
果果英语网 2023-10-02

托福作文模板?托福独立写作开头中间结尾模板 开头:1、In response to the problem, some people may argue that___ But is it? Close analysis does not bear out the argument.2、那么,托福作文模板?一起来了解一下吧。





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Taking a lot of time to make an important decision is often considered as a bad quality for a person. However, some people think that it is a good quality for a person.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

范文1:Argument 1 (for)

It is wise to take plenty of time to make an important decision. If you stop to think, you can make a logical decision that is not based on passing emotions. Time lets you evaluate possible outcomes and consult with others.

Most importantly, emotions can cloud logical thinking. Giving yourself adequate time to consider a problem lets you look at it calmly. For example, I once got into an argument with a co-worker and was furious enough to quit my job. In my anger, it was the best decision, because I could not imagine looking at that person again. However, I went home and thought about what had happened. As I calmed down, I realized it would be better to talk with my supervisor and the co- worker. The next day I did. Now we work together well. I have a good job, but I would not if I had made the decision to quit in haste and anger.

Not only does taking time allow anger to fade, it also gives time to think through possibilities. It is important to look not just at the immediate decision, but also at its effects into the future. Considering different outcomes and possibilities can be a slow process. In the argument with my co-worker, I needed to look not just at my immediate satisfaction of getting away from the person I argued with. I needed consider what would happen if I quit my job: I could not pay my bills or save money for fun activities. I would need to find a different job. Any important decision has dozens of effects, so it is wise to evaluate what those might be.

Finally, you can get the opinion of others if you take time. You can discuss the situation with family or friends. You can consult the internet or other resources. If you get the advice of people who are not involved or who have more experience, you will have a greater chance of seeing all sides of the problem. You have all the information you need to analyze the different possibilities. For example, if I had talked with my family about quitting my job, they might have suggested changing to a new department in the same company, or other reasonable solutions that I may not have thought of on my own.

Giving yourself time to think lets you base the decision on logic, think about potential effects, and find more information. Therefore, it is wise to take time when making an important decision.

emotions can cloud logical thinking 情绪会模糊或影响逻辑思维

in my anger 在我愤怒的时候

in haste and anger 在匆忙和愤怒的情况下

allow anger to fade 让愤怒消退

the immediate decision 立即做出的决定

the different possibilities 不同的可能性

base the decision on logic根据逻辑做出决定

范文2:Argument 2 (against)

When it comes to making a decision, you should go with your instincts and commit to an answer as soon as possible. If you take too long to consider, you can inconvenience others, miss opportunities, and make a poor decision.

It is important to remember that your decisions affect not just you but also the people around you. They must wait for your answer before they can go on with their own activities and plans. For example, if you are thinking about going on a vacation, you need to arrange for someone to take care of your pets or home. That person can’t make other plans until he or she finds out if you really are going. Therefore, if you take too much time to make a decision, other people are inconvenienced.

You might also miss opportunities if you are very slow about making a decision. While you are thinking, an event might be filled, a sale might end, or an offer might be withdrawn. The vacation example is a good illustration. If you see an advertisement for a cruise and take too long to respond, there may be no spaces left because other people responded faster. The friend offering to care for your pet cat may decide to do something else for the weekend, leaving you without help. In the end, your careful consideration was for nothing because the opportunity to go on vacation is no longer there.

One last concern about debating for a long time is that only you can know what is right for yourself. Everyone has different opinions, and those opinions may or may not apply to you.Others mean well by giving you advice, but they do not know every detail about you. For example, it is common for others to suggest entering a career where you can make lots of money, such as becoming a doctor or lawyer. However, if you like working outside alone, you will be unhappy and stressed in a career like that. Instead, you should follow your own instincts and enter a lower-paying career that you are happy in, such as becoming a gardener. If you allow yourself time to change your mind and listen to others, you will end up feeling unfulfilled or disappointed.

Therefore, it is important to make decisions in a timely manner. If you take too long to think them over, you can cause problems for others, miss opportunities, or follow a path that is not ideal.

go with your instincts 根据你的直觉去做,凭直觉行事

be inconvenienced 不方便

your careful consideration was for nothing 你的仔细考虑是徒劳的,是无用的

others mean well by giving you advice 别人基于好意给予你建议

a lower-paying career 一份薪水稍低的职业

allow yourself time to 给自己时间去做

in a timely manner 及时地






Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.



Both good and bad students should have the opportunity to attend college. Everyone should have a period to learn about themselves before they begin to work and earn money. An education is an investment in yourself and in your future. Good or bad, a student must decide to invest real money and real time.

Higher education is very expensive. It might seem like a waste of money to send someone to college who might not be able to handle the course work. Still, education is a valuable investment in future career earnings. People with college degrees make more money and have more opportunities later. If people have a desire to improve their lives, do we have the right to say no?

