
果果英语网 2024-08-05

历年四级英语作文?Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. 英语四级作文必背万能句子 一、用于作文开头的万能模板 1、那么,历年四级英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


1. 题目party iv writing英语作文1有人以音乐或运动为业余爱好,2有人的

Teaching grammar is always regarded very difficult because it may be very boring and the students may not participate actively. This semester we have learned some principles for teaching grammar, and we enjoyed a very wonderful grammar lesson. Actually we can update our mind and have a new vision for teaching grammar.

Please design a grammar lesson of teaching object clause (宾语从句). The format is just like the lesson plan we learned in class.

2. 求写一篇英语作文:Directions:Forthispart,

The Power of Advertisements Every day, it is easy to see advertisements all around us. Look around. How many different advertisements can you see? Often products show the name of the pany that made them. This is a popular form of adver- rising. The special picture or symbol, i.e. logo, appears on many different products. When you see a logo, it is hard to fet that product or pany. Many people buy a product because it is made by a certain pany. In fact, some people only buy a product of a famous pany. They think it proves that they are fashionable and have good taste. It is mon to find advertisements on TV or radio. Most advertisements are very short for people to remember. Nike,for example, has a simple slogan used all around the world:"Just do it". Advertisements often use funny situations as well. It is easy to remember an entertaining ad. All advertisements are designed to make people buy a product. An advertisement for a soft drink, for example,might show a group of trendy young people who are having fun. The young people are all drinking the soft drink. Adverrisers are saying to you, "Why don't you buy it and be like these people? You can be young, modern and trendy, too." You might think that advertisements do not affect you, but the next time you buy a soft drink, ask yourself: Why am I buying this particular product? 广告的力量 每天我们很容易在自己的身边发现各种各样的广告.向四周看一下,你能找到多少不同的广告? 通常产品都会显示其生产厂家的名称.这是一种很普遍的广告形式.各种各样的商品上出现的特殊图案或符号,叫做标识.当你见过一个标识,就很难忘记该种商品或其生产厂家. 很多人买东西是因为它出自某一特定厂家. 事实上,有些人只买某个大牌厂家出品的东西,因为他们觉得这证明他们很时尚,有品位. 广告通常出现在电视或收音机里.大多数广告都很短小便于人们记忆.例如,耐克就有一个简单却世界闻名的标语:“Just do it”(只管去做).广告中常常利用一些有趣的情景.通常娱乐广告就很容易记忆. 所有的广告设计都是为了使人们购买商品.例如某种软饮料的广告,可能就会出现一群玩得正开心的前卫青年,这些年轻人正畅饮该种饮料.广告词会对你说:“为什么不买来尝一尝,像这些人一样呢?你也会变得年轻、时尚又前卫.” 你可能会觉得自己并没有受到广告的影响,但是,下次买饮料的时候,问一问自己:为什么我会买这种牌子的产品呢?。




Many traditional arts are losing nowadays, because some of them have been replaced by the new machines and the scientific products. I feel so sorry about the losing arts, in my opinion, they are so classic and their charm will never fade away. Take my grandma for example. She is good at paper-cut which was inherited from her mother. But when comes to my mother’s generation, paper-cut seems to be kicked out, there are less people need it, so my mother doesn’t learn this skill. The paper-cut art is losing in my family. When I found my grandma had this skill, I was so surprised and curious about it. I asked my grandma to teach me this skill. During the process, I found this art was so great, I was attracted by it. Some traditional arts like paper-cup should be kept.



1. My Mother

My mother is a housewife. She is a nice and hardworking woman. She can cook very well. My mother is also very gentle. She loves me and seldom scold me. When I did something wrong, she will tells me and teaches me on how to do it correctly. I love my mother.



2. My Father

My father is a business man. He is strong and serious. He cares about me a lot. When I do not do well in my study, he will scold me. However, I know he loves me. He likes to bring me to go swimming every weekends. I love my father.






一. 对比选择型热点追踪 Study Abroad or in China?

There is no consensus of opinions among people as to whether students should study abroad or not. Some people are of the view that the youths should go overseas for further study if possible, while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that it is of no necessity for students to study in a foreign country.

Those people who maintain that it is good for students to go abroad for further study believe that diverse culture background can broaden students’ horizon. They also claim that overseas study can shape students’ personality because they are forced to deal with all kinds of difficulties by themselves.

Nevertheless, the other people who contend that domestic education is good enough for students argue that our educational quality has been greatly improved during the past decade. They also point out that domestic education is convenient and economical.

As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, it can strengthen the learners’ abilities to understand and communicate with people from other cultures. For another, the developed countries still have a lot advanced knowledge which is worth our study. When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that studying abroad if possible is advisable.

