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    claim v.要求; n.索赔;宣称 initiative n.对策;新举措;

    dramatic adj.戏剧的conclusion n.结论;推论;

    trigger n.起因,诱因;v.引起concentrate v.集中,聚集;

    extreme adj.极大的;n.极端;highly adv.高度地,非常地;

    literature n.文学作品 entire adj.全部的,整个的

    endure v.忍受(痛苦,困难)historical adj.历史的

    irrigation n.灌溉tolerant adj.忍受的;容忍 的,

    appeal v.呼吁n.迫切的请求insist v.坚持,坚决要求;

    criticize v.批评;批判; executive adj.行政的;管理的n.高级管理人员;经理;主管

    indicate v.表明;强烈暗示;display v.陈列;展示;显示;

    tuition n.学费;讲授;教学;n.展览,展出;显示,陈列指导

    scholarship n.奖学金;学问,intention n.意图,打算

    definitely adv.明确地;清楚 supplement v.补充,增补的;一定,肯定n.补充物,增刊;附加费;

    conduct v.组织;执行;指挥appliance n.器具运基亩n.行为,举止




    1. Above all:最重要的余禅是。

    2. Account for:解释,说明。

    3. After all:终究,毕竟。

    4. Air car crash:空难,车祸。

    5. Allergic to:过敏。

    6. Appeal to:吸引,呼吁。

    7. Apply for to, application letter:申请,求职信。

    8. At ease:安逸,自由自在。

    9. Back up:支持,援助。

    10. Beat the crowd:避开人群,避开高峰。













    1、absurd .荒缪的

    2、abundant .丰富的

    3、acute .敏锐的锋利的

    4、aggressive .好⽃的

    5、ambiguous .模槐族棱两可的模糊的

    6、ambitious .有雄⼼的有抱负的

    7、appropriate .合适的恰当的

    8、authentic .可靠的可信的

    9、average .⼀般的普通的

    10、barren .贫瘠的不⽑的

    11、bound .⼀定的

    12、chronic .慢性的

    13、commentary .实况报道

    14、compact .紧凑的⼩巧的

    15、competitive .竞争性的具有竞争⼒的

    16、竖芹compact a.紧凑的,⼩巧的

    17、competitive a.竞争性的,具有竞争⼒的

    18、compulsory a.强迫的,强制的,余明毕义务的

    19、confidential a.机紧的,秘密的

    20、conservative a.保守的,传统的


    1. Above all 最重要的是,most important of all

    Above all, they’ll have to discover how much nitrogen it possesses since nitrogen is4/5 of the air breathe.

    2. Account for 解释,说明

    How do you account for the truth?

    3. After all 终究,毕竟

    We won’t be laid off after all.(1998-1)

    4. Air /car crash 空难,车祸

    5. Allergic to 过敏

    I’m allergic to beef and mutton.

    6. Appeal to 吸引,呼吁。尘洞销

    Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to you?

    7. Apply for/to, application letter 申请,求职信

    8. At ease 安逸,自由自在

    I don’t know why he is ill at ease?心神不宁

    9. Back up 支持,援助。

    10. Beat the crowd 避开人派游群,避开高峰

    The only to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Sunday is to be here when they open at 9 sharp.

    11. Be aware of 意识到

    I like people who are going about their daily business without being aware of the camera. 12. Behind the schedule/late

    12. Be in charge of 负颤物责,照顾,经管 be responsible for

    13. Be in the charge of 下级+be in the charge of+上级

    14. Be in season 应季的,当令的

    15. These apples and pears seem to be in season.

    16. Be supposed to do 应该,被期望

    What am I supposed to do with his help?

    17. Book up

    Break down/doesn’t work

    18. Bring up 教育,培养,提出

    She brought up her children to be truthful.

    19. Build up 积累,增强,树立

    20. By chance/run into 偶然

    21. By no means 绝不 /anything but

    22. Check in/out

    23. Come up 发生,出现,提出

    24. Come up with 针对问题,挑战等提出,想出,赶上

    I spent a whole week searching on the net, but came up with nothing valuable.

    25. Concentrate on/focus on 集中

    26. Deal with /cope with 处理

    27. Drop in 顺便拜访

    28. Drop out of 不参与,退出

    They’re likely to drop out of school and less likely to succeed in life.

    29. Eat one’s words 食言

    30. Fall short of 达不到,不符合

    Its results fell short of her expectation.

    31. Figure out 搞清楚,弄明白

    What I can’t figure out is how to make it work in my program.

    32. Find out

    33. Fit one’s need 满足某人需要

    34. For ages/a long time

    35. Get along with 进展

    36. Get around 避开

    37. Get used to 习惯于;使适应、

    38. Use to do 过去常常

    39. Go Dutch/split the bill/fifty-fifty/separate the bill

    40. Go sightseeing

    41. Go/keep on a diet

    I’m on a diet recently, so I’d better skip the dessert.

    42. Have a hard/difficult time with sth.

    43. Have a temperature/fever

    44. Have the final say:有决定权

    45. Hold up 堵塞,持枪拦截,举起,拦截

    Did you hear that the convenience store next to the gas station was held up last night?

    46. In a good/terribly /mood

    47. In the long run:长期来看

    It seems very experience. But in the long run it will save the money on the maintenance.

    48. Keep between the two of us:/keep a secret

    49. Keep fit

    50. Keep in touch with

    51. Knock it off/stop

    52. Lay off/fire

    53. Lay off/fire

    54. Let out:放走,泄露

    55. Look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针

    56. Make a hit:获得成功

    57. Make ends meet:使收支相抵

    58. Make sense:有意义

    59. Make up;补偿,化妆,补考

    60. Meet each other half way: make an agreement

    61. Move on:/go on/continue/keep on

    62. Nothing but:只有

    63. Anything but:绝不

    64. Now that:既然

    65. On earth:究竟

    66. On purposes :有意,故意

    67. Out of the world:/wonderful/amazing

    68. Pull in;进站,靠岸

    69. Pull through:痊愈,恢复健康

    70. Put off/delay/

    71. Put through:接通电话

    72. Reach the bottom of the barrel: use up/run out of

    73. Resign one’s post:/quit;辞职

    74. Ring a bell:听起来很熟

    75. Run off/copy

    76. Sign up for/join in/register

    77. Sneak up on sb.头头接近,靠近

    78. Take …for granted 相当然地认为

    79. Take one’s time 从容不迫

    80. Take one’s word:./believe in sb./trust sb.

    81. The reverse is also true 反之亦然

    82. Tie up with/busy with

    83. Tired of/get bored of

    84. Under the weather 身体不舒服

    85. Well-off/rich people

    86. White elephant 无价值的东西,废物

    87. White lie 善意的谎言

    88. You bet 当然

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