
果果英语网 2023-08-06

雅思口语开头?雅思口语暖场问题3:“Can you tell me where you’re from?”先,切记不要用Yes开头。你只要直接回答你来自哪里就好了。其次,可以详细到省市,地理位置加上的话就更好不过了。那么,雅思口语开头?一起来了解一下吧。


I would like to introduce you_____________

when I was asked to talk about________,the first ____came to my mind i、was ________.



同学你好,针对你这个问题,在这里为你分享两种高分的雅思口语回答方法: 一、谚语答题法。这种答题法的技巧在于把生动的谚语插进自己的答话中,既大大充实了答话的内容,又能show出你对英美文化的掌握能力,可谓一石二鸟。 Television Examiner: How does the news influence people?新闻如何影响人们? Candidate: News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isn\'t news but propaganda in my opinion. It\'s like that good old saying: Some people would rather believe the lies of Satan than the truth of God. 新闻只是通过报道某一些事情或者报道部分事情来影响人们。在我看来:片面之词的新闻或报道不是新闻而是宣传或导向。



Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

You should say

Who this person was

What the conversation was about

Why you had this conversation

And how you felt about itYou should say:

Who this person is

What kind of job this person does

How you knew him or her

And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

Describe someone you would like to study or work with You should say:

Who this person is

How long you have known this person

What you have done together

And explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from others.

You should say:

What the situation was

What you borrowed

Whom you borrowed it from

And explain why you borrowed it.Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

You should say:

What it was

Who you gave it to

How you prepared it

And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it

Describe something lost by others but found by you.

You should say:

When it happened;

What you picked up;

How you did with the lost thing;

And how did you feel about it.Describe a time you felt tired but had to keep awake

You should say

Why you felt tired

Why you had to keep awake

What you had to do to keep awake

and explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhood

Where it was

What it was like

What you learned there

And how you felt about it





雅思口语part2没话说如何解决1、Introduction 开头。用“I’d like to talk about ...”来开头,然后说“I chose this topic because…”,若是不能想到原因便编一个,尽管轮陵谈论真实经历更好。

雅思口语part2没话说如何解决2、Past 过去的情况。说完开头,停顿一下,用十分相似anyway, anyhow的连接词来过渡至谈论过去 ,这能使自己展示出自信地使用各种过去时态的能力。

雅思口语part2没话说如何解决3、Description 描述具体情况。说完过去,停顿一下,用“So let me tell you about ... in a little more detail”提示考官下面要介绍的内容。这是大用具体的话题相关词汇打动考官的一次机会。备考时还要准备话题有关的形容词又或是短语。使用形容词以后需要进行拓展又或是用例子来解释。若不能想到具体的例子可以编,只需要例子符合你提到的形容词即可。




雅思口语暖场问题1:“Good morning/afternoon.MynameisX.Can you tell me your fullname,please?”

这里面烤鸭不要随意去加Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms.举例,如果考官说“MynameisJack“,那么你们在回答的时候不要说“Good morning,Mr.Jack.“因为John是名而不是姓啊!你们应该要这样回答:Good morning,Jack.My name is xxx.说名字的时候发音必须要清晰,语速方面可以适当的放缓。当然也不用特地去强调你的family name和given name,有点画蛇添足。

雅思口语暖场问题2:“What can I call you?”



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