uark.edu6.5阿肯色大学109University of South Floridawww.usf.edu6.5南佛罗里达大学114Brigham Young Universitywww.byu.edu7杨百翰大学114George Mason Universitywww.gmu.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校乔治梅森大学114Oregon Health and Science Universitywww.ohsu.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校俄勒冈健康与科学大学114University of Georgiawww.uga.edu暂无认可信息,请咨询学校乔治亚大学114Wayne State Universitywayne.edu6.5韦恩州立大学119Binghamton University--SUNY纽约州立大学 – 宾汉姆顿分校www.binghamton.edu6.5 (no subscore below 5.0)119University of Maryland-Baltimore Countywww.umuc.edu6.5马里兰大学121Clarkson Universitywww.clarkson.edu6.5克拉克森大学121Southern Methodist Universitywww.smu.edu6.5南卫理公会大学121University of Akronwww.uakron.edu已认可,具体分数请咨询学校阿科隆大学121University of Louisvillelouisville.edu6.5路易斯维尔大学121University of Miamiwww.muohio.edu6.5迈阿密大学126Louisiana Tech Universitywww.latech.edu6.5路易斯安那理工大学126New Mexico State Universitywww.nmsu.edu6新墨西哥州立大学126Ohio Universitywww.ohio.edu6.5俄亥俄大学126Temple Universitywww.temple.edu6.5天普大学126University of Alabama—Birminghamwww.uab.edu5.5阿拉巴马大学伯明翰校区131Marquette Universitywww.marquette.edu6.5 (no subscore below 6.0)马凯特大学131University of Hawaii—Manoawww.uhm.hawaii.edu5.0 (7.0 assistantship)夏威夷大学马诺分校131University of Mainewww.umaine.edu6缅因大学131University of Wisconsin—Milwaukeewww.uwm.edu6.5威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校131Utah State Universitywww.usu.edu6犹他州州立大学131Wright State Universitywww.wright.edu* Biomedical Engineering: 6.0莱特州立大学* Human Factors Engineering: 6.0137Alfred University--New York State College of Ceramicsnyscc.alfred.edu6.5阿尔弗莱德纽约州立陶瓷学院137California State University--Long Beachwww.csulb.edu6加州州立大学长滩分校137Santa Clara Universitywww.scu.edu* Engineering Graduate Programs: 6.0圣克拉拉大学137University of Nevada—Renowww.unr.edu6.0 (7.0 assistantship)内华达大学里诺校区137University of New Hampshirewww.unh.edu6.5新罕布什尔大学137University of Tulsawww.utulsa.edu6塔尔萨大学137University of Vermontwww.uvm.edu6.5 (7.0 assistantship)佛蒙特大学144Montana State Universitywww.montana.edu/7蒙大拿州立大学144North Carolina A&T State Universitywww.ncat.edu/6.5北卡罗莱纳州立大学144University of Colorado-Colorado Springswww.uccs.edu/6科罗拉多大学科罗拉多泉分校144University of Idahowww.uidaho.edu/6.5爱达荷大学144University of Rhode Islandwww.uri.edu6.5罗德岛大学144University of Wyomingwww.uwyo.edu6怀俄明大学144Virginia Commonwealth Universitywww.vcu.edu/6.5维吉尼亚州立邦联大学>>点击查看研究生留学专题,阅读更多相关文章!




排名 / 学校名称 / 雅思分数要求

1. Harvard University Harvard Business School:

* MBA: 7.5

2. Stanford University Stanford Graduate School of Business:

* Master of Business Administration: 7.0

2. University of Chicago (Booth) MBA & PhD: 7, with sub scores of 7 each.

4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Warton Business School: Please consult the school.

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) Sloan School of Management:

* Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (Prefer IELTS)

5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) Kellogg School of Management:

* Ph.D. Program: 7.0

* MBA: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

7. University of California—Berkeley (Haas) Haas School of Business: 7.0

8. Dartmouth College (Tuck) Tuck School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

8. Yale University School of Management:

*MBA: not required

*MAM: 7.0

10. Columbia University School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

11. University of Virginia (Darden) Darden School of Business: 7.0

12. Duke University (Fuqua) Fuqua School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

12. University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ross) Ross School of Business:

* Global MBA: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

14. Cornell University (Johnson) Johnson School of Management:

* Full-Time MBA: 7, and 7.0 in the speaking and writing modules

* PhD Programs: 7.0

15. University of California—Los Angeles (Anderson) Anderson School of Management:

* MBA: 7.0

* Master of Financial Engineering: 7.0

* EMBA: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* Global EMBA for Asia Pacific: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* Fully Employed MBA: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* PhD: 7.0

16. University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) Kenan-Flagler Business School: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

16. University of Texas—Austin (McCombs) McCombs School of Business:

* MBA: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* MPA: 7.5

* MSBA: 7.0

* PhD in Finance/ Management: 6.5

18. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) Tepper School of Business:

