
果果英语网 2024-01-06

2018四级听力?在英语四级听力材料中(特别是Section B),当你听到一个不熟悉的地名时,首先不要慌张,如果它和所设题目关系不大,可放掉它,如果所设题目和地名有关,你可以从相关信息中推理。那么,2018四级听力?一起来了解一下吧。





A. They are describing a new dustbin.

B. They are discussing the protection of environment.

C. They are collecting used batteries.

D. They are looking forward to attending a lecture.


A. To make full use of the metals left.

B. To protect the forest resources from being destroyed.

C. To call for stopping using plastic meal-boxes.

D. To awaken people to the environmental problem.


A. She will attend the lecture.

B. She will draw up a program.

C. She will join the "Green Movement".

D. She is not sure what she will do.


M: Have you noticed the new dustbin downstairs, atthe entrance of the main building?

W: Yeah, of course. It looks funny, though, like abattery. What's it for? Is it really for garbage?

M: Not really. Actually it's a dustbin for usedbatteries.

W: Used batteries? What do you mean by that? Whydo we need a special dustbin for used batteries?

M: Well, you know there are still a lot of heavy metals left in used batteries, so by recycling thebatteries, [23]we can not only make full use of the metals left, but also prevent theenvironment from being polluted.

W: Oh, I see. Can this work? Our efforts are too insignificant.

M: Even though we are not ecologists or biologists, there is still a lot we can do. [24]TheStudent Union is sponsoring a one-month program called "Green Movement", which is aimed atmaking more and more students aware of serious environmental problems we are facing now.

W: Sounds quite exciting-"Green Movement". What, for example, can I do?

M: Well, quite a lot. For one thing, you can stop using those plastic meal-boxes anddisposable wooden chopsticks. Plastic meal-boxes do great harm to the environmentanddisposable chopsticks are a big waste of forest resources. [25]Well, there will be a lecturetomorrow afternoon at four o'clock. You may attend if you are interested.

W: [25]Tomorrow afternoon... let me think... yeah, I happen to be free. I will go there.、



A. The art of saying thank you.

B. The secret of staying pretty.

C. The importance of good manners.

D. The difference between elegance and good manners.


A. They were nicer and gentler.

B. They paid more attention to their appearance.

C. They were willing to spend more money on clothes.

D. They were more aware of changes in fashion.


A. By decorating our homes.

B. By being kind and generous.

C. By wearing fashionable clothes.

D. By putting on a little make-up.


[26/27]Do you remember a time when people were a little nicer and gentler with each other? I certainly do. And I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away from that. Too often I see people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first, or never saying "thank you" when others hold a door open for them. We get lazy and in our laziness we think that something like a simple "thank you" doesn't really matter. But it can matter very much. The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress or how beautifully we decorate our homes, we can't be truly elegant without good manners, because elegance and good manners always go hand in hand. In fact, I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. [28]Haven't you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? It's funny how that happens, but it does. Take the long-lost art of saying "thank you" like wearing a little make-up, or making sure your hair is neat. Getting into the habit of saying "thank you" can make you feel better about yourself. [26]Good manners add to your image, while an angry face makes the best-dressed person look ugly.


Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. What are the two speakers doing?








在英语四级听力材料中(特别是Section B),当你听到一个不熟悉的地名时,首先不要慌张,如果它和所设题目关系不大,可放掉它,如果所设题目和地名有关,你可以从相关信息中推理。


伦敦 London

爱丁堡 Edinburgh

芝加哥 Chicago

洛杉矶 Los Angeles

凤凰城 Phoenix

圣安东尼奥 San Antonio

西雅图 Seattle

波特兰 Portland

盐湖城 Salt Lake City

丹佛 Denver

波士顿 Boston

亚特兰大 Atlanta

迈阿密 Miami

渥太华 Ottawa

堪培拉 Canberra

日内瓦 Geneva

罗马 Rome

悉尼 Sydney

梵蒂冈城 Vatican city


W: Where did you go on your vacation?

M: I spent a week in Toronto.

Q: In which country did the man spend his holiday?







Conversation 1

M: Mr。 Brown‘s lectures are so boring。

W: Yes, he is not a very exciting speaker。 But the subject is interesting。

M: During every one of his lectures, I try to listen I really try。 But after about 10 minutes my mind begins to wander and I lose concentration。 But I see that you seem to be OK。 How do you stay focused through the entire hour?

W: Well, what I do is keep my pen moving。

以上就是2018四级听力的全部内容,2018年12月英语四级考试听力真题及答案卷一:长对话 Conversation 1 M: Mr。 Brown‘s lectures are so boring。W: Yes, he is not a very exciting speaker。 But the subject is interesting。

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