
果果英语网 2023-08-05






1. At what time will the speakers get to the sports meeting?

A. 7:45. B. 8:00. C. 8:15.

2. Who sent a new camera to the boy?

A. His mother. B. His uncle. C. His sister.

3. What does the man suggest?

A. The woman should find a spare key.

B. They should try to find a way.

C. The woman should be more careful next time.

4. Why is the woman studying English?

A. It will help her with her job.

B. She wants to find a good job.

C. She likes English conversation.

5. What do we know about the woman?

A. She doesn’t understand the man.

B. She can’t hear the man clearly.

C. She is angry with the man.







(Text 1)

W: Did you tell Mr. Smith to bring the dictionary he promised


M: The dictionary? Oh, I am sorry.

(Text 2)

M: How many years of science did you have in high school?

W: I had one year each of biology and chemistry. I wish I had

had more.

(Text 3)

哗皮御W: Could I please borrow a pen from you? There's no ink left

in mine.

M: I'm afraid I don't have an extra one. Would a pencil do?

W: That's OK, then.

(Text 4)

W: What can I do for you?

M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.

W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?

(Text 5)

M: I was born in Los Angeles. What about you? Where are you


W: I’m Chinese.

M: Chinese? But your English is excellent. Where did you

learn English?

W: In China.

M: Fancy that! Your country must have a very good record of

English language education.

(Text 6)

W: Hey Taxi! Ah, great. Thanks for pulling over.

M: Where to?

W: Well, I’m going to the National Museum of Art, and...

M: Sure. Get on. No problem. Hang on!

W: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?

M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take

more than 20 minutes.

W: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking, but do you have any idea how

much the fare will be?

M: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars.., not including a...

uh-hum.., a tip of course.

W: Oh, and by the way, do you know at what time the museum


M: Well, I would guess around 6:00.

W: Uh, do you have the time?

M: Yeah. It's half past four. Uh, this is your first time to the city,


W: Yeah. How did you know?

M: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city

because they walk down the street looking straight up at the

tall buildings.

W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good

restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?

M: Um... well, the Mexican Restaurant. It's not very expensive,

and the food is good.

W: Sounds great! Thank you very much!

(Text 7)

W: Hello. Sunnyside Hotel. May I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to book a room for two on the 21st of March.

W: Okay. Let me check our books here for a moment. The 21st

of May, right?

M: No. March, not May.

W: Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmm,

M: Are you all booked that night?


W: Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?

M: Non-smoking, please.

W: Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we're

full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.

M: Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?

W: $ 80, plus the 10% room tax.

M: Okay, that’ll be fine.

W: All right. Could I have your name, please?

M: Yes. David Smith.

W: Okay, Mr. Smith, we look forward to seeing you.

M: Okay. Goodbye.

(Text 8)

M: Miss Taylor, what sports do you go in for?

W: I'm absolutely mad about tennis. But I enjoy basketball and

volleyball from time to time, too.

M: They say that sports are most liked in English schools and


W: Right. We think sports will enable the students to better face

life in the highly competitive society we are living in.

M: I quite agree. We should pay more attention to building up

strong bodies with healthy minds. Oh, Miss Taylor, what are

the most popular sports in Britain?

W: Well, it’s out of question that football's at the top of the list.

We call it soccer in England.

M: It seems to be a common topic of conversation.

W: Yes, in fact, I think apart from the weather, it's the thing

most talked about in England.

M: So if we want to start a conversation with a stranger, we’d

better start talking about the weather or a recent football

match. Is that the idea?

(Text 9)

M: Someone has stolen my car! I want to report it. The name is

Walton-Harry Walton.

W: Where did you leave your car, Mr. Walton?

M: In Ludlow Street. Near the traffic lights.

W: Did you leave your car unlocked?

M: Of course not.

W: And what time was this?

M: This morning. I parked it there before I went to work.

W: When do you start work?

M: At nine thirty. But I got in early today. I started at seven.

W: That explains it.

M: What do you mean?

W: We have taken away your car. You can't park your car in

Ludlow Street before ten on Friday.

(Text 10)

The secretary told me that Mr. Abel wanted to see me. I felt very nervous when I entered his office. He did not look up from his desk when I came in. I stood in front of his desk for a few minutes before he looked up at me with a smile. My heart was beating fast, for I seldom saw him smiling like that. After he asked me to be seated, he said that business was not very good. He told me that the company could not afford all the salaries and twenty people had left. I knew my turn had come. "I was trying my best to do my job, Mr. Abel," I said in a weak voice. "Don't interrupt," he said. "After discussing this with other managers, I have decided to add $ 50 to your salary monthly.”Then I realized why Mr. Abel had smiled like that.

