
果果英语网 2024-01-27

英语四六级句子?As university students, we should attach importance to protecting our planet. (5) 作文一个90后,我们应该重视保持健康。那么,英语四六级句子?一起来了解一下吧。


第一、 用短语“in every way”,“in no way”,“by all means”,“by no means”,“only too”,“all too”,“but too”,“in heaven”,“in the world”,“in hell”,“on earth”,“under the sun”等

His behaviour was in every way perfect.


By all means take your son with you.


The news was only too true.


It was over all too soon!


Where in heaven were you then?


Nobody under the sun would buy that car.


第二、用“...and that”,“...and those”,“not...too much”,“否定加否定”等结构

They fulfilled the task, and that in a few days.







【 #英语资源#导语】!


1. 描述类经典句

It is generally accepted that environmental protection plays an extremely important role in our lives.

2. 重视类经典句

As the post-90’s generation, we should attach great importance to maintaining good health.

3. 议论类经典句

Opinions vary greatly when it comes to whether one should work for a state-owned company or a joint venture.

4. 结果类经典句

It goes without saying that economic growth exerts a huge impact on our environment.

5. 见证类经典句

The past several years have witnessed a sharp increase in the number of students who would like to go abroad for further study.

6. 使动类经典句

Virtual Reality, which allows us to communicate more effectively, has captured a great deal of public attention.

7. 引出类经典句

Children’s education has recently arisen as one of the essential problems.

8. 趋势类经典句

People in mounting numbers tend to pay much attention to how to process information effectively.







_______ plays an extremely important role.

____ is of utmost importance.

Nothing is more important than _______.


important可以替换词汇:significant(意义深远的)essential(关键的) indispensable(不可替代的) pivotal(中枢作用的)key(关键的)等等。



lead to 通向,导致;引起

lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致

take the lead 为首,领先

learn from 学习,向…学习

learn of 听到;获悉…的事

learn off 记熟,背下来

at least 至少,最 低限度

in the least 一点(也不),丝毫(不)

leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰

leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带

leave off (使)停止;停下来

leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略

take leave of 向…告别

at length 最后,终于

go to great lengths 竭尽全力

no less than 和…一样,不少于…

none the less (尽管…)仍然

let alone 不干涉;不碰

let down 放下;降低;使…失望

let go 放开;释放;发射

let in 让…进入;放…出来

let off 放(炮);开(枪);宽恕

let out 放掉(水等),发出

let up 减小;(雨等)渐渐停止

knock down 撞倒;击落;拆除

knock off 把…敲掉;击倒;停工

knock out 敲空;(拳击中)击倒

know about 了解,知道…的情况

know better than 很懂得(而不至于)

be known as 以…知名;被认为是

be known for 因…而众所周知

be known to 为…所知

labour along 缓慢而费力地前进

for lack of 因缺乏;因没有

have no lack of 不缺乏

at large 完全地;详尽地

at last 最终,终于

at the latest 最迟,至迟

early and late 从早到晚

no later than 不迟于…

laugh at 因…而发笑;嘲笑

laugh off 用笑摆脱(困境等)

laugh over 笑着谈论

launch out (船)下水;开始新事情

lay aside 把…放在一边;储存

lay down 放下;铺设(铁路)

lay off 停止;(临时)解雇

lay out 花费;布置;摆开

lay over 涂,覆盖;压倒

lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用

not nearly 远非,相差很远

in the negative 否定地,否决

by all nerves 高度不安,神经紧张

lose one's nerves 变得慌张,不知所措

... 既不…也不…

at night 天黑时;在夜里

by night 在夜间;趁黑夜

night after night 一夜又一夜地

night and day 日以继夜地

none but 只有

none the less 仍然,依然

not at all 不点也不;别客气

not but that 虽然

not in the least 毫不

make a note of 把…记下来

take note of 注意(到)

take notes 记笔记

nothing but 只有;只不过

think nothing of 把…看成平

to say nothing of 更不必说

give notice 通知

have notice of 接到通知

take notice of 注意,留心


1、听力理解部分 :分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。



1. 有动力而无压力,紧张而不焦虑,迅速而不慌乱。

2. 人生终有许多选择。每一步都要慎重。但是一次选择不能决定一切。不要犹豫,作出选择就不要后悔。只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗,胜利就在前方。

3. 学习是要有坐稳“冷板凳”的毅力。只有不畏艰苦、勇于拼搏的人才能在学习上闯出一片天。当我们心中有一个明确的目标,凭着不屈的斗志,不懈地努力,就没有什么可以难倒我们,我们一定会到达理想的彼岸。

4. 没有目标就没有方向,每一个学习阶段都应该给自己树立一个目标。

5. 不要在忙碌中迷失了自己,在学习之余,欣赏一下生活,会让你的心情像花儿一样绽放。

6. 高考中没有失败,它带给每个人的深刻思考、刻骨铭心的经历和感受都是不可多得的财富。我们为理想而奋进的过程,其意义远大于未知的结果。

7. 人生能有几回搏?现在不搏更待何时?珍惜机遇吧,让金色的年华碰撞出更加灿烂的火花!

8. 说穿了,其实提高成绩并不难,就看你是不是肯下功夫积累——多做题,多总结。

9. 不耍小聪明,不作弊应当是我们学习的原则,也应当是我们做人的原则。这样做的根基在于——相信自己,不仅相信自己现有的实力,也相信自己通过努力能够取得的进步。

以上就是英语四六级句子的全部内容,1. 有动力而无压力,紧张而不焦虑,迅速而不慌乱。2. 人生终有许多选择。每一步都要慎重。但是一次选择不能决定一切。不要犹豫,作出选择就不要后悔。只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗,胜利就在前方。

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