Higher education is also a big investment of time. Some people think a weak student should get a job and earn some money. They think poor students shouldn’t waste their time at college. But college is a time to meet different people, separate from your parents, and begin to define yourself as a person. I think that’s an experience every student should have.

I think every student should be given a chance to see how far she can go. Students who got poor grades in high school might do very well in a different environment. College may be expensive and take time, but it’s an investment in one’s self and one’s future.


investment:投资,投资额; 封锁; (时间、精力的)投入; 值得买的东西



Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester, but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons. Which do you think is better?

Universities or schools that require students to take class in a many subjects offer a different education experience from those that encourage students to study three or four lessons during a semester. Personally, I approve that it is better to take a small number of courses during a semester.

Admittedly, students who complete numerous courses will receive a well-rounded education. They would be able to develop their knowledge in different areas , and they would also gain the opportunity to find out what they are truly interested in, as they will be exposed to a variety of fields of study. It also allows them to apply for a wide range of jobs if they are knowledgeable. However, we cannot neglect the negative effect of taking many courses on their educational process.

To start with, studying many subjects simultaneously puts high-level pressure on students and is harmful to their learning efficiency. Heavy load of homework, constant exams or intense competition among classmates cannot be avoided if students study a large number of courses during a semester. When facing the assignments from the subjects of math, chemistry, literature, English, geography, etc., it is difficult for students to finish all of them very well, since there are limited hours in the day. It is understandable that few things are more frustrating than the moment when you fail to complete your homework. In the English class, you might be worried about not having done the math homework, which naturally exerts negative effects on the effectiveness of gaining knowledge. You will also feel upset if you find that other students around you are able to answer the questions easily. At the end of the semester, the heavy pressure of test preparation will be beyond your imagination. The best way to solve this problem is to reduce the number of lessons, so that you could keep up with all of them and then improve the learning efficiency.

In addition, when students take a large number of courses during a semester, they tend to be pretty busy and they have no spare time to do other meaningful things, such as participating in social activities or communicating with their families and friends. It is normal for students to run from one class to the next without time to have a short break. Then they are exhausted after taking classes for the whole day, still with a large amount of homework to do, saying nothing of taking part in wonderful activities. In this situation, they are unable to enroll in the internship to acquire practical experience, or to carry out experiments in the laboratory, which is valuable for their academic performance. Moreover, it is impossible for them to get involved in unpaid community service such as looking after the aged in the neighborhood, teaching children English in isolated areas or helping the traffic police with guiding the transportation, which give students a way of seeing the world from another perspective besides just studying at school.

In conclusion, compared with studying many subjects during a semester, taking a small number of courses enables students to obtain knowledge accurately, reduces their study burden, and offers them more spare time for community service and interests.




题目:Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while doing their homework.




[1] Firstly, it is impossible for students to concentrate on their homework while doing something else at the same time. [2] This is because homework usually demands a relatively quiet place and full concentration from the student. [3] Conversely, if a student is doing homework and listening to music or surfing online as well, his or her attention will be torn apart, and the efficiency of finishing homework will be inevitably affected. [4] A good case in point is my own experience. [5] When I am working on a mission such as preparing a presentation, I have to devote all my attention to it and cannot afford any slight disturbance. [6] If I randomly refresh my Weibo or Wechat on cell phone, my job would be bound to last for a longer time.

[1] 主题句:It is + adj. + for sb. to do A.

[2] 正面说理:This is because…雹中蔽.

[3] 反面说理:Conversely….

[4] 引出例子:A good case in point is X’s experience.

[5-6] 阐述例子: Content of the example


It is important or beneficial for sb. to do A in order to X. This is because A 对于 X 的重要性或者好处。





Conventional agricultural practices contribute to water pollution affecting both our health and the environment. Only 1% of the pesticides applied to crops actually reach the pests they target, while the remaining 99% of these chemicals enter the environment. The contamination of soil and groundwater changes our terrestrial and aquatic environment and poses a threat to native wildlife. Many species are dependent on clean water and are now endangered because of contaminants in the water. For example, synthetic fertilizers have resulted in an 8,000-square-mile ‘dead zone’ in the Gulf of Mexico where thousands of fish have perished due to oxygen deprivation. Contradictorily, organic agriculture usually uses animal manures as fertilizers which tend to enhance the soil structure as well as reduce the risk of groundwater pollution.


apply to 应用于…

✎ apply one’s mind to

pose a threat to 威胁到

=threaten, intimidate

✎ Many students endure too much pressure from their teachers, which poses a threat to their health and self-confidence.


环境保护 environmental protection

生态 ecosystem

生态平衡 ecological balance

环境污染 environmental contamination/pollution

环境破坏 environmental destruction

环境恶化 environmental degradation

排放化学污染物 discharge chemical pollutants

排放温室气体 emit greenhouse gases


✎ Although modern agriculture methods damage the environment, providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment. (2014.10.11)

✎ Although many countries are concerned about environmental problems, the current situation is unlikely to change in the future. (2013.3.30/2011.6.11)

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