* MBA/ Master in Computational Finance: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

19. Emory University (Goizueta) Goizueta School of Business: 7.0

* Full-time MBA: 7.0

* Evening MBA: 7.0

20. New York University (Stern) Stern School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

21. Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) Olin Business School: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

22. Georgetown University (McDonough) McDonough Business School: 7.5

22. Indiana University (Kelley) Kelley School of Business:

* Full-time MBA Program: 7.0

22. Vanderbilt University (Owen) Owen Graduate School of Management: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

25. Rice University (Jones) Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

25. University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) Mendoza School of Business:

* Master of Business Administration/ MS in Business Analytics/ MS in Accountancy: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

27. Ohio State University (Fisher) Fisher College of Business:

* Full-time MBA: 7

* MBA for Working Professionals: Please consult the school

* EMBA: Please consult the school

* PhD/ MACC/ MHRM/ SMF: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* MBLE: 7.5

27. University of Minnesota—Twin Cities (Carlson) Carlson School of Management:

* MBA: a minimum overall band score of 7.0, with no section lower than 6.5.

* PhD: 7.0

* Master of Accountancy/ Master of Arts in Human Resources & Industrial Relations/ : 6.5

*Master of Science in Business Analytics/ Finance/ Supply Chain Management: 7.0, with no section lower than 6.5.

27. University of Washington (Foster) Foster School of Business:

* Full-time MBA: 7.0

* Evening MBA: 7.0

* GEMBA: 7.0

* Master of Professional Accounting: 7.0

* TMMBA: 7.0

* PhD: 7.0

* Master of Science in Information Systems/ Master of Supply Chain Management: 7.0

27. University of Wisconsin—Madison Wisconsin School of Business:

* MBA/PhD: 7.5

31. Brigham Young University (Marriott) Marriott School of Management: 7.0

* MBA: 7.0 (minimum band score of 6.0 in each module)

31. Texas A&M University—College Station (Mays) Mays Business School:

*MBA/ MS Finance/ Business/ Management: 7.0

*Other programs: 6.0

31. University of Southern California (Marshall) Marshall School of Business:

* Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)

* Master of Management Studies/ MS in Entrepreneurship and Innovation/ Marketing/ Business Administration: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.) * MS in Business Analytics: 6.5 with no band score less than 6 * MS in Finance/Master of Accounting/Master of Business Taxation: 7.5, with at least 6.5 on each section. * MS in Medical Management/ Global Supply Chain Management/ Social Entrepreneurship/ Business for Veterans: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

34. Georgia Institute of Technology (Scheller) Scheller College of Business: Please consult the school.

35. Arizona State University (Carey) W. P. Carey School of Business: 6.5

35. Michigan State University (Broad) Broad College of Business: 7.0

37. University of Florida (Hough) Hough Graduate School of Business:6.0

37. University of Texas—Dallas Jindal School of Management: 6.5

39. University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign College of Business:

* Most programs: 6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections

* MS in Financial Engineering: overall score of at least 7.0 with at least a 6.0 in all subsections

* MS in Business Administration: 7.0

39. University of Rochester (Simon) Simon School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score

41. Boston University (Questrom) School of Management: A minimum of 6.5 across each band

41. Pennsylvania State University—University Park (Smeal) Smeal College of Business:

* Master of Business Administration: 7.0

* Master of Professional Studies in Supply Chain Management: 6.5

* MAcc: IELTS accepted. Contact school for scored.

41. Temple University (Fox) Fox School of Business:

* Specialized Master’s Program: 7.5

* Ph.D.: 7.0

* Online MBA: 7.5

41. University of Maryland—College Park (Smith) Robert H. Smith School of Business:

* PhD: 7.0

* MBA/ Specialized Master’s Program: 7.0 (Reading: 7.0, Listening: 7.0, Writing: 7.0, Speaking: 6.5.)

45. University of California—Davis Graduate School of Management:

* MBA (FT):7.0

* Master of Professional Accountancy: 7.5

45. University of Iowa (Tippie) Henry B. Tippie School of Management:

* Master of Accountancy/ PhD in Finance/ Marketing: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)

* MBA: 7.0, minimum sub-score 6.0

47. Purdue University—West Lafayette (Krannert) Krannert School of Management: 7.5, with 7.0 required per each section

48. Southern Methodist University (Cox) Cox School of Business:

* Full-time MBA/ MS in Finance: 7.5 (No subscore below 7.0.)

48. University of California—Irvine (Merage) The Paul Merage School of Business: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)

50. Boston College (Carroll) Carroll School of Management: 7.5

51. George Washington University School of Business: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)

* MS in Finance: an overall band score of 6.5 on the academic IELTS with no individual band score below 5.5

52. North Carolina State University (Jenkins) Jenkins Graduate School of Poole College of Management:

* MBA: 7.5

* Master of Global Innovation Management: 6.5 (Listening: 6.5, Reading: 6.5, Writing: 6.5, Speaking: 6.5.)

