
果果英语网 2023-08-09

一年级上册英语跟读?美国英语的字母与发音之间有一定的关系,形成了一套说明各个字母或字母组合在什么情况下读什么音的规则,称为读音规则。KK音标第一组:/i ɪ p b t d/ /i/ 长元音,嘴角微微张开,牙床接近合,双唇向两边伸展,那么,一年级上册英语跟读?一起来了解一下吧。








Unit 5 Fruit

Students' book Page 22

Let's act.

Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach.

Smell the melon. Feel the apple. Taste the peach.

贺颂Students' book Page 23

Let's talk

This is an apple. That’s a pear.

This is an apple. That’s a pear.

Students' book Page 24

Let's learn


orange orange

melon melon

peach peach

lemon lemon

apple apple

pear pear


orange orange

melon melon

peach peach

lemon lemon

apple apple

pear pear

Students' book Page 25

Let's play

(1)What is this? It is a pear. It is an apple.

(2)It is an apple.

(1)What is this? It is a pear. It is an apple.

(2)It is an apple.

Students' book Page 26

Let's enjoy story

(1)Is this an apple? Yes, it is.

和桐(2)Is this a lemon? Yes, it is.

(3)Is this a pear? Yes, it is.

(4)Is this a banana? No, it is not!

唤拍坦(1)Is this an apple? Yes, it is.

(2)Is this a lemon? Yes, it is.

(3)Is this a pear? Yes, it is.

(4)Is this a banana? No, it is not!

Work book Page 16

Listen and draw the fruit on the plate.





Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival

Students' book Page 27

Let's act.

Look at your hands. Wash your hands. Eat a cake.

Look at your hands. Wash your hands. Eat a cake.

Students' book Page 28

Let's talk

What do you like to eat? I like to eat mooncakes.

What do you like to eat? I like to eat mooncakes.

Students' book Page 29

Let's learn


taro taro

moon moon

bean bean

leaf leaf

mooncake mooncake

autunmn autumn


taro taro

moon moon

bean bean

leaf leaf

mooncake mooncake

autunmn autumn

Students' book Page 30

Let's play

You have got a cake. Yes, I have got a cake.

You have got a tara. No, I have got a leaf.

You have got a cake. Yes, I have got a cake.

You have got a tara. No, I have got a leaf.

Students' book Page 31

Let's enjoy Song

Moon, moon, Big and yellow, Big and yellow, Moon, moon, moon!

Workbook Page 20

Listen and circle the correct picture.



My name is ~~~~~~~~

I am ~~~~ years old

Where is[are] my~~~~~~~~?

What is this in English?

What color is it?




以上就是一年级上册英语跟读的全部内容,小学一年级英语上册第五单元牛津版知识 小学生学英语不能盲目的死记硬背,掌握良好的学习方法比较重要。下面是我为大家分享牛津版小学一年级英语上册第五单元,欢迎大家阅读浏览。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。

下一篇: 挑战自己用英语怎么说,面对问题用英语怎么说
上一篇: 少的英语怎么读,大的英语发音