
果果英语网 2023-08-08




1、Relax: 这是最简单最常用的放松的表达方式,可以直接告诉对方Relax就可以了。

2、Take it easy: 这个表达方式也很常用,意思是放轻松,别操心。

3、Chill out: 这个词组常用于口语,意思是冷静下来,放松一下。

4、Calm down: 这个表达方式有时也可以表示鼓励某个人冷静下来,放宽心态。

5、 Unwind: 这个词语表示舒缓,放松,通常是指可以通过放松身体和心情来缓解压力。

6、 Let your hair down: 这个说法是指关掉一切压力和担忧,尽情放松你的身体和心灵。

7、 Ease off: 这个词语表示减轻压力或放松紧张情绪。



1、深呼吸 - 这是一种简单且有效的方式,通过慢慢地吸气和呼气,可以抚平内心的焦虑和不安,让身体和精神都达到放松的状态。

2、 慢跑或散步 - 通过运动可以释放压力和焦虑,也可以在身体和大脑方面放松。

3、瑜伽 - 瑜伽是一种古老的运动形式,可以大大帮助身体的灵活性和降低压力。





I like to relax in the park on weekends.(我喜欢在周末去公园放松。)

Yoga can help you relax and reduce stress.(瑜伽可以帮助你放松身心,减轻压力。)



After a long day at work, I like to unwind with a good book.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢用一本好书来放松。)

Going for a walk is a great way to unwind and clear your mind.(散步是释放压力、清空心灵的好方法。)




Lass ein bisschen los或Relax physically and psychologically


In the rest time of your study , You can relax yourself


e-mail is more convenient/, that it to say. 对比, furthermore 4, first and foremost高考英语作文精彩短语句型50条 1. 开拓视野 broaden th horizon 2. 保护环境 protect the environment 3. 放松身心 relax oneself 4. 跟上时代 keep up with the times 5. 关心社会 be concerned about the society 6. 美化环境 beautify the environment 7. 保护环境 protect the environment 8. 提升生活质量启碰 improve the qualities of life 9. 提升生活水平 improve the standard of living 10. 对---有益 be benefical to 11. 对---有害 be harmful to/,to start with;chart;obey the school rules 27. 遇到交通阻塞 be caught in the traffic jams 28. 养成---习惯 form the habit of doing 29. 不遗余力 spare no efforts to do 30. 增加生活乐趣 increase the pleasures of life 31. 解除紧张和焦虑 relieve the tension and anxiety 32.搭旁森 感到振奋 be encouraged/, nevertheless 6,--- 综上所述高考英语作文常见过度语, as a result;图表可以看出 50. With all the reasons/:for one thing---for another, from my point of view;with the letter, as well as:in my opinion, owing to. 个人看法. 49. According to the figure/: 1, take ---as an example 2, to conclude, because of;gift for 21. 有积极影响 have a positive effect on 22. 接受教育 receive education 23. 采取措施 take measures to do 24. 把知亩握机会 seize the opportunity 25. 实现目标 achieve the aim 26. 服从校规 follow/:in conclusion, therefore 3, in brief 7, moreover:in the first place.根据数字/grow trees 40. 树立楷模 set a good example 41. 满足需要 meet the demands 42. 随着---的发展 with the development of 43. Opinions on this matter vary from person to person, to sum up, Last but not the least;reasonable to do---. 44. Everything has o sides and ---is not exception, besides. 补充/, in a word, such as;do harm to 12. 防止污染 prevent the pollution 13. 有很深了解 have a deep understanding of 14. 英文很好 have a good mand of 15. 有广泛知识 have a wide range of knowledge 16. 参加课外活动 dake part in the club activities 17. 尽力所为 tdo what one can to de sth 18. 给人深刻印象 make a dep impression on 19. 扮演重要角色 play an important part/. 45. The reasons are as follows 46. I’m strongly in favor of---, thus. 并列. 结论. 47. I (don’t) think it necessary/, including 5, on one one hand---on the other hand, however, it can be seen thar---. 举例. 48. Compared to/has more advantages. 因果;opinions mentioned above, what’s more;递进:for example:not only--- but also:thanks to, in addition;role in 20. 有---才能 have a talent/inspired 33. 贡献国家 contribute oneself to the country 34. 取得进步 make progress in 35. 盼望 look forward to doing 36. 不胜感激 I’d appreciate it 37. 毫无疑问 There is do doubt that 38. 陶冶品德 cultivate the character 39. 种植树木 plant/ his arrival.(高级) ③If she doesn', the little girl knows so many things:①It disappointed everybody that he didn'. Her position was well written;t agree.(高级) ②I happened to have met him、使用不定式 例. (高级) 三、改变语态 例.(高级) 六、改变时态 例;t turn up disappointed everybody;t believe.(高级) 七.(一般) You can go out on condition that(provided that) you e back before six o':He is so kind that he can help me, you can go out;clock:The girl is spoken highly of:①I won't turn up;ll e tomorrow! (高级) 二, please give me an e-mail.(一般) Once seen.(高级) 八, please give me an e-mail、使用状语从句 例.(一般) He is so kind as to help me.(高级) ②If you e back before six o'.(高级) 五一:①When he arrives.(一般) The girl whose position was well written is spoken highly of;t believe what he says.(高级) 四.(高级) ③To his surprise;t agree;clock, I won'?(一般) Supposing that she doesn'.(高级) ②If the weather permits.(一般) It happened that I had met him、使用定语从句 例, I', what shall we do, weather permitting、使用过去分词 例.(一般) Followed by many students、使用名词性从句 例.(一般) The fact that he didn', it can never be fotten, she walked out of the lab.(一般) I'.(一般) No matter what he says, it can never be fotten.(一般) There goes the bell.(高级) ②Once it is seen.(一般) On arriving/、使用V-ing形式 例.(一般) What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things;ll e tomorrow:People suggest that the conference be put off:The bell is ringing now:①She walked out of the lab and many students followed her, what shall we do?(高级) 九.(一般) It is suggested that the conference be put off1,主要是多用,做题时多留意,有心的话是可以记住的。

以上就是放松身心英语的全部内容,1、Relax: 这是最简单最常用的放松的表达方式,可以直接告诉对方Relax就可以了。2、Take it easy: 这个表达方式也很常用,意思是放轻松,别操心。3、Chill out: 这个词组常用于口语,意思是冷静下来,放松一下。4、。

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