
果果英语网 2023-08-08

介绍青海的英语作文?Great Changes in My Hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town,那么,介绍青海的英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


The advantages of hosting Olympics

First of all, I want to say that obviously hosting the 2008 Olympics will do Beijing lots of good. Because if not, the government will be very clear about that, and then the government wouldn’t be eager to host the Olympics.

Then, we can talk about the details. Now Chinese athletes are having more and more gold medals, and the world are paying more and more attention to China. But still, lots of foreigners regard China as an old, poor, unhealthy Asian country. So we should let the world know the truth, and see our developing. And hosting the Olympics is one of the best ways.

A great number of people will come to China to see the Olympics. The tourism will develop extremely fast, and bring China lots of income to manage the country and make it even better. The whole world will see what China is like and how China changes on the TV, radio, and Internet. Of course it will be very crowded when so many people come, especially the population is already huge in Beijing. But we can limit the private cars to run on the main roads, and advocate taking buses and riding bikes more often. If people are still to many, we have to let some out-of-towns leave for weekends to maintain the streets a bit more empty.

In conclusion, I believe we will have successful Olympics in 2008 in Beijing.


Qinghai Province is a sparking jewel set on the northwest plateau of China, wherein the Yangtze River, the Yellow River as well as the Mekong River take their source. The scenic quality of Qinghai's widely varying landscape is superb and enticing, offering from the ranges of gleaming mountains with glacier-capped peaks over 6000 meters high to the gobi desert dunes of Qaidam, from lush ranchland to the sapphire-like lakes of vast area, all this has created a land of marvel, mystery and diversity.

Qinghai Lake is a photographer and artist's paradise of mirrored pastel sunrises, azure beauty in midday and the indigo blues of sunset. The Bird Island on the western tip hosts hundreds of thousand migrate birds, hovering over the sky or diving into the water. Great Lamasery of Kumbum (Taer Lamasery), still one of the living and the most important for believers, was built in 1560. With Tsongkhapa, who found the Yellow sect of lamas and was born in here, all solemn religious celebrations observed here to his honor. The excellent collection in Kumbum are an eyeful of classic Chinese-Tibetan architecture which has been preserved in best condition for centuries and its three typical Tibetan Supreme Arts developed by Kumbum's lama artists, that is evident in Yak Butter Sculpture, Frescoes and Embossed Embroidery


Great Changes in My Hometown

I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life.

Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.


My home is in Qinghai, where he will see the blue sky clear water, you will feel the beauty of the Tibetan Plateau. Where there is a salt lake - that is the Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake is a famous tourist place. This is my beautiful home of Qinghai.

Qinghai Province is a sparking jewel set on the northwest plateau of China, wherein the Yangtze River, the Yellow River as well as the Mekong River take their source. The scenic quality of Qinghai's widely varying landscape is superb and enticing, offering from the ranges of gleaming mountains with glacier-capped peaks over 6000 meters high to the gobi desert dunes of Qaidam, from lush ranchland to the sapphire-like lakes of vast area, all this has created a land of marvel, mystery and diversity. Qinghai Lake is a photographer and artist's paradise of mirrored pastel sunrises, azure beauty in midday and the indigo blues of sunset. The Bird Island on the western tip hosts hundreds of thousand migrate birds, hovering over the sky or diving into the water. Great Lamasery of Kumbum (Taer Lamasery), still one of the living and the most important for believers, was built in 1560. With Tsongkhapa, who found the Yellow sect of lamas and was born in here, all solemn religious celebrations observed here to his honor. The excellent collection in Kumbum are an eyeful of classic Chinese-Tibetan architecture which has been preserved in best condition for centuries and its three typical Tibetan Supreme Arts developed by Kumbum's lama artists, that is evident in Yak Butter Sculpture, Frescoes and Embossed Embroidery.



Qinghai Province is a sparking jewel set on the northwest plateau of China, wherein the Yangtze River, the Yellow River as well as the Mekong River take their source. The scenic quality of Qinghai's widely varying landscape is superb and enticing, offering from the ranges of gleaming mountains with glacier-capped peaks over 6000 meters high to the gobi desert dunes of Qaidam, from lush ranchland to the sapphire-like lakes of vast area, all this has created a land of marvel, mystery and diversity.

以上就是介绍青海的英语作文的全部内容,My hometown is a small village in qinghai. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital。

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