
果果英语网 2023-07-25

单句语法填空?1. had done 2. is offered 3. protecting 4. was sweeping 5. to show 6. have eaten 7. frequently 8. to 9. enrich 10. so,1,单句语法填空。那么,单句语法填空?一起来了解一下吧。




In this sentence, “containing” is a gerund, an adjective to describe more about the letter.


1.a,the same.

what a coincidence 是固定搭配,意味“多巧啊”。


2.to lack of 他工作很好,但是明带他好像缺乏自信。

3.for 句子后面半句是把备槐如介词短语提前了,恢复语序之后就是仿启:look for a book

about it in your local library. 整句的意思是:在你去一个名胜旅行之前,在你



if well prepared=if he/she is well prepared.


1, expands2, is made 3, takes4, was placed 5, came6, thought7, will8, can9, makes10, is read11, have become12, had been interviewed 13, was crossing14, was standing15, have learned


1. had done 2. is offered 3. protecting 4. was sweeping 5. to show

6. have eaten 7. frequently 8. to 9. enrich 10. so,1,单滑神句语法银岩填空。 1. By the time he got home, his wife ______ (do) all the housework.

2. In the United States, lunch _______ (offer) to students for free at school.

3. The first step towards _______ (protect) the environment is to live a "信搏亏low-carbon" lifestyle.

4. While I ______ (sweep) the floor yesterday, the telephone rang.

5. The audience are requested _______ (show) their tickets when they enter the cinema.

6. They _______ (eat) up all the food, but they still feel hungry.

7. We meet each other _______ (frequent) in this hotel.

8. I prefer basketball _______ football.

9. By reading we can ________ (rich) our vocabulary and improve our English.

10. My friend is growing _______ tired of English words that he wants to give it up.

以上就是单句语法填空的全部内容,I received a letter containing some important information about the project.这个句子中 的主干是 I received a letter.contain some information作定语修饰 letter, letter同时又是contain的逻辑主语。

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