二. 问题解决型实例:2001年1月(How to Succeed in a Job Interview? 面试在求职过程中的作用、面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是……),2000年1月(How I Finance My College Education?)1998年1月(My View on Fake Commodities)模板:With the development/improvement of (铺垫), (某一问题). It is necessary that (关注解决现象引出的问题很必要). On the one hand, (理由一). On the other hand, (理由二).

Therefore, how to (承上启下句,要解决的问题) is worth paying attention. Firstly, (办法一). Secondly, (办法二). For example, (举例解释解决办法二). Thirdly, (办法三). In other words, (阐明解决办法三).

In fact, the ways to (解决问题的办法多种多样) are countless. It’s time that (强调解决问题时不可待).真题演练: How to Succeed in a Job Interview?(2001年1月)

With the development of job market, job interview plays an important role in job-hunting. It is necessary that we should learn some tricks to perform better in a job interview. On the one hand, a job interview offers interviewees and interviewers respectively a chance to know each other within a very short time. On the other hand, excellent performance in an interview will enable the interviewees to exert a good impression on the interviewer and finally win the job.

Therefore, how to succeed in job interview is worth paying attention. Firstly, interviewees should dress neatly and properly. Secondly, interviewees should be confident. For example, when asked about professional questions, interviewees should give a clear and definite answer. Thirdly, interviewees should have some knowledge about the company and the position they apply for. In other words, interviewees should prepare themselves something about the interview in advance so as to show that they attach vital importance to the job.

In fact, the ways to succeed in a job interview are countless. It’s time that we laid stress on interview because it’s the first step of our work experience.

热点追踪The Damage of Public Facilities





It's well known that books are the quintessence of human wisdom. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. There are many famous sayings about reading throughout the history such as Reading makes a full man. Indeed, the importance of reading can never be too much stressed. Thus, here comes to how to develop such ability.

To begin with, as an old proverb says, Practice makes perfect., what we need to do is to read as more books as we can, no matter whether it is a digital version or hardcover. Secondly, since there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes, we need to deliver our opinions to others and share with others. This could not only help understand the materials from different views but also improve our reading ability. Thirdly, making reading a habit could also improve it. The more fun we find in reading, the more we are willing to explore the books and thus help us strengthen that ability.

In a word, no matter at what time we realize the importance of reading, we can enjoy it during the rest of our life and finally we'll see that it is rewarding.


In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese traditional culture, literature, history, society etc, has become increasingly popular For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius- Another good illustration is in the program CCTV Lecture Room famous scholars, e.g, Yu Dan, give lectures on Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures.

Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is of vital significance for both the individuals and the society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5,000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge, enrich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society.

In my opinion, all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the gation to popularize introducing it to the world By doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it glorious and prosperous.



How should college students relieve pressure?

Today's college students face many pressures, mainly from parents' expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition. Although pressure, to some extent, can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative affect. Pressure can destroy a student's confidence. More seriously it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors.

Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn how to relieve pressure. First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves, so it's to make use of advantages and avoid disadvantages. Second, we should set a clear aim of struggle. The aim can give us motivation and make us become active. Third, attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure. Finally, if you find pressure is nearly beyond your control, you'd better turn to professional psychological guidance.

As to me, my pressure is mainly from future employment. In order to reduce upset, I ask my parents to help me analyze my advantages and disadvantages and produce more practical job objection. So my employment pressure has been relieved greatly. Now I become very confident in my future, and I do believe I can get an ideal job after my graduation.


Students' Pursuit for Famous Brands

Nowadays many college students like to pursue famous brands. From clothes to mobile phones, even study articles like electronic dictionaries and pens, they are inclined to buy famous brands. Moreover, many students from poor families begin to follow this consumption trend as well. This phenomenon has aroused wide attention.

The following reasons can account for college students' preference for famous brands. Above all, in many college students' eyes, a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste. They expect others to admire their high class and good taste. What's more, in modern society, famous brands to some extent are equal to fashion, which has a great attraction to young college students. Besides, parents' spoiling their children helps form their bad consumption habit.

As far as I am concerned, it is irrational for college students to pursue famous brands. After all, most of famous brands are far beyond their consumption ability. Besides, it is not famous brands but a person's noble character that really makes him high class. Therefore, college students should attach more importance to cultivating a good character rather than pursuing famous brands.

以上就是历年四级英语作文的全部内容,【篇三】四级英语作文开头常用的句子 1)关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to 省略.Some people suggest that 省略.2)俗话说……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使今天,它在许多场合仍然使用。

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