
果果英语网 2023-11-02

五年级英语连词成句?1 Which country do you like best ? 你最喜欢哪个国家?2 Because I can sleep a long time . 因为我能睡很长一段时间。3 I would like to go shopping tomorrow . 明天我想去购物。那么,五年级英语连词成句?一起来了解一下吧。

1 Which country do you like best ? 你最喜欢哪个国家?2 Because I can sleep a long time . 因为我能睡很长一段时间。3 I would like to go shopping tomorrow . 明天我想去购物。

1.What did Mike do yesterday?2.Did you read books last weekend?3.I visited my grandparents yesterday.4.Mike and Zhang peng played football last Sunday.5.I cleaned the room and washed clothes in the

1、school time what start does ?What time does school start?2、now shopping would like go to you ?Would you like to go shopping now?3。

1\That is very kind of you.2\When is the school trip this year?3\Is the singing contest in May too?4\We have a few fun things in spring.5\Winter vacation is in January and February.6\My favourite

see,i,not,theclock,can 答案:I can not see the clock.翻译:我看不到那个钟表.答案:【I have got a wonderful clock.】翻译:我已经得到一个很精彩的钟表.解析:have got是现在完成时时态,翻译为已经得到,不能

以上就是五年级英语连词成句的全部内容,五年级上册英语连词成句有:1、what do you have on thursdays?你周四有什么课?2、we have english, math and science on thursdays.我们星期四有英语、数学和科学课。3。

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