第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

1. Why did the man apologize?

A. He had lost the dictionary.

B. He had forgotten to bring the dictionary.

C. He had forgotten to tell Mr. Smith to bring the


2. How many science courses did the woman take in

high school?

A. One. B. Two. C. More than two.

3. Why didn't the boy lend his pen to the girl?

A. Because he had no extra pen.

B. Because he had no ink in his pen, either.

C. Because he had only pencils.

4. Where is the conversation probably taking place?

A. In a bank B. In a bakery C. In a post office

5. What does the man think of the English language

education in China?

A. Bad. B. Good. C. Just-so-so.


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。









【 #英语听力#导语】在英语听力里,短文听力是难度较大的一种,因此,考生可以在日常的英语听力里多进梁仿行一些短文听力,强化自己这方面的英语听力能力。下面是分享的英语听力短文训练材料。欢迎阅读参考!



When you open a container of yogurt, you’ll often see liquid collected on top. Some people mix it back into the yogurt, and others drain it off. What is it, and where does it come from?


To solve the mystery of the liquid in yogurt, let’s take a few steps back, to the milk that yogurt is made of. Milk has two different types of proteins. Most of the proteins are casein proteins, and the rest are whey proteins–of curds and whey fame.




初级英语听力:The boat crushed on the pier

Some people stood on the *** all pier. They saw a boat approach. The boat was approaching fast. The boat was approaching the *** all pier. Was the boat going to stop? People started running. They started running off the pier. They were worried. They were worried about the boat. The boat kept ing. It didn't slow down. One man stood on the pier. He didn't run. He yelled at the boat. He waved his arms. He yelled, "Stop! Stop! You're going to crash!" But the boat didn't stop. It kept ing. The man kept yelling. The boat kept ing. Is the driver drunk, the man wondered. He ran as fast as he could. He ran off the pier. The boat crashed into the pier.

初级英语听力:A Brush with God

e dropped his toothbrush. It fell on the floor. He picked up his toothbrush. He rinsed it off. He brushed his teeth. He rinsed his mouth. He walked out of the bathroom. He sat on his bed. He felt something. It was under the sheet. He took the sheet off the bed. Something was in hi *** attress. It was a brand new mattress. He had bought it yesterday. What is in the mattress, he wondered. He went to the kitchen. He took a knife from the kitchen drawer. He cut open the mattress. What could it be, he wondered. It was *** all. It was black. It was a book. It was the NewTestament. Is God trying to tell me something, he wondered.

迅厅初级英语听力:They Deliver

He called up the post office. "Where is my package?" he asked. "What is the tracking number?" the postal worker asked. He told her the tracking number. She said, "Your package is at the main post office. You can pick it up anytime." He said, "I don't want to pick it up. Can you deliver it?" She said yes. "We will deliver it on Monday," she said. "Will you be home?" He said, "What time on Monday?" She said, "Anytime between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m." He said, "I have to work. I can't stay home all day." She said, "That's okay. We can deliver it on Tuesday." He said, "I have to work on Tuesday, too. Please deliver it on Saturday."

初级英语听力:Lost and Found

He couldn't find his pen. Where is my pen, he wondered. He looked for his pen. It was on top of the microwave. He couldn't find his cell phone. Where is my cell phone, he wondered. He looked for his cell phone. It was on top of the TV. He couldn't find his glasses. Where are my glasses, he wondered. He looked for his glasses. They were on top of his head. I'm tired of looking for everything, he thought. He invented a tiny video recorder. It recorded everything he did. It recorded everywhere he went. He couldn't find his toothbrush. Where is my toothbrush, he wondered. He played his tiny video recorder. He found his toothbrush. He didn't have to look for it.

初级英语听力:It's still hot

The days were hot. The nights were hot. He turned on the living room fan. He turned on the dining room fan. Both fans were on high speed. They made a lot of noise. But they didn't blow cool air. They blew hot air. They blew hot air everywhere. He turned off the fans. He turned on the air conditioner. He closed all the windows. He closed the front door. The apartment began to cool down. It got cooler and cooler. Then he heard a bang. It was a loud bang. He thought a plane had crashed onto the roof. But it wasn't a plane. It was the air conditioner pressor. It had broken down. He opened the door. He opened the windows.


以上就是英语听力训练材料的全部内容,初级英语听力训练材料 英语初级入门就是学习英语的最初级、最基础的阶段,英语入门主要包括以下几个方面:字母发音,数字,时间、月份及星期,常见国名,常见城市名,常见缩略语,国际音标,常用句型。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

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