
果果英语网 2023-10-25

英语连词成句?1.What do you do at your break time? 伱在休息时候做什么?I watch TVs at break time.我在休息时候看电视.2.What time does your school start?(伱的课程开始在什么时候?那么,英语连词成句?一起来了解一下吧。


1 please take me to the hospital

2 Don't talk with me in the class

3 Let's go to the park tomorrow

4 Turn right and you will see the bookstore

5 Television can help me with my study.

6 Sue,don‘t speak so fast

7 Please don;t forget the meeting


1.Please take me to the hospital.

2.Don't talk with me in the class.

3.Let's go to the park tomorrow.


Turn right,and you will see the bookstore.


Television can help me with my study.

6.Don'燃搭t speak so fast,Sue.

7.Please don't forget the meeting.


1 please take me to the hospital。

2 don't talk with me in the class。

3let'祥汪镇谨粗s go to the park tomorrow.

4 turn right and you will see the bookstore.


6Sue, dont speak so fast。

7please dont forget the meeting


this dress is yours.

this is not my house.

here you are.

this is mine.

it was not his watch.

here are your book and shirt.

this is not his ticket.

that is her number.

she is chinese,too.

what is her number?


1.How does Mike uaually go to school?

2.When do the children get up in the morning?

3.Where is Ken going to swim next Sunday?

4.Who will you meettomorrow afternoon?

5.How many boys are playing football on the playground?

6.Where were you yesterday evening?

7.What time did she go to bed last night?

8.Whose are those clothes?



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