
果果英语网 2024-03-30

在湖边用英语怎么说?在湖边的英语:by the lake。造句:Later, by the lakeshore, i panned the rock .后来,在湖边,我把这块岩石淘洗了一下。那么,在湖边用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。



英文翻译:Standing by the lake.

或者:Standing at the edge of the lake.

或者:Stand on the edge of a lake.

或者:stand on the lakeside.



英文:lakeside; lakefront; by the lake; the edge of the lake


1. 站在湖边用英语怎么说


英文翻译:Standing by the lake.

或者:Standing at the edge of the lake.

或者:Stand on the edge of a lake.

或者:stand on the lakeside.



英文:lakeside; lakefront; by the lake; the edge of the lake

2. 用英语写一篇青云湖作文

Qingyun Lake in new downtown east in the Qingyun Mountain foothills. On our way to Qingyun lake, because it was at night, but the lights shining. Can clearly see on both sides of the road cut or neat, or a mushroom, or pyramid holly and pine.

Come to the Qingyun lake, I saw a boat shaped stone, engraved with the "Qingyun Lake" three characters, which give Qingyun Lake added a bit of color. I watched the Qingyun lake east of the mountain, dad said: "this is the Qingyun mountain." Because it was dark, can not see clearly, like a large black forest.

To the lake Qingyun, Qingyun lake to a distance, like a raven black cloud, and like a lake of black ink. I have some fear.

Qingyun west of the lake is "Qingyun Lake park". At night, the lawn is black, the tree is black, only the landscape lamp every kind of side of the tree to see the dark green color.

The lake has a piece of spray splashed, Black Lake in beating. Black Lake, like a black potion. Fish in the lake from time to time, sometimes to go, but also some jumping on the surface of the water to play. I was standing by the lake, the wind blowing like a knife, I feel a little pain. There is a Diaoyutai Qingyun lake during the day, there are some people in the fishing there.

Night and day Qingyun, Qingyun Lake Lake is not the same. At night, the lights around the colorful; the day is full of green Qingyun lake, because there are pine and cypress and some Hardy plants.

3. 根据下列问题和中文意思写一篇英语作文60词左右假设你叫王蕾,上周

Laseekend,I went to my uncle's farm.On the farm,I saw many sheep,hens and horses.In the morning,my uncle showed me around.We had a walk along the river.In the afternoon,I helped my uncle to milk the cow.And after that he gave me a glass of milk as reward.I had a wonderful time.上周末,我去了叔叔的农场.在农场上我看到了许多羊、鸡和马.早上叔叔带我四处看看.我们还在湖边散步.下午,我帮叔叔挤牛奶.之后他给了我一杯牛奶作奖励.我度过了很美好的周末.。


在湖边的英语:by the lake。


Later, by the lakeshore, i panned the rock .


An appointment was made for us, by an old delaware to meet at the rock near the foot of this lake .


Two of the sweeping bastions appeared to rest on the water which washed their base, while a deep ditch and extensive morasses guarded its other sides and angles .


There are lots of good restaurants all around the lakeside.



是用by !举例说明:

"We stood by the lake, mesmerized by the flashing colours of the fish."



“在湖边”的英语:by the lake。

lake:美式读音[lek] ;英式读音[leɪk]


lake的短语词组:along the lake沿湖边;around the lake在湖的周围;at the lake在湖中

by the lake湖畔;in a lake在湖中


1.The garden reaches the lake.


2.We crossed the lake in a canoe.


3.I reached the gate that opened towards the lake.


以上就是在湖边用英语怎么说的全部内容,在河边翻译成英文是by the river。by, beside, near, on 这组词的共同意思是“靠近,在…旁边”。beside是一般用语,其宾语可以是表示任何人或事物的名词。by强调“紧贴”,其宾语可以是一般的人或事物。

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