* Master of Global Luxury Management/ Master of Accounting: 6.5 (Listening: 6.5, Reading: 6.5, Writing: 6.5, Speaking: 6.5.)

53. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—Newark and New Brunswick Rutgers Business School: Most RBS programs require a score of a 7 on the IELTS.

53. University of Alabama (Manderson) Manderson Graduate School of Business: 6.5

55. University of Georgia (Terry) Terry College of Business:

* MBA: 7.0

* Master of Marketing Research: 8

* Master of Accountancy: 7.5

55. University of Pittsburgh (Katz) Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration:

* Master of Business Administration: 7.0

* Executive Master of Business Administration: 7.0

* Specialized Masters: 7.0

57. Baylor University (Hankamer) Hankamer School of Business:

* Full-time MBA: 7.0

* MSIS/ MSEco : 7.0

57. Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

59. University of Missouri (Trulaske) Trulaske, Sr. College of Business:

* MBA/ DBA: 6.5

* PhD in Accountancy: 5.5

60. Babson College (Olin) Graduate Admissions: 7.0

60. University of Arizona (Eller) Eller College of Management: 7 (with no lower than a 6 in any section)

* Master of Accounting: 7 (no subject area below a 6.5)

62. Louisiana State University—Baton Rouge (Ourso) E. J Ourso College of Business:

* Flores MBA Program: 6.5

*MS in Economics

63. Texas Christian University (Neeley) Neely School of Business:

* Full-time MBA: 7.0

63. University of Arkansas—Fayetteville (Walton) Sam Walton College of Business:

* Master's Programs: 6.5

* PhD. Programs: 6.5, a minimum of 7.0 on the speaking section

63. University of Cincinnati (Lindner) Lindner College of Business: 6.5

63. University of Oklahoma (Price) Michael F. Price College of Business: 7.0

63. University of Tennessee—Knoxville (Haslam) College of Business Administration:

* Full-time MBA/ Master of Science in Business Analytics/ PhD in Business Analytics: 7.5

* Master of Science in Human Resource Management/ PhD in Economics/ Finance: 6.5

68. Tulane University (Freeman) A.B Freeman School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* Master of Accounting: 7.5

68. University of Connecticut Graduate School of Business: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

68. University of Miami School of Business Administration:

* MBA/ Specialized Masters: 7.0

71. Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhead) Weatherhead School of Management: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

* Master of Accountancy: 7.0

71. College of William and Mary (Mason) Mason School of Business:

* Full-time Master of Business Administration: 6.5

* Master of Accounting: 7.5

* Master of Science in Business Analytics: 7.0

71. Iowa State University College of Business: 7.0

* Master of Information Assurance: 6.5

71. University of South Carolina (Moore) Moore School of Business:

* MBA/ International Business/ Master of Arts in Economics: 7.0

* Master of Accountancy: 7 on each section

*Master of Human Resources: 7.5

75. University of Louisville College of Business: 6.5

75. University of Massachusetts—Amherst (Isenberg) Isenberg School of Management: 8

77. University of California—San Diego (Rady) Rady School of Management:

* MBA: 7.0

* Ph.D.: 7.0

77. University of Colorado—Boulder (Leeds) Leeds School of Business:

* MBA admissions: 8

* Master admissions: 8

* Doctoral Program: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

79. DePaul University (Kellstadt) A 7.0 on the IELTS with all section scores at 6.5

79. University of Utah (Eccles) David Eccles School of Business: 7.0

*Master of Science in Finance/ Information Systems: 6.5

81. Chapman University (Argyros) Argyros School of Business and Economics: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score

81. University at Buffalo—SUNY School of Management:

* Professional MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)

* Executive MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)

* Full-time MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)

* Master of Science: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)

* Ph.D. in Management: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)

83. Fordham University (Gabelli) Gabelli School of Business: 7

83. Pepperdine University (Graziadio) Graziadio Business School: IELTS accepted. Contact school for score.

85. CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College (Zicklin) Zicklin School of Business: 7.0

85. Rochester Institute of Technology (Saunders) Saunders College of Business: 7.0

85. Syracuse University (Whitman) Whitman School of Management: 7.0

88. Binghamton University—SUNY School of Management:

*MBA: 7.0

*PhD.: 7.5

88. St. Louis University (Cook) John Cook School of Business:

* One-year MBA: 6.5

* Evening MBA: 6.5


88. University of Kansas School of Business: 6.0. No subscore below 5.5

91. Howard University School of Business:

*MBA: 6.0-6.5

92. University of Houston (Bauer) Bauer College of Business: 6.5

92. University of Kentucky (Gatton) Gatton College of Business:

*MBA/ PhD Programs: 6.5

*Accounting Master Programs: 7.0

92. University of Mississippi School of Business: Please consult the school.





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