
果果英语网 2023-07-28

英语奥赛?2.背单词至少达到六级单词全部都会的水准,在此基础上背英语竞赛必备词汇。反复反复重复重复是王道!3.提前练习听力,至少提前两个月左右!可以网易云或者喜马拉雅听一些bbc或者其他英文新闻之类的,保证听力 智商在线。那么,英语奥赛?一起来了解一下吧。


1 意思:她如果不如妈妈高至少和妈妈一样高。

2 问:你想要什么样的咖啡? (即咖啡怎么弄)答:越浓越好。


3 秋天是忙碌的孝梁季节,农民会收麦子。get in---收获

4 in the end 表示经过周折,等待或努力出现了某种结果埋慎塌,没有in the end of

at the end只表示结弯圆尾或末端,at the end of在……结束时或在……尽头

by the end of 截止到……结束时,一般用在过去完成时态











4.at the end of和by the end of后面接宾语,区别就是at和御游咐by的区别磨宽:at是在某一点上,by是到什么为止。

没有in the end of,只有in the end,是个副词短语,“最后, 终于”的意思,相当于finally。


答案是:C. if (如果)

What will you do if you can't find your key to the door?




分类:教育/科学 >> 外语学习




有这么样的题目:第一项听力其中除普通听力类型外还有BBC VOA的原声录音,接着就有阅读还有给短文的问题回答,需要自己总结。两篇作文。完形填空。智力题当然是英语的,比如猜词了等等还有词汇考察就这么多吧



( )1.Unlike your city,there are a lot of cars in our city.

A.The same as B.Different from C.Loving D.Not liking

( )2.Nearly ten students aren't there today.

A.About B.More than C.As many as D.Not far

(羡搏 )3.I'禅派春m pleased to help Jack with his Chinese.

A.afraid B.kind C.glad D.sad

( )4.He went out and did a lot of shopping.

A.many B.much C.a little D.few

( )5.The party went on when I left.

A.didn't stop B.stopped C.was over D.began

( )6.Please give my best wishes to everyone else in our class.

A.say hello to B.give a message to

C.give my thanks to D.buy a dear present to

( )7.Will you pay for the meal or shall I?

A.help yourself to B.make tea for C.give out money for D.pass on

( )8.Please make a phone call to Ann and ask her if she wants to e over.

A.make up B.look up C.ring up D.put up

( )9.The work goes on well when the people do it one after another in good order.

A.take time B.take exercises C.take turning D.take turns

( )10.She is not very clever,but I like her all the same.

A.all right B.not yet C.still D.as usual


( )11.----________I have a look at your new watch? -------Yes, please.

A. May B. Need C. Dare D. Must

( )12. ________fine weather we have today!

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

( )13.You may watch TV this evening, ______ you must finish the exercise first.

A. so B. or C. and D. but

( )14.We couldn't use the milk because it had _______ bad.

A. been B. gone C. e D. made

( )15. -----I'm so glad to see you here, Mike. -------What ______ you here today?

A. makes B. carries C. brings D. takes

( )16. -----Pass me the pencil, please. -------__________.

A. Yes, please. B.That's right. C. Excuse me. D. Here you are.

( )17.We go into town by bus because the car________ is always full.

A. park B. place C. house D. stop

( )18. It's the first time that Tom has been to the Summer Palace, ________?

A. isn't he B.hasn't he C.hasn't it D.isn't it

( )19.She has a very nice watch. She said she bought ti _____only 10 yuan.

A.for B. at C. with D. in

( )20.Put the book -_______ it wa, Peter.

A.while B.that C.where D. there

( )21.The woman said,"Yes, I'll buy that one. It's _______ me."

A. too good to B.too good for C. good enough to D.good enough for

( )22.----Did she tell anything about it? -------No, she said_________.

A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything.

( )23.Never fet _______"Thank you' when someone helps you.;

A. to speak B. to say C.telling D. talking

( )24.----May I go now? ------No, you _______. You _______ stay here.

A. needn't ; have to B. needn't ; must C. mustn't ; have to D.mustn't ; has to

( )25.Class Three ______ a map. The map is on the wall of ______classroom.

A.has ; its B.have ; their C. there is ; its D. there are ; their

( )26. Why not -______ to the English evening now?

A. go B. to go C. going D. is going

( )27.How long does it ______ you to travel from Beijing to Shanghai?

A. spend B. take C. make D. use

( )28.----Where have you been? -----I have been to _________.

A. the Smith's B. the Smith C.Smiths' D.Smith

( )29.The children sang not Chinese song this time ______English song.

A. but B.besides C. except D. by

( )30.The word "hour" has ______ "h" , ______"u" and ______ "r'' in it.

A. an; an; a B.a; an; an C.an; a ; an D. a; an; a



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