
果果英语网 2024-04-03

四级词汇题?四级真题-动词短语第六期1. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ___ over his business to his son. A)take B)hand C)think D)get 1. B [注释]琼斯先生年老时会把他的企业移交给儿子。那么,四级词汇题?一起来了解一下吧。


1. 【真题】The shy girl felt ___ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.(1998.6)

A. amazed

B. awkward

C. curious

D. amused

2.【真题】We welcome rain ,but a(an) ____ large amount of rainfall will cause floods.(1994.1)

A. extensively

B. extremely

C. specially

D. constantly

3.【真题】A lot ants are always invading my kitchen . They are a thorough ___. (2000.1)

A. nuisance

B. trouble

C. worry

D. anxiety

4.【真题】 Writing is a slow process, requiring ___ thought, time, and effort.(1996.6)

A. significant

B. considerable

C. enormous

D. numerous

5.【真题】 Mobile telecommunications ____ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of contract signed between the two companies.(2002.1)

A. capacity

B. potential

C. possession

D. impact


1. 【解析】答案为B



四级真题-动词短语第六期1. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _____ over his business to his son.

A)take B)hand C)think D)get

1. B [注释]琼斯先生年老时会把他的企业移交给儿子。

A)take over接受,接管;承袭,借用;The Japanese have taken over many European ways of life. 日本人袭用了不少欧洲人的生活方式。

B)hand over移交,交出;The thief was handed over to the police. 小偷被移交给警察。

C)think over 仔细考虑;Please think over what I've said. 请仔细考虑我说的话。

D)get over 克服,解决(问题等);从(疾病,失望等)中恢复过来;It took me a longtime to get over my cold.我的感冒过了很久才好。Can we get over this difficulty?


2. A lorry _____ Jane's cat and sped away.

A)ran over B)ran into C)ran through D)ran down

2. A [注释]一辆卡车把珍的猫撞倒碾过,然后加速开走了。


大学英语四级词汇训练试题及答案 篇1

1.Ten years later, that man was _______ from prison.

A.shut B. released C. penetrated D. elected

2.I _______ you’ve decided against taking my advice.

A.express B. declare C. assume D. exclude

3.I wrote to my aunt last night. I couldn’t _______ it any longer.

A.delay B. reply C. rely D. opposite

4.I imagine I’ll _______ some friends instead of going to the movies.

A.envy B. interest C. entertain D. courage

5.A________ thing happened to me last night.

A. sake B. peculiar C. baggage D. average

6.It was a terrible _______ and I won’t forget it.

A. shock B.vessel C.royal D.evidence

7.Mary is always _______ when she doesn’t get any mail.

A.affected B.dissed C.plain D.disturbed

8.Each member has a chance to _______ his argument in the conference.

A.present B.recall C.stock D.council

9.I wish you would give me a more detailed _______ of you trip.

A.account B.advance C.accuse D.count

10.What time is the mail _______ on Saturday?

A.objected B.outlet C.delivered D.starved

11.What’s the price of that _______ of potatoes?

A.beg B.pig C.pint D.sack

12.You don’t have to pay any _______ on personal belongings.

A.price B.duty C.expense D.elevator

13.Mary is too weak to _______ the piano across the room.

A.apply B.appeal C.attract D.drag

14.I was crossing the street and was almost _______ by car.

A.attacked B.dicked C.hit D.held

15.Do you have anything to _______ for customs?

A.show B.declare C.exam D.check

16.He worked hard this week, but _______ very little.

A.presented B.obeyed C.composed D.accomplished

17.Will you accept my _______?

A.sympathy B.synthetic C.satellite D.saddle

18.In general, my reaction is that we should _______ carefully.

A.proceed B.pace C.pale D.pan

19.Along the northern coast there are many deep _______.

A.divers B.harbors C.bats D.bars

20.Nobody knows who will be the _______ of this city.

A.mayor B.inhabitant C.dash D.bow

21.Food _______ is a big industry in this area.

A.projecting B.promising C.processing D.president

22.We never _______ that John would become a doctor.

A.respected B.wondered C.suspected D.estimated

23.Don’t be too _______ on your children. They are still too young.

A.shine B.internal C.copper D.severe

24.Greater efforts are needed before we can _______ our goal.

A.dozen B.attain C.avenue D.reward

25.Eggs are _______ according to size.

A.passed B.judged C.graded D.chained

26.He worked in our university as a football _______ for nearly five years.

A.clerk B.grain C.coach D.couch

27.The _______ in the river has to be rebuilt.

A.court B.cousin C.dam D.damp

28.He designed an experiment in order to _______ his theory.

A.demonstrate B.proof C.defense D.grasp

29.Heavy taxed are _______ on wines imported from the other countries.

A. imposed B.trgistered C.splashed D.thudered

30.I would like to visit you and _______ our friendship but in fact I can not come.

A.rent B.renew C.mouse D.spot

31.This factory is planning to build a new _______ line this year.

A.resemble B.assembly C.productive D.assess

32.Meat _______ much more easily than vegetables.

A. loses B.numerous C.weaves D.decays

33.Dr. Smith is _______ in his research and does not know anything about politics.

A.shut B.typed C.defeated D.absorbed

34. He said he would _______ me to Mr. Li but he didn’t .

A.comment B.suggest C.command D.recommend

35.A magnificent monument has been _______ in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people’s heroes.

A.envied B.erected C.created D.curved

36.In this kind of hotel, there are no _______ rooms.

A. luxury B.marvelous C.occasional D.sulphur

37.Nothing can _______ me to leave my own country.

A.verse B.hay C.tempt D.attempt

38.Nobody in the class can _______ him of his mistake.

A.believe B.admit C.thirst D.convince

39.This tree is _______ for its beautiful flowers.

A.hooked B.stemmed C.cultivated D.parceled

40.He _______ his success to the good education he has received.

A.distributes B.contributes C.attributes D.owns

41.Professor Smith seldom _______ the class on time.

A.dismisses B.nervous C.misleads D.regrets

42.Mr. Wang _______ his wife and children when he went to the United States.

A.prescribed B.delayed C.decreased D.deserted

43.He _______ a lot of time in trying to develop the education system in this area.

A. involved B.investigated C.invested D.interfered

44.They spent many years _______ for oil in this small island.

A.exploring B.exploding C.exposing D.exploiting

45.We can’t _______ the fact that we are still a developing country.

A. ignore B.neglect C.imagine D.impress

46.Can you _______ the man who robbed you of your watch?

A. illustrate B.exhibit C.damage D.identify

47.Many children in developing countries can not go to school,because of _______

A.property B.sword C.trace D.poverty

48.What is your _______ to his coming?

A.altitude B.attitude C.attribute D.aspect

49.He _______ into the water and rescued the little girl.

A. ed B.sloped C.heaped D.dived

50.You may _______ of the extra books in our department library.

A.deposit B.enclose C.fade D.dispose

答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.C 28.A 29.A30.B 31.B 32.D 33.D 34.D 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.C 40.C 41.A 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.A 46.D 47.D 48.B 49.D 50.D[/move]

大学英语四级词汇训练试题及答案 篇2

1.They ____the report to the State Council for approval.

A)made B)leave out C)committed D)admitted

2.I ought to have insisted on ____ a thorough rest before you left for New York.

A)you to take B)your taking C)that you take D)you taking

3.A table made of steel costs more than ____ made of wood.

A)that B)which C)one D)it is

4.Now we have got so far with the project,we ____ finish it.

A)can as well B)should as well C)would as well D)may as well

5.Their plan is not economically____.

A)efficient B)feasible C)advisable D)urgent

6.Our teacher’s reading is of very wide____ .

A)extent B)range C)limit D)border

7.I ____ some old photos in the attic

A)came through B)came to C)came round D)came across

8.I prefer to put the meeting off____ it without adequate preparations.

A)than hold B)rather than hold C)than to hold D)rather than to hold

9.It was not ____ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds.

A)before B)at C)after D)until

10.Most doctors recognize that medicine is ____ it is a science.

A)an art as much B)much an art as C)as an art as much D)as muchan art as


1.C 译文:他们把这个报告提交给国务院批准。




1. The Minister of Finance stresses that the quality of goods, ____ the quantity of production, is the key to improving the nation’s economy.

A) other than B) rather than C) more than D) better than

2. If people are not held responsible for their they are drunk,then we ____ forgive drunken drivers

A) may well as B) had better C) might as well D) would rather

3. He might have been dead ____ the arrival of the doctors.

A) but for B) except for C) with D) on

4. These areas rely on agriculture almost ____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

A) respectively B) undoubtedly C) incredibly D) exclusively

5. It’s strange that Amy ____ her aunt in every way.

A) takes down B) takes after C) takes to D) takes on

6. With the experience approaching the final success, everyone knows that they can not ____ a single minor mistake and thing.

A) inflict B) endure C) stand D) afford

7. The boss stressed the criterion that a qualified waiter must do every service ____ the satisfaction of his customers.

A) for B) by C) on D) to

8. Only after many years of hard work ____ that money alone does not lead to happiness and success.

A) I did realize B) had I realized C) did I realize D) I had realized

9. When automation is introduced into the factory, all the work done by hand will ____ the assembly line.

A) take the place of B) replace C) be attributed to D) give way to

10.The travelers were ready to enjoy the spectacular tidal waves when suddenly a thick fog came up and ____ the whole scene.

A) blurred B) belittled C) banned D) collapsed


1. B



normal指正常的;average指平均的;regular指规则的有规律的;ordinary指寻常的。ordinary sicknesses 应该是常见病的意思。

以上就是四级词汇题的全部内容,A. normal adj. 正常的,一般的;B ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的,常指人或事物不特殊。C. average adj.普通的,平均的,通常指标准,情况普通或一般。

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