
果果英语网 2023-11-06




托福独立写作真题范文:Parents learn more from children than children learn from parents.

While children open the eyes of their parents to many things, it is a specious claim to say that they are the greater teachers. Children learn more from parents than their parents could ever learn from them.

First of all, children’s brains are undeveloped sponges and more receptive to learning than their adult parents’. Physiologically, the adult brain is less able to learn new things and more set in its ways; you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. On the other hand, children can learn new languages, do better at chess and the Game of Go, because their brains are open to learning new concepts. They can think outside the box, because “the box” has not even been built yet.

Second of all, children who have educated parents speaking with wide vocabularies are more likely to be successful and to master their native tongue. A study showing that smart children help their parents be more successful would be preposterous. For example, infants and even older children cannot teach their parents’ vocabulary at the same rate as their parents can teach them, despite being able to pepper their speech with the like, totally awesome slang of the day.

At last, we must admit that experience counts for something. There is knowledge and then there is wisdom that comes from having seen and done things. Children do not have the years of accumulated experience that their parents inevitably have. These “life lessons” are the sort of thing parents want to pass on to their children. In contrast, children are not teaching their parents not to touch the hot pan or to look both ways before crossing the road—essential bits of knowledge that most of us learn from our parents.

The nascent brains of youth are more susceptible to learning from parents and we know that early childhood education has a lasting impact on children, just as we know that essential lessons are passed from parents to children not vice versa. In summation, parents are the superior teachers in this relationship.




At some universities, students take part in making decisionsabout the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such ashow many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities,experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost neverinvolved. Which approach do you prefer and why.





We can never over emphasize the importance of campus life during which people mature intellectually and psychologically. It is a university’s unshakable responsibility to provide qualified education and variousfacilities. For a university to function well, there must be effectiveand reasonable rules regulating behaviors of both students and staffs.In my mind, it is students, but not experts, who should be responsiblefor the making of rules.

Admittedly, inviting professional and experienced experts tomake rules is an easy solution for universities to effectively managestudents and staffs. Given years of work experience, experts not onlyunderstand students’ needs and preferences,but also know well how to help students regulate behaviors, such ascultivating good habits, managing time and having healthy diets. Forexample, to encourage students to have enough time to sleep, expertsusually require libraries to close at 10 o’clock; also, to help students keep healthy, they demand dining halls toprovide nutritious food, such as organic vegetables and fruits.

However, it is actually difficult for experts to truly think from students’ perspective, so some of their rules may be not appropriate. On thecontrary, students, though inexperienced, deserve the right to makerules for themselves and the opportunity to improve their abilities tomanage. To begin with, it is students who study and live on campus that can enact rules flexible and reasonable enough to help students improve efficiency in both study and social activities. However, experts, asobservers of students, may be unavoidably theoretical. For instance,during exam weeks, it is inconvenient to close libraries at 10 o’clock, as many students need more time and a quiet place to finish theirassignments and prepare for exams, which is usually ignored by experts.

Secondly, it is also universities’ duty to help students learn self-management and leadership by givingthem the right to enact rules for all students on campus. Undoubtedly,student government ought to take the responsibility to collect students’ opinions from polls, negotiate with students having differentrequirements, and finally introduce rules that can be respected andobserved by all. Since these are rules made by students themselves,there is no reason to complain and violate. Moreover, this is a rareopportunity for members of student government to enhance leadership and management capability. Though the process will be surely time consuming and even arouse various problems, it is worthy given the huge benefits to students.

To sum up, endowing students the right to make rules for themselves is a better option for universities to accommodate students’ needs and help them grow up.




Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.



If I had to choose between spending time alone or spending time with my friends, I’d rather be alone. I need this time alone to “recharge my batteries,” to re-energize my mind and spirit. Being with friends can be fun and can help you get through the rough spots in life, but it’s the time alone, I think, that forms you as a person.

When I’m alone, I have time to think about my goals and to develop a strategy to reach them. Of course, I can think about these things when I’m with others, but it’s harder to concentrate in a crowd. Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want to do with it.

Being by myself is also a good way to listen to the silence and relax completely. When I’m alone I can practice meditation and lower my stress level. That’s a very good way to sharpen my powers of concentration. Too much time with friends means filling my mind with a lot of chitchats. That’s enjoyable for a moment, but can dull my concentration.

Being with other people can also distort my view of things. It’s easy sometimes to become too worried about what other people think of me, or what other people have that I don’t. When I’m alone I have time to step back. I can see the real value of things, without being influenced by the opinions of my friends.

It’s natural to want to be with other people, but I find the time I spend alone is more valuable to me in the long run.








Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.(对朋友能完全诚实吗)

I know clearly that before the God and the Lord, every human mortal is a liar. But this does not mean that it is impossible to be entirely honest with friends. On the contrary, I have been and will be honest with all my friends.

Unlike the out-of-date commodities in the supermarkets or the fisher’s markets that are discounted or depreciated, my honesty with friends and families is one hundred percent. And I advocate you all, my brothers and sisters in this world and the next, to be honest to your friends.

If you are honest to your friends, and your neighbors and your families as well, you are honest to your own heart and soul. On the contrary, if you tell lie to your friends, you betray yourself. Whose life can be lightened if the soul and heart has been betrayed? I therefore claim that true hearts and intelligent minds will always be honest to others, even to the foes, needless to say the friends.

I am especially interested in explaining what a friend is. Next I discuss why we must be honest with friends, and then we talk about how to be honest with friends.

A friend in need is a friend in deed, as the old saying goes. A friend is a friend. He or she is neither your father nor your mother, but a friend in many cases plays important roles that parents cannot play. Therefore it is necessary to be entirely honest to be a friend. When in the childhood, human beings are born to be honest with friends and foes, if they have. But during the process of growing, human beings are tarnished spiritually and even physically. Gradually, the minds are misled and the individuals are on the brink of going astray. Lies, together with other sins such as jealousness, envy, fury, anger, rage, wrath, greed, voracity, ravenousness, resentment, have flooded into the minds whose thirsty could never be quenched by the fountain of the mundane sins.

The first time of dishonesty with a friend, no matter to what extent, is the very beginning of the injustice and the unrighteousness, which have the inherited evil strength to multiply and finally to ruin the human beings, individually or as a group of society as well.

Honesty is cherished human virtue. Regardless of the race, color, and the distinct dissimilarities among cultures, honesty is considered to be the very foundation and the building blocks of human personality, integrity, and dignity. Any one will be unhappy if he or she is cheated. A small lie might devastate the friendship and destroy everything good to spiritual and mental life.

To be honest to a friend, one is supposed to be the right-doer, not the evildoer. Also, it is necessary to be smart in language. In my life, I see lots of bright minds but sluggish and slow in good language. Although they do not intend to insult or cheat a friend, their words are not sound to the ears. I here say to you, especially my young friends, your words are full of strength. If you control well your words, you win your friends and the friendship will be evergreen as the tress established by the clean streams.

It is not so easy to be entirely honest to friends, but this is just the very significance of our life in this world. My friends, I am entirely honest to you and I hope that you all be honest to me. I myself will be greatly encouraged by your honesty. I love you all and may you love each other and be honest with others in whatever circumstances.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Parents now spend too much time on determining the futures of their children; children should be allowed to make their own choices.

It is arguable that children should be allowed to make their own choices as they grow up, and it is doubtful the wisdom of parents spending too much time on determining the uncertain future of their children. More wisely, parents are responsible for preparing their children for the future rather than preparing the future for their children. For that matter, what is important is to allow children to have a good education and not to handicap children by making their lives seem easy.

Providing children with a good educational environment to learn life skills is preparing them to meet the challenges in the new world to come. In this changing society beyond prediction, children need to acquire ways and means through education to survive and thrive in the future. Nowadays, to pave the way for their children to have a rosier future, many parents are inclined to have their children go through higher education. The decision being the same, the reason behind may be either that parents did go to college themselves or that they did not. Whatever, what matters is preparing children for the future but not the reverse. Just because parents have great influence on their children, it does not mean that the older generation must determine the younger generation's future things.

To prevent children from being lazy in making career choices, it is advisable to encourage them to find their own career paths. In some cases, setting the future ready for their children is like making children's lives seem easy, without having to think and to work on their own terms. Given that following in parents' footprints is understandable, not all doctors should expect their children to become doctors as well, being completely indifferent to their children's own choices that may better fit. Often, the idea is to allow their children freedom to choose other work which they consider as more worth doing. It is because only when children begin knowing where their different passions lie can they make self-motivated efforts to achievetheir professional goals. In other words, determining children's futures at an early stage may be wishful thinking since not every child wants to become a future doctor, or lawyer, or scientist, artist, musician, or whatever.

In conclusion, it is better to give children an education as the best way to prepare them for a future, and as well to avoid children from feeling easy for a parents-determined future. Parents should let children have no illusion of easy success in a world that is in constant change and increasingly becoming competitive. Therefore, enough is enough; spending too much time on determining children's futures is not as realistic as allowing them to make their own choices.

以上就是托福写作范文的全部内容,托福独立写作真题范文:Parents learn more from children than children learn from parents.While children open the eyes of their parents to many things。

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