
果果英语网 2024-01-13

谋杀英语?[词典]murder; killing; slay; whack; do in;英语slain和kill区别主要在于:前者强调在于强调故意地、暴力地杀死一个人或者猛兽,所以在游戏的语境中,slay比kill更准确。而后者则侧重于广泛类的杀戮总称,那么,谋杀英语?一起来了解一下吧。


murder ; kill ; destruction ; enecation ; slay

murder生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!

英 ['mɜ:də(r)] 美 [ˈmɚdɚ]

n. 谋杀;杀戮;极艰难[令人沮丧]的经历 vt. 凶杀;糟蹋;打垮 vi.

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谋杀; 谋杀案; 的行为; 谋杀罪

复数:murders 过去式:murdered 过去分词:murdered 现在分词:murdering 第三人称单数:murders

kill生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!

英 [kɪl] 美 [kɪl]

vt.& vi. 杀死… vt. 使停止[结束,失败];破坏,减弱,抵消;使痛苦,使受折磨;使笑得前仰后合,使笑死了 n. 杀死;猎;被捕杀的动物;猎物 adj. 致命的

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杀; 杀死; 杀球; 追杀

过去式:killed 过去分词:killed 现在分词:killing 第三人称单数:kills

destruction生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?

英 [dɪ'strʌkʃn] 美 [dɪˈstrʌkʃən]

n. 破坏,毁灭,消灭,灭亡,扑灭,驱除;摧毁;毁灭的原因,破坏手段;杀害

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破坏; 毁灭; 消灭; 毁坏


英 [enə'keɪʃən] 美 [enə'keɪʃən]

n. 杀害

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slay生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!

英 [sleɪ] 美 [sle]

vt. 残杀;[俚]被笑或爱淹没

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屠杀; 必杀; 心子; 铁心 过去式:slew 过去分词:slain 现在分词:slaying 第三人称单数:slays








① He was killed. 他被杀死了。

② He was killed in a train accident. 他在一次火车事故中死亡。

③ They killed animals for food. 他们宰杀动物为食。


They murdered a revolutionary. 他们谋害了一个革命者。


Old men, woman and children were mercilessly slaughtered. 老人、妇女和孩子们都遭到残酷的屠杀。




问题一:寻找凶手用英语怎么说;To find the murderer

问题二:凶手的英文怎么拼cutthroat 凶手、刺客 assassin 刺客、暗杀者 murderer 谋杀犯、凶手


vt. 谋杀,凶杀

n. 谋杀,凶杀

vi. ,犯罪

问题四:凶手的英语翻译 凶手用英语怎么说凶手

[词典] murderer; assassin; assailant (who has caused injury to *** .); cutthroat; cut-throat;


The murderer was caught red-handed.

问题五:"凶手”用英语怎么说?r开头的mur丹erer murder主要用作动词 名词也不是指凶手。



问题六:消失的凶手电影中的英文歌名叫什么?There Were Roses - Cara Dillon

My song for you this evening

Is not to make you sad

Nor for adding to the sorrows

Of this troubled northern land

But lately I've been thinking

And it just wont leave my mind

I'll tell you about two friends one time

Who were both good friends of mine

Isaac he was Protestant

And Sean was Catholic born

But it never made a difference

For the friendship it was strong

And sometimes in the evening

When they heard the sound of drums

They said they wont divide us

We will always be as one

There were roses roses

There were roses

And the tears of a people ran together

It was on a Sunday morning

When the awful news came round

Another killing had been done

Just outside Newry Town

We knew that Isaac danced up there

We knew he liked the band

But when we heard that he was dead

We just could not understand

Now fear it filled the countryside

There was fear in every home

When late at night a car came

Prowling round the Ryan Road

A Catholic would be killed tonight

To even up the score

Oh Christ it's young MacDonald

They have taken from the door

There were roses roses

There were roses

And the tears of a people ran together

Isaac was my friend he cried

He begged them with his tears

But centuries of hatred

Have ears that do not hear

An eye for an eye

That was all that filled their minds

And another eye for another eye

Till everyone was blind

Now I don't know where the moral is

Or where the song should end

But I wonder just how many wars

Are f......>>


全部释义和例句>>To testify the murderer


全部释义和例句>>To testify the murderer

问题八:我将会帮助平白无辜死去的人们找到凶手用英语怎么说I will help to find the muderers who killed innocent people.

问题九:电影{消失的凶手}插曲的英文歌曲叫什么名《消失的凶手》中插曲,同 我也很喜欢~

I wanna *** ile

I wanna cry

I want the freedom



以上就是谋杀英语的全部内容,homicide、murder、kill 等等都是直接的说法。还有一些隐晦的说法,如中文的 “把他收拾掉” ,英文里也有,在不同的上下文中用不同的动词或名词等等,具体的例子有很多。不一一列举。

下一篇: 跑过去英语,下午放学后的英语
上一篇: 主谓一致语法总结表格,主谓一致的句子举例