
果果英语网 2024-06-19

英语四级考试真题?[参考答案]Young couples also take time to visit their parents, especially on important festivals, such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival。以上就是关于英语四级翻译真题及解析的相关分享,希望对想要考四级的小伙伴们有做帮助,想要了解更多相关内容,那么,英语四级考试真题?一起来了解一下吧。




Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school proj-ect of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim,organiz-ers,participants and activities.You will have 30 minutes to write the report.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


A school project of collecting used books was held on campus last Friday. More than 300 students were involved in this activ-ity and almost all of them took it a fairly meaningful way to impart knowledge,according to a survey conducted yesterday.

The project was organized by the Student Union of our School of Business Administration.Its main aim was to teach students to treasure knowledge and realize the importance of recycling. It also focused on cultivating students'notion of sustainable development. The activity was first launched last Monday to make sure that students that were willing to give away their books had enough time to prepare for the project.Last Friday, students who applied for the project brought their books to Professor Liu's office and signed their names on the activity list, after which a certificate would be awarded.

All of the books collected have been displayed in the Recycling Reading Area in the library. Welcome all students to the library to enjoy the specially offered intellectual feast. See you there!









(1) 中国的家庭观念与其文化传统有关。

[解析]句子的主语是“中国的家庭传统观念”,核心词“观念”,“中国的”、“传统的”做定语。和……有关:be related to …

[参考答案]China‘s family concept is related to its cultural tradition。

(2) 和睦的大家庭曾非常令人羡慕。


令人羡慕的:enviable, admirable

[参考答案]The harmonious family used to be particularly enviable。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.




A) Today in the United States there are 72,000 centenarians (百岁老人). Worldwide, probably 450,000. If current trends continue, then by 2050 there will be more than a million in the US alone. According to the work of Professor James Vaupel and his co-researchers, 50% of babies born in the US in 2007 have a life expectancy of 104 or more. Broadly the same holds for the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Canada, and for Japan 50% of 2007 babies can expect to live to 107.

B) Understandably, there are concerns about what this means for public finances given the associated health and pension challenges. These challenges are real, and society urgently needs to address them. But it is also important to look at the wider picture of what happens when so many people live for 100 years. It is a mistake to simply equate longevity (长寿) with issues of old age. Longer lives have implications for all of life, not just the end of it.

C) Our view is that if many people are living for longer, and are healthier for longer, then this will result in an inevitable redesign of work and life. When people live longer, they are not only older for longer, but also younger for longer. There is some truth in the saying that “70 is the new 60” or “40 the new 30.” If you age more slowly over a longer time period, then you are in some sense younger for longer.

D) But the changes go further than that. Take, for instance, the age at which people make commitments such as buying a house, getting married, having children, or starting a career; These are all fundamental commitments that are now occurring later in life. In 1962, 50% of Americans were married by age 21. By 2014, that milestone (里程碑) had shifted to age 29.

E) While there are numerous factors behind these shifts, one factor is surely a growing realization for the young that they are going to live longer. Options are more valuable the longer they can be held. So if you believe you will live longer, then options become more valuable, and early commitment becomes less attractive. The result is that the commitments that previously characterized the beginning of adulthood are now being delayed, and new patterns of behavior and a new stage of life are emerging for those in their twenties.

F) Longevity also pushes back the age of retirement, and not only for financial reasons. Yes, unless people are prepared to save a lot more, our calculations suggest that if you are now in your mid-40s, then you are likely to work until your early 70s; and if you are in your early 20s, there is a real chance you will need to work until your late 70s or possibly even into your 80s. But even if people are able to economically support a retirement at 65, over thirty years of potential inactivity is harmful to cognitive (认知的) and emotional vitality. Many people may simply not want to do it.

G) And yet that does not mean that simply extending our careers is appealing. Just lengthening that second stage of full-time work may secure the financial assets needed for a 100-year life, but such persistent work will inevitably exhaust precious intangible assets such as productive skills, vitality, happiness, and friendship.

H) The same is true for education. It is impossible that a single shot of education, administered in childhood and early adulthood, will be able to support a sustained, 60-year career. If you factor in the projected rates of technological change, either your skills will become unnecessary, or your industry outdated. That means that everyone will, at some point in their life, have to make a number of major reinvestments in their skills.

I) It seems likely, then’ that the traditional three-stage life will evolve into multiple stages containing two, three, or even more different careers. Each of these stages could potentially be different. In one the focus could be on building financial success and personal achievement, in another on creating a better work/life balance, still another on exploring and understanding options more fully, or becoming an independent producer, yet another on making a social contribution. These stages will span sectors, take people to different cities, and provide a foundation for building a wide variety of skills.

J) Transitions between stages could be marked with sabbaticals (休假) as people find time to rest and recharge their health, re-invest in their relationships, or improve their skills. At times, these breaks and transitions will be self-determined, at others they will be forced as existing roles, firms, or industries cease to exist.

K) A multi-stage life will have profound changes not just in how you manage your career, but also in your approach to life. An increasingly important skill will be your ability to deal with change and even welcome it. A three-stage life has few transitions, while a multi-stage life has many. That is why being self-aware, investing in broader networks of friends, and being open to new ideas will become even more crucial skills.

L) These multi-stage lives will create extraordinary variety across groups of people simply because there are so many ways of sequencing the stages. More stages mean more possible sequences.

M) With this variety will come the end of the close association of age and stage. In a three-stage life, people leave university at the same time and the same age, they tend to start their careers and family at the same age, they proceed through middle management all roughly the same time, and then move into retirement within a few years of each other. In a multi-stage life, you could be an undergraduate at 20, 40, or 60; a manager at 30, 50, or 70; and become an independent producer at any age.

N) Current life structures, career paths, educational choices, and social norms are out of tune with the emerging reality of longer lifespans. The three-stage life of full-time education, followed by continuous work, and then complete retirement may have worked for our parents or even grandparents, but it is not relevant today. We believe that to focus on longevity as primarily an issue of aging is to miss its full implications. Longevity is not necessarily about being older for longer. It is about living longer, being older later, and being younger longer.

36. An extended lifespan in the future will allow people to have more careers than now.

37. Just extending one's career may have both positive and negative effects.

38. Nowadays, many Americans have on average delayed their marriage by some eight years.

39. Because of their longer lifespan» young people today no longer follow the pattern of life of their parents or grandparents.

40. Many more people will be expected to live over 100 by the mid-21st century.

41. A longer life will cause radical changes in people's approach to life.

42. Fast technological change makes it necessary for one to constantly upgrade their skills.

43. Many people may not want to retire early because it would do harm to their mental and emotional well-being.

44. The close link between age and stage may cease to exist in a multi-stage life.

45. People living a longer and healthier life will have to rearrange their work and life.


36. I、37.G、38.D、39.N、40.A、41.K、42.H、43.F、44.M、45.C










There are an increasing number of museums which are open to the public for free in our daily life nowadays. However, no consensus is reached among the public on the influence it brings about on the museums and the visitors involved.

Some people hold the opinion that free admission to museums will contribute to numerous problems ranging from the spoiling of the environment to the damage to the facilities of the museums.

It is known that some visitors will throw away the garbage here and there, which will do great damage to the surroundings of the museums. Worse, it will take a lot of time and effort for the museums to fix the facilities destroyed by the little kids who come to the museum without company of their parents. However, there are different opinions on whether visitors should enjoy free admission or not. Some people maintain that visitors can acquire new knowledge and enrich their lives by visiting various museums.

As far as I am concerned, just as every coin has two sides, it is true to the above phenomenon. Therefore we are expected to take measures to educate the public to observe the rules and regulations when visiting the museums. Thus, more and more individuals will enjoy a favorable environment.



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切

2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该……

How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?


Nowadays, there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon, that is, some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children, including study, work, marriage. Some parents believe that this is love, however, it is only to destroy children''s independence thoroughly.

For the future of the next generation, more efforts should be made by parents to help their children to be independent. The fundamental one is to cultivate the awareness, namely, the importance and necessity of being independent, which is supposed to begin from childhood. Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and more helpful than themselves in this world.

The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor, not a dictator. And only with parents'' trust, can the next generation accumulate confidence step by step.


My views on Online Shopping

1. 现在网购已经成为一种时尚

2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题

3. 我的建议

At present, on-line shopping has gain popularity in the society. Almost every young man has practiced buying stuffs via the Internet; more importantly, some are so addicted to on-line consumption that they even purchase private cars at virtual 4S stores.

On one hand, daily products sold on line are usually much cheaper than those displayed in the shelves. Also, it is convenient for consumers, especially commuters, to obtain what they need in this way. On the other hand, buyers cannot check their intended on-line products. Thus, what they shall receive are probably not in accordance with those introduced in the webpage.

In my opinion, on-line shopping creates both merchants and consumers an efficient and economical way of selling or buying commodities, so it should be encouraged. And related agencies need to improve the supervision, ensuring that the consumer benefits will not be damaged.

以上就是英语四级考试真题的全部内容,一、2019年12月大学英语四级(第一套)翻译真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.中国家庭十分重视孩子的教育。许多父母认为应该努力工作,确保孩子受到良好的教育。

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