
果果英语网 2023-07-29

26个英语单词歌?26个《字母歌》的儿歌是一个教孩子学英语的儿歌。作词作曲不详;其歌词为:ABCDEFG,HIJKLMN。OPQ,RST。UVW,XYZ。XYZ,Now you see。Ican say my ABC。那么,26个英语单词歌?一起来了解一下吧。








XYZ,Now you see。

Ican say my ABC。






Bird , bird是小鸟,小鸟bird天上飞;dog ,dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪叫;cat ,cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵叫;monkey ,monkey是小猴,小猴monkey逗人笑;elephant ,elephant是小象,小象elephant鼻子长; zebra ,zebra是斑马,斑马zebra黑白纹;panda ,panda是熊猫,熊猫panda胖乎乎;tiger ,tiger是老虎,老虎tiger真威武。我们一起来牢记,保护动物爱自然枝正。


小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue 是蓝色;画片云彩是白色,white,white是白色;画个太阳红彤彤,red ,red是红色;画片草地绿荫荫,green ,green是绿色;画串香蕉是黄色,yellow ,yellow是黄色;画只猴子是棕色,brown ,brown是棕色;画个橘子是橙色,orange ,orange是橙色;最后拿起黑色笔,black ,black是黑色。对着镜子画自己,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着喊着叫妈咪。

水彩笔, 真漂亮, 色彩丰富又鲜艳

yellow yellow 是黄色, blue blue 蓝又蓝red red 是红色, green green 绿油油orange orange 是橙色, white white 白又白brown brown 像咖啡, black black 黑黑黑


Apple ,apple是苹果,苹果apple大又红;orange ,orange是橘子,橘子orange圆又扁;banana ,banana是香蕉,香蕉banana黄澄澄;grape ,grape是葡萄,葡萄grape一串串;peach ,peach是桃子,桃子peach像心红;pineapple ,pineapple是菠萝,菠萝pineapple多小孔;mango ,mango是芒果,芒果mango人人爱;watermelon ,watermelon是西瓜,西瓜watermelon似蜜甜;pear ,pear是鸭梨,鸭梨pear脆又甜。



歌曲《Now you know your ABC》

A for apple, B for boy, C for car, and D for dog, E for elephant,F for frog,G for glass, H for hand, I for igloo, J for jelly, K for kiwi,L for lemon, M for monkey, N for nose. O for orange, P for pig, Qfor question, R for rainbow, S for snake, T for tiger, U for umbrella,V for vase, W for watch, X for xylophone, Y for yo-yo,Z for zebra.


自然拼读法又称“Phonics”, 它不仅是以英语为母语国家的孩子学习英语读音与拼字,增进阅读能力与理解力的教学法,更是以英语为第二语言的英语初学者学习发音规则与拼读技巧的教学方法。




Are you ready to learn your ABCs?

A is for the airplane,above the clouds so high,sowing

and sing,like a big bird in sky.

B is for a bunny,but it doesn't cut his tail,he goes

cipety hup hup hup,a longer bunny trail.

C is for my cat,she is as cuddly as can be, but she mean

out so lovely that she gets stark out been a tree.

D is for the daytime,when the sun is shining

bright,that's the time i go to school,and learn to do

things right.

E is for an elephant,he is big and has no hands,but he

can use his long long chark to meet all his demands.

F is for the fire engine,there is a fire off a head,

when in the car put orberin start,and let it go instead.

G is for a little girl,the upside is a boy,it's fun to

play together,and they can share their toys.

H is for hello,which is something nice to see,it means

i'm glad to see you,any time of day.

I is for an inside,like butterflies in beens,they are

all a part of nature,so protect them if you please.

J is for your jacket,when you go outside you wear it,it

keeps you nice and warm,so you can play without care.

K is for a kite,you can fly it in the wind,sometimes

driving low,but damn it she start got again.

L is for the leaves,that they are green and grow on

trees,sometimes they turn colors and fall to groud a


M is for music,there is music in this song,and if you

learn the words to it,and you can sing along.

N is for your nose,it's in the middle of your face,and

with your nose you can smell the cookies around just a


O is for an orange like holding sunshine in your

hands,iplan owen obnin,and then give some to your


P is for your puppy,that's a dog very small,when he gets

older, just like you,he will be strong and tall.

Q is for quiet,it's the opposite of live,it's hard when

there are so many sounds,and when you're in a crowd.

R is for the rain,water falling from the sky,it's hard

to not get wet,but if you want to you can try.

S is for a song,like the one i'm singing to you,it can

make you happy and can help you learn things too.

T is for a teacher,at school or anywhere,they show you

how to learn a lot like B and right we care.

U is for umbrella,you can use it when it rains,keep you

nice and dry,tip a sentence that again.

V is for a visit,and we can sometimes go,to grandma's or

to aunt's or to other friends you know.

W is a welcome,that's what i like say,when friends come

to my house it means come on in and play.

X is for a xenophon,it's an instrument you know,or you

can use an X when you play take-tatoo.

Y is for you,that's the person that you are,to me and

all your friends,and we hope that you go far.

Z is for zoo,lots of animals to see,and everyone is very

special,just like you and me.

And now you learn your ABCs,have fun, good


还有就是我目前上的ABC天芐欧美外教英语中心的教师才和我提过,若想征服英语猛顷是轻松的..坚持有个适宜的研习空间以及闇练口语对象外教水平很重要,最好欧美母语,口语纯正才是最好,不间断每日口升颂语沟通1 on 1加强化教学就有.好.的学习成果!学习后记得重复复习课程录音音频,好巩固知识点~不过实在枝笑陆没有练习对象的情况,最好能到听力室或爱思拿到课后材料阅读,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读,一下子语境会进步许多学习效果会非常最佳的。do do so so la la so1 1 |||1|--- --- --- --- --- ---我可以写出这首简谱,

以上就是26个英语单词歌的全部内容,《字母歌》是什么儿歌 《字母歌》又称《英文字母歌》或《ABC歌》,是世界上多个采用拉丁字母作书写文字的国家所通用学习字母时经常唱的歌,歌词很简单,就是26个英文字母按顺序唱出来。它是一首经典的儿歌,节奏欢快。

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