淋雨英语怎么说,淋雨 英文

果果英语网 2023-07-31

淋雨英语怎么说?淋雨的英语为get wet in the rain。 双语例句: 1、带上雨衣,免得淋雨。 Take a raincoat lest you should be drenched. 2、他的头发淋雨后紧贴在头皮上。 His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain. 3、那么,淋雨英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


wet or dry




Wet or dry, the razor-sharp lines would fall perfectly into place with the client's jaw andcheekbones.



1 if you hide in the car inside, will not be caught in the rain

2 that guy like to be rain

3 be caught in the rain for too long words, easy to catch a cold

He was caught in the rain yesterday in an hour, today have a fever

And now here traffic 1 hours, I am stuck

6 it was raining harder and harder, no one knows when it will stop the rain

And it was raining harder and more small, no one knows how long will the rain under.

The water level rising too fast, we were trapped in the water

And he knew to eat fast food much bad to the body, still can be like to eat



1. You won't get rained on if you hide in the car.

2. That guy likes getting rained on.

3. If you get rained on too long, you'闹友ll be susceptible to a cold.

4. He was rained on for an hour yesterday, and has a fever today.

5. I've been in stuck in traffic for 1 hour.

6. The rain keeps getting worse, and no one knows when it will stop.

7. The rain keeps getting lighter, and no one know how much longer it will go on.

8. The water levels have been increasing too quickly and we're stuck in here.

9. He knows that eating too much fast food is unhealthy, but he still likes to go eat it.

10. The quality of my computer monitor isn't bad, since it hasn't broken in 8 years of use.

11. This cellphone broke many times /睁弯空 broke 3 times.

12. How many times has this cellphone broken?

>> How many times has this cellphone been repaired?

13. How much does it cost to repair this cellphone?

>悉瞎> How much do I need to spend to repair this cellphone?

嘿嘿 来了。


1 if you hide in the car inside, will not be caught in the rain

2 that guy like to be rain

3 be caught in the rain for too long words, easy to catch a cold

He was caught in the rain yesterday in an hour, today have a fever

And now here traffic 1 hours, I am stuck

6 it was raining harder and harder, no one knows when it will stop the rain

And it was raining harder and more small, no one knows how long will the rain under.

The water level rising too fast, we were trapped in the water

And he knew to eat fast food much bad to the body, still can be like to eat











以上就是淋雨英语怎么说的全部内容,最简单的就是Rain,似乎没有直接意思是淋雨,但是有和“雨”相关的。女生:Amaya- 阿马娅, night rain Brenna,-布伦娜,"little drop of water."Tallulah-塔卢拉, "jumping water."Lawana-拉瓦